Manjaro Linux Forum
Manjaro-settings-manager has light theme instead of dark
12 March 2024 20:03
$ sudo pacman -S kvantum-qt5
solved it but highlight color is blue instead of green
[Testing Update] 2024-03-16 - Kernel, Calamares, Mesa, Plasma 6, KF 6, KDE Gear 24.04, LibreOffice
[Testing Update] 2024-04-04 - GNOME 46, Plasma, Qt, LibreOffice
[Testing Update] 2024-05-25 - Mesa 24.0.8, Gitlab 17.01
[Stable Update] 2024-10-10 - Kernels, Pacman 7.0, KDE Frameworks 6.6, Virtualbox 7.1.2, Mesa
[Stable Update] 2024-05-29 - Kernels, Plasma 6.0.5, GNOME 46.2, Mesa
[Testing Update] 2024-04-22 - GNOME, Plasma, Thunderbird, Kwin, Mutter
[Testing Update] 2024-04-12 - Mesa, KDE Gear, Phosh, Qt6, Kodi 21.0, HHD, HHD-UI
[Stable Update] 2024-08-20 - Kernels, Mesa, COSMIC, GNOME, Phosh, OGUI
[Testing Update] 2024-04-19 - Kernels, Plasma, Firefox, Thunderbird, PipeWire, NVIDIA
[Testing Update] 2024-03-16 - Kernel, Calamares, Mesa, Plasma 6, KF 6, KDE Gear 24.04, LibreOffice
[Testing Update] 2024-03-23 - Pacman 6.1, KDE Gear, Nvidia, Gstreamer, AMD ROCm
[Testing Update] 2024-04-14 - Kernels, KDE Frameworks 6.1, Xorg-Server, InputPlumber
[Stable Update] 2024-11-30 - Kernels, Plasma, GNOME, COSMIC, LXQT, SYSTEMD
[Testing Update] 2024-04-24 - Wine 9.7, Kernel 6.9prc5, Firefox 125, WirePlumber
[Testing Update] 2024-04-28 - Kernels, Python 3.12, Mesa, NVIDIA, Systemd, GStreamer
[Stable Update] 2024-06-10 - Kernels, Systemd, NVIDIA, Mesa, Qt5
[Stable Update] 2024-07-01 - Kernels, Systemd, KDE Gear, LibreOffice, Firefox, Wine, Qemu
[Testing Update] 2024-05-02 - Kernels, Firefox, GStreamer
Appearance issue on XFCE (with QT ?)
[Stable Update] 2024-07-16 - Kernels, Firefox, Thunderbird, Nvidia, Systemd, LibreOffice
[Testing Update] 2024-05-08 - Kernels, InputPlumber, LibPamac, Mhwd-DB, LibreOffice, LxQt 2.0, VirtualBox
[Stable Update] 2024-09-02 - Kernels, Pipewire, Systemd, LibreOffice, OGUI, Inputplumber, Firefox
[Stable Update] 2024-12-06 - Systemd, Qt 6.8.1, Mesa, Gstreamer, Wireplumber
[Stable Update] 2024-07-29 - Kernels, Virtualbox, Wine, KDE Frameworks
[Stable Update] 2024-08-08 - Kernels, Nvidia, Mesa, AMDVLK, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pipewire, Wine
[Testing Update] 2024-05-14 - Linux Firmware, Mkinitcpio, PHP, Plymouth
[Stable Update] 2024-10-01 - Kernels, Plasma 6.1.5, KDE Gear 24.08.1, LibreOffice, Virtualbox 7.1
[Testing Update] 2024-05-23 - ICU 75.1, InputPlumber, Plasma 6.0.5, LibreOffice, NextCloud
[Stable Update] 2024-05-13 - Kernels, Plasma 6, Gnome 46, LxQT 2.0, Nvidia, Pacman
Always read post 2 for potential issues and solutions
[Stable Update] 2024-05-18 - Linux-Firmware, PHP, Gitlab, Qt6
[Testing Update] 2024-05-18 - Kernels, Systemd, Toolchain, Mesa, Firefox, Thunderbird
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