[Testing Update] 2024-04-04 - GNOME 46, Plasma, Qt, LibreOffice

Hello community, here we have another set of package updates.

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Finding information easier about Manjaro

Finding information easier about Manjaro always has been a topic that needed to be solved. With our new search we have put all Manjaro data accessible in one place and divided by sections so it makes it easier to digest: New Manjaro search engine is available | Blog


Notable Package Updates

A list of all package changes can be found here

Additional Info

Info about AUR packages

:warning: AUR (Arch User Repository) packages are neither supported by Arch nor Manjaro. Posts about them in Announcements topics are off-topic and will be flagged, moved or removed without warning.

For help with AUR packages, please create a new topic in AUR and a helpful volunteer may be able to assist you.

Get our latest daily developer images now from Github: Plasma, GNOME, XFCE. You can get the latest stable releases of Manjaro from CDN77.

Our current supported kernels

  • linux419 4.19.311
  • linux54 5.4.273
  • linux510 5.10.214
  • linux515 5.15.154
  • linux61 6.1.85
  • linux66 6.6.26
  • linux68 6.8.5
  • linux61-rt 6.1.83_rt28
  • linux66-rt 6.6.23_rt28
  • linux67-rt 6.7_rt6

Package Changes (Thu Apr 4 07:49:16 CEST 2024)

  • testing core x86_64: 40 new and 39 removed package(s)
  • testing extra x86_64: 2579 new and 2524 removed package(s)
  • testing multilib x86_64: 32 new and 32 removed package(s)

A list of package Changes can be found here

  • No issue, everything went smoothly
  • Yes there was an issue. I was able to resolve it myself.(Please post your solution)
  • Yes i am currently experiencing an issue due to the update. (Please post about it)
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Check if your mirror has already synced:


Known issues and solutions

This is a wiki post; please edit as necessary.
Please, consider subscribing to the Testing Updates Announcements RSS feed

Please RTFT (Read This Fine Thread) first before reporting the same issues over and over again!

:arrow_right: 2024-04-04


Konsole font rendering issue

if you use manjaro-zsh-config on Plasma 6,
please check your Font settings in Konsole:

Konsole: Open Settings → Edit Current Profile → Appearance,
click Select Font and select MesloLGS NF Regular.


Plasma 6 issues with Manjaro themes & tools

Prepare for a Plasma 6 release (#2) · Issues · Release plan / KDE · GitLab

DKMS fails for v4l2loopback on 6.8 kernel

DKMS fails for v4l2loopback on 6.8 kernel (#2) · Issues · Arch Linux / Packaging / Packages / v4l2loopback · GitLab

New version of kvantum does not support QT5 theme

Install new package kvantum-qt5 for QT5 theme support
required for manjaro-settings-manager and audacious

pamac install kvantum-qt5

If Theme shows wrong colors:

cd $HOME; ln -s .profile .xprofile

Manjaro-settings-manager has light theme instead of dark

issues with auto-mount of ntfs filesystem using Kernel 6.8

The kernel changed default ntfs driver from FUSE one to ntfs3.
These two are not fully compatible, mainly as far as mount options go. If you have custom mount options in the fstab (or any other application, such as VeraCrypt) they need to be changed.

Mount fails with: Device or resource busy
DMesg reports: Can't open blockdev

Migrate your mount options. For me the changes were:

  • allow_otherumask=000
  • default_permissions → [drop]
  • user_id=1000uid=1000
  • group_id=1000gid=1000


gnome-keyring: ssh component is not included

ssh component is not included (#3) · Issues · Arch Linux / Packaging / Packages / gnome-keyring · GitLab


polkit update might remove your local modified config

With polkit 124-1 there were changes made to etc/pam.d/polkit-1. So check if you made local changes to the file. See also: https://old.reddit.com/r/archlinux/comments/19bnj0i/todays_update_moved_polkit1_to_polkit1pacsave/kit2v33/

bashrc-manjaro is now merged into bash

Yes, replace bashrc-manjaro with bash

pacman and pacman-contrib changes

pacman-contrib is now split out from pacman. If you have anything installed that depends on pacman-contrib, update with:

sudo pacman -Syu pacman-contrib


Making dbus-broker our default D-Bus daemon

2024-01-09 - Jan Alexander Steffens

We are making dbus-broker our default implementation of D-Bus, for improved performance, reliability and integration with systemd.

For the foreseeable future we will still support the use of dbus-daemon, the previous implementation. Pacman will ask you whether to install dbus-broker-units or dbus-daemon-units. We recommend picking the default.

For a more detailed rationale, please see our RFC 25.

Arch Linux - News: Making dbus-broker our default D-Bus daemon

Previous testing threads:

Unfortunately this update seems to have broken KDE6 HDR mode. HDR is enabled but the colors look very washed out. I connected the same monitor to another computer before and after the update and it went from vibrant HDR to muted washed out picture with the update. I’m connected over Display Port, kernel 6.8. It happens both on a 7840u APU and 6900xt. I’ve disabled HDR for now. Other than that everything seems great!

After this update I’ve had the problem described here. For the moment I solved downgrading gdm.

Issue with kernel linux68 persists concerning extfs:

Can’t open blockdev

8 posts were split to a new topic: Plasma panel does not float

And once again copy, as I still am unable to edit the wiki post:

For anyone experiencing issues with auto-mount of ntfs filesystem using Kernel 6.8:
The kernel changed default ntfs driver from FUSE one to ntfs3.
These two are not fully compatible, mainly as far as mount options go. If you have custom mount options in the fstab (or any other application, such as VeraCrypt) they need to be changed.

Mount fails with: Device or resource busy
DMesg reports: Can't open blockdev

Migrate your mount options. For me the changes were:

  • allow_otherumask=000
  • default_permissions → [drop]
  • user_id=1000uid=1000
  • group_id=1000gid=1000

[ nikgnomic: comment added to Known issues & Solutions 2024-03-16 ]


The way official gnome-shell-extension-custom-accent-colors gets patched for Manjaros maia is not working 100% successfully. The border of the input fields in the application overview and in the dialog coming up asking for credentials don’t get styled with maia color.
Also when using the dash to panel extension, the application overview button gets shrinked. If I switch to another color everything works flawlessly.
I looked into the stylesheets. From version 9 to version 10 the parents stylesheets changed a lot. The patched in maia stylesheet still looks like version 9, which probably explains the issue.

application overview

credentials input dialog

application overview button

Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-04-05 10-53-19
Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-04-05 10-53-40

My Can't open blockdev is concerning a microSD, not declared within /etc/fstab.
It’s not a ntfs but an extfs filesystem.
And fuse is involved I think…

I suppose the modifications suggested are for /etc/fstab. An other file? Which one?

Solution found ! :smiley:

Replace package exfat-utils by exfatprogs.


Thank you so much, Stephix!
I battled this issue for hours now xD

did you mean ntfs-3g ?

If anyone who mount NTFS partitions (including Windows) suffers from permission issues even after modifying ntfs to ntfs3 in /etc/fstab.

I already have fast boot disabled in Windows10, so what I did is simply booting into Windows then open all my partitions and shutting down, then boot into Manjaro, and all permissions seem to be fixed.

And for exFAT USBs/drives issues, it’s solved by installing exfatprogs which removes the non-working exfat-utils.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Plasma panel does not float

NTFS3 is the new NTFS driver Paragon Software made for the Linux Kernel.
NTFS-3G is the Fuse driver.


:+1: Windows Fast Startup should always be disabled when multibooting.

I suggest running chkdsk on those NTFS volumes (if you haven’t already), to be doubly sure. Cheers.


Since this update to Gnome 46 I’ve been struggling to switch off bluetooth through the panel. The button doesn’t grey out as expected. I have to execute to sudo systemctl stop bluetooth to turn off bluetooth, at which point the button does grey out. A bit annoying!

If you don’t need BlueTooth at boot-up, then you can disable it systemwide, and then start it manually when you need it. :point_down:

sudo systemctl disable bluetooth

Yeh I did contemplate doing that but then I realise there are times where I do need to use bluetooth. I seem to enjoy switching off and turning on bluetooth manually through GNOME’s panel. The thing is the hanging on the UI side doesn’t always happen.

5 posts were split to a new topic: Issues switching from stable to testing branch

I’m on testing but haven’t synced with this update. I also experience this Bluetooth issue but haven’t spent any time investigating it. It seemed to happen when I started using kernel 6.8.0.

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