Known issues and solutions
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Please RTFT (Read This Fine Thread) first before reporting the same issues over and over again!
Shutdown and Wifi Issues on some AMD systems (including framework)
- Problem: Kernel updates
break shutdown and suspend/resume on the Framework 16 (Ryzen 7 7840HS, no GPU). Kernel 6.6 also seems to break wifi - Workaround: Downgrading back to
restores functionality. It has also been reported that kernel6.9
does not have these issues. - Issue tracking: framework forums
No plasma interface with kernel 6.9 + Nvidia gpu + Wayland
If you encouter a black screen with no inteface after login in, it’s probably a problem with simpledrm loading.
To solve it add nvidia_drm.fbdev=1
to /etc/default/grub
in the line begining with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="
Verify that you also have nvidia_drm.modeset=1
in the same line.
Then exec sudo update-grub
Also, verify that you have nvidia_drm
in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
in the MODULES=
Exemple :
MODULES=(nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm)
If it was not present, then run sudo mkinitcpio -P
after adding it.
Qemu: MacOS is not bootable with 9.0
Due to a bug MacOS is not bootable with 9.0: [9.0.0] qemu breaks mac os vm (#2334) · Issues · QEMU / QEMU · GitLab
Workaround: remove virtio-serial
and org.qemu.guest_agent.0
from libvirt XML until bug will be fixed.
The default KDE Plasma session has been changed to X11
As of Plasma 6, KDE decided to make Wayland the default. However, since issues were discovered, we have reverted the default to X11. Users are free to choose whichever works best for them.
Konsole font rendering issue
if you use manjaro-zsh-config on Plasma 6,
please check your Font settings in Konsole:
Konsole: Open Settings → Edit Current Profile → Appearance,
click Select Font and select MesloLGS NF Regular.
Plasma 6 issues with Manjaro themes & tools
Prepare for a Plasma 6 release (#2) · Issues · Release plan / KDE · GitLab
DKMS fails for v4l2loopback on 6.8 kernel
New version of kvantum does not support QT5 theme
Install new package kvantum-qt5
for QT5 theme support
required for manjaro-settings-manager
and audacious
pamac install kvantum-qt5
If Theme shows wrong colors:
cd $HOME; ln -s .profile .xprofile
issues with auto-mount of ntfs filesystem using Kernel 6.8
The kernel changed default ntfs
driver from FUSE one to ntfs3
These two are not fully compatible, mainly as far as mount options go. If you have custom mount options in the fstab
(or any other application, such as VeraCrypt) they need to be changed.
Mount fails with: Device or resource busy
DMesg reports: Can't open blockdev
Migrate your mount options. For me the changes were:
→ [drop]user_id=1000
gnome-keyring: ssh component is not included
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