I just did an update to my system and after rebooting all I get is a black screen which I cannot get past. I have tried hitting ALT+F2, CTRL+ALT+F2 but nothing seems to be happening.
If I try to boot with a previous kernel from advanced options in GRUB, it says [FAILED] Failed to start Load Kernel Modules, and then it goes onto a blinking cursor where I cannot type anything.
I do have an NVIDIA card, so I don’t know maybe that has something to do with it, sounds similar to what is reported here: forum.manjaro.org/t/solved-failed-to-initialize-the-nvidia-kernel-module/38137, but their error message was slightly different.
I don’t exactly know what I’m supposed to be doing here, so I would really appreciate all the help I can get to resolve this.
Me neither without information, but if I look into my glass globe, i believe i can see that the nvidia driver or the kernel is the problem. Believe I see that the extra-modules are not installed.
5.9.8-2 is the current one which it update to, this just gives me a black screen. The other options I have in GRUB are 5.8.18-1, and 5.7.19-2, both of which give me the failed to load kernel modules error.
Their message was failed to start light display manager
How would I go about installing these at this point?
Yea I’m getting the conflict error too, tried removing 440xx but then I get removing linux58-nvidia-440xx breaks dependency 'linux58-nvidia-440xx' required by linux-latest-nvidia-440xx
Yep just done that actually and then went ahead and removed 440xx. Ran the command to install 455xx and it is currently downloading. I’m really hoping it all goes well and doesn’t break anything else in the process!
It would be good to try to understand what went wrong here to potentially avoid running into the same issue in the future. Every other update I’ve ever done has always gone smooth without any issues from what I could tell, so not sure what went wrong here.
You have installed Kernel 5.9 which does not support nvidia 440xx, therefore it can not boot.
Older Kernel like 5.8 and 5.7 support 440xx.
Now by using the new kernel 5.9 it does not work because no module is there. You have to upgrade the nvidia driver.
Older Installaltions or if you didn’t use mhwd for installing, there is also installed linux-latest-nvidia-440xx which is a meta-package and blocks mhwd due the dependencies. This one have to be removed.
I had this same issue, but after uninstalling the 440xx drivers, I am unable to install the 455xx drivers. When I run sudo mhwd -i pci video-nvidia-455xx, my machine returns a slew of error: failed retrieving file 'multilib.db' errors, follwed by error: failed to synchronize all databases. I receive a similar error when attempting to run sudo pacman -Syyu, which was my first response to the failure to boot.