what can i do to avoid a bug after update. i’ve used manjaro gnome last month and after an update the functionality of the system became very bad … after that i swicthed to manjaro xfce and i find it really fast and today i update my system (manjaro xfce) and then there is a bug again and i have to power off my laptop with the power button and when i restart it. things become good. But i want to ask if there are some solution to avoid that bug. i mean to avoid it to come back again. because i’m really fun of manjaro and it’s features. i don’t want to swith in other distros!
Hi @Chrislin07,
- You aren’t really giving feedback, nor is this about the Wiki, so why did you choose this category?
- There can be many, many bugs some of them because of the same reason, some completely different. Thinking quickly after reading your post, the thing I suggest is that you get to know your system. It might be as simple as you used an older installation media that was built using a kernel that reached end of life and the update thus removed it, causing your Operating system to become unusable.
Due to Manjaro’s rolling release nature, it isn’t an operating system you can install and not do maintenance on. So get to know your system. Know what’s going on, and pay attention to the update Announcements.
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You know that after a big update you should restart your computer, right?
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Please detail.
Please detail.