[Stable Update] 2022-10-05 - Kernels, Systemd, AMDVLK, Deepin, Pamac, QEMU, Thunderbird, Firefox, 0 A.D., Gradience, Linux Firmware, WINE, GNOME, Pipewire

Hello community,

Another stable branch update packed with a lot of updates for you.


We partnered up with Slimbook to bring the Titan Gaming Laptop to our Community, including 50 € launch discount!

  • We updated all our Kernels
    • Note: linux518 / linux518-rt are EOL and have been dropped from the repos
  • Systemd is now at 251.5
  • Firefox is now at 105.0.2
  • Thunderbird got renewed to 102.3.1
  • 0 A.D. introduces The Han via Alpha 26
  • GNOME shipped 42.5 packages.
  • Pamac got prepped for GNOME 43 release
  • QEMU 7 got its first point-release: 7.1.0
  • WINE is now at 7.18
  • KDE Gear 22.08.1 got released
  • KDE Frameworks 5.98.0 improved KDE software a lot
  • LibreOffice is now at 7.3.6 and 7.4.1
  • Cinnamon and Deepin got some fixes and more polish
  • Qt got updates: 5.15.6, 6.3.2
  • Pipewire is now at 0.3.58 which fixed a regression that could cause audio crackling.
  • dkms 3.0.6-2 brings a fix for depreciated fgrep
  • NVIDIA drivers got renewed to 515.76
  • Deepin saw some updates
  • Regular Haskell and Python updates
  • Python 2 was finally dropped from the repos

Additional Info

Info about AUR packages

:warning: AUR (Arch User Repository) packages are neither supported by Arch nor Manjaro. Posts about them in Announcement topics are off-topic and will be flagged, moved or removed without warning.

:information_source: You may need to rebuild any AUR packages that install files to site-packages …

Get our latest daily developer images now from Github: Plasma, GNOME, XFCE. You can get the latest stable releases of Manjaro from CDN77.

Our current supported kernels

  • linux419 4.19.260
  • linux54 5.4.215
  • linux510 5.10.146
  • linux515 5.15.71
  • linux519 5.19.13
  • linux60 6.0.0rc7
  • linux515-rt 5.15.71_rt51
  • linux519-rt 5.19.0_rt10

Package changes (Sun Oct 2 22:27:30 CEST 2022)

  • stable community x86_64: 2289 new and 2205 removed package(s)
  • stable core x86_64: 74 new and 74 removed package(s)
  • stable extra x86_64: 1247 new and 1295 removed package(s)
  • stable kde-unstable x86_64: 419 new and 420 removed package(s)
  • stable multilib x86_64: 47 new and 47 removed package(s)

A list of all package changes can be found here.

  • No issue, everything went smoothly
  • Yes there was an issue. I was able to resolve it myself.(Please post your solution)
  • Yes i am currently experiencing an issue due to the update. (Please post about it)

0 voters

Check if your mirror has already synced:


Known issues and solutions

:information_source: This is a wiki post; please edit as necessary.
:star: Please, consider subscribing to the Stable Updates Announcements RSS feed

Please don’t post to say everything was great on my side or yes, I have the same error but leave the space for people having issues, or even better: for people having solutions!
Use :beer: :coffee: :heart: instead to let us know you’re suffering from the same so we can respond to the highest impacted issues first! :unicorn: :rainbow: :question:

:arrow_right: 2022-10-05

Removing python2 from the repositories

2022-09-23 - Jelle van der Waa

Python 2 went end of life January 2020. Since then we have been actively cutting down the number of projects depending on python2 in our repositories, and we have finally been able to drop it from our distribution. If you still have python2 installed on your system consider removing it and any python2 package.

If you still require the python2 package you can keep it around, but please be aware that there will be no security updates. If you need a patched package please consult the AUR, or use an unofficial user repository.*

Arch Linux - News: Removing python2 from the repositories

* Note: Unofficial user repositories are not supported

Nvidia 3060RTX cards may have issues with the 515.76 driver
ceph, ceph-libs and ceph-mgr dropped to the AUR

These packages will most likely be orphaned and can be removed. See:

Arch Linux - Todo: Removal of ceph

timeshift-gtk dumping core for some setups

ongoing discussion:
Timeshift-gtk dumps core

Openh264 2.3.1-1 update might prevent some applications from launching

With the latest openh264 update so-file name changed. Some applications however still expect so.6. As a workaround the following symlink can be used for now.

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libopenh264.so.2.3.1 /usr/lib/libopenh264.so.6


Changes with Back In Time packages
  • backintime has been renamed to backintime-qt
  • backintime-cli has been renamed to backintime

After replacing backintime-cli with backintime, you will need to install backintime-qt manually if you want the Qt frontend installed again.

electron12, electron13, electron14 & electron16 have been dropped to the AUR

Unsupported Electron packages have been dropped from the official repos to the AUR. They no longer receive security updates and nothing in the repos depend on them.

If you have AUR packages depending on those versions, install the binary version from the AUR to replace them; i.e., electron16-bin.

See FS#75490 - electron12, electron13, electron14, electron16 are unsupported and vulnerable packages

End of Support for 15.x.y and 16.x.y

Electron 15.x.y and 16.x.y has reached end-of-support. As per Electron’s new 8-week cadence, we were supporting the latest four versions of Electron until May 2022. With this Electron 19 release, we’ll return to supporting the latest three major versions, as well as the alpha, beta, and nightly releases.

Release electron v19.0.0 · electron/electron · GitHub

element-desktop dependency error
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing electron (20.0.0-1) breaks dependency 'electron19' required by element-desktop

The upstream package was already flagged out of date (it needs to be rekeyringbuilt against latest electron).

Workaround for now:

sudo pacman -Syy electron electron19 --asdeps
sudo pacman -Su


suil 0.10.16-1 breaks LV2 plugin GUIs in Ardour

Arch removed gtk2 compatibility in suil which is required by Ardour. Best solution is to downgrade to suil-0.10.12-2.

sudo pacman -U https://archive.archlinux.org/packages/s/suil/suil-0.10.12-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst


element-desktop dependency error
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing electron (20.0.0-1) breaks dependency 'electron19' required by element-desktop

The upstream package was already flagged out of date (it needs to be rebuilt against latest electron).

Workaround for now:

sudo pacman -Syy electron electron19 --asdeps
sudo pacman -Su


Glibc 2.36 update will break EasyAntiCheat within Proton (should be fixed with glibc 2.36-2)

The following should no longer be needed:

Temporary workaround for now is to use the flatpak version of steam:

sudo pacman -S flatpak --needed --noconfirm
sudo flatpak install com.valvesoftware.Steam -y

You can use flatseal (another flatpak app) to grant it access to your existing game library so you don’t have to re-download your games (add the game library install path under “Other files” under “Filesystem”).

sudo flatpak install com.github.tchx84.Flatseal -y

For advanced users (not recommended by us): patched glibc and lib32-glibc are available here. They remove the commit that broke EAC.


KDE Wayland: Kickoff "KDE menu", notifications and tooltips show in the upper left corner
  • This is due to an upstream packaging bug, which has since been reverted.
  • In the meantime, you can (temporarily) disable the associated Wayland feature (thanks @ufo_driver):
sudo echo 'export QT_WAYLAND_DISABLE_FIXED_POSITIONS=1' > /etc/profile.d/qt5-wayland-regression.sh
  • It should now be fixed with qt5-wayland 5.15.5+kde+r38-3.
Missing dependency 'gcc8-libs=8.5.0-1' required by gcc8
  • This happens even while gcc8-libs is already installed (8.5.0-1).
  • Fixed by manually uninstalling gcc8 and gcc8-libs.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Strange problems with desktop theme

-> Missing AUR Packages: 1ipw2100-fw ipw2200-fw manjaro-firmware
Hm, should I remove these now? :thinking:

That means those packages are neither in the Manjaro repos nor the AUR. In this case, the packages were dropped from the repos.

They have been long obsolete, so yes.


Cheers for another great update. Everything seems to be working perfectly for me. A shame this didn’t catch Kernel 6.0, just released a few days ago so there wouldn’t have been enough time to test it, hopefully next release!

Take it easy: kernel 6.0, which is equivalent to 5.20 according the guy who writes it, is still in testing in Arch.

5.19 is still good!


We don’t use Arch’s kernel.

linux60 is currently available in the Manjaro unstable branch.


The note of EOL support for linux518 and manjaro-settings-manager saying linux515 is recommended seems a bit odd.

No, it isn’t. 5.15 is an LTS (Long -Term Support) release.


Both pacman and pamac gave me this error:

could not satisfy dependencies:

  • unable to satisfy dependency ‘libcap=2.66’ required by lib32-libcap
  • unable to satisfy dependency ‘expat=2.4.9’ required by lib32-expat

You’re in a partial upgrade state. You may have out of date mirrors, see Pacman-mirrors - Manjaro

So 5.15 is just another step along the ladder of version numbers, numbering didn’t switch to 6.x when it got set aside for LTS, it just continued and from what I’ve heard 6.0 is just another step along the ladder, Linus just wanted a next major revision.

Not sure I’ll ever get used to kernel version numbers. :confused:

In any case, I was able to put my computer to sleep and wake it again, so it seems this month’s stable release is working better than last month’s, at least for my system (so far).

My mistake.

Still, kernel 6 is not all that exciting, I don’t think. But what do I know.

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Hey everyone, after updating timeshift can’t save backup. Approximately 30% does and closes. A copy of exactly RSYNS. Kernel 5.19, BTRFS

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I got a black screen after updating and booting to the latest stable.
After searching the web it seems like a lot of people with nvidia 30x0 series cards and using HDMI have the same issues with driver 515.76, display port users seems to be unaffected. Downgrading the drivers seems to solve the issue. A known workaround that worked for me is to disconnect the HDMI cable, boot the OS up to the login prompt, and then connect the cable again… hilarious =)

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OBS 28 crashes Gnome on Wayland, tried 2 PCs.

I run X11 in Plasma, it doesn’t run in Wayland at all. I also tested the window capture, it does not capture the window until you refresh it, for example, by launching a new tab
Here is a short video

Conflict between manjaro-pulse and pipewire-jack. Had to remove manjaro-pulse as it was not needed by anything.

sudo pacman -R manjaro-pulse

Similar or same problem as Angel2035. Before update did a Timeshift backup (manually) for a most recent backup. After the update read angel2035’s post. Told Timeshift to make another manual backup, it started and then quit without writing anything to the backup drive. I see where I ran the backup in the Timeshift gui.log but no errors there and no backup. log. I back up every day automatically and have both a gui.log and backup.log for each successful backup. Kernel 5.15.71-1 Stable Manjo KDE Plasma desktop. EXT4 FS.

Since my original post I have been examining the gui.log for the pre update backup and the post update backup attempt which was unsuccessful. Rather than taking up space here could the mods please open a new thread for this Timeshift problem and I will share the gui.log diffs and hopefully find out how to rectify for myself, Angel2035 and any other user that experiences this…thanks…