We had a good run with Nvidia 340xx driver series. However, at some point also we have to drop that driver. With Manjaro 19.0 release we will remove that driver from mhwd-db. This means the driver won’t be recommended or detected by our distro by default. 340.108 was the last release by Nvidia to support X 1.20 and Kernel 5.4. As soon as there is an update to X that driver is gone.
Keep nvidia-340xx in the repos as long as possible
Nvidia simply don’t support and develops that driver anymore. So only Distro maintainers who patch it keep it alive. With 5.9 kernel series there is no patch-set anymore. So 5.8 kernel series was the last series we can support it.
This is not a Manjaro’s issue. It is a NVIDIA issue. NVIDIA decided to discontinued old hardware in their new drivers. I’m suffering this on Centos, as I have an old GPU card and I recently upgraded to CENTOS 8 because EOL. However I do not blame to SO providers the decisions of vendors. Blame Nvidia if you most.
Hello, first of all thatk you for your job and for mantaining old drivers as long as you can.
I have a old nvidia card and I use nvidia 340.
So, will kernel 5.8 serie be the last with nvidia-340xx support?
In this moment I don’t see nvidia–340xx driver also for linux58, isn’t it?
Have I to plan for using nouveau? This way I have to return using ext4 with linux419, because latest kernels with nouveau don’t support suspension on my notebook.