Has the Brave browser been removed from Manjaro repositories?

Hello, friends,

just noticed today that the Brave browser does not show up when searching the Manjaro repositories and tries to update from the AUR instead. Is the Brave browser not maintained any more?

That post was about the last time it was removed for a short time. It has been in the repos since until today. I’m not yet sure as to why.

Today Brave removed from Manjaro repository?

Brave is no longer aviable at Manjaro.

Of course, there is a reason for this, which is that Brave has impossible versioning on GitHub.

I don’t have the time to find the current version out of this chaos.

There have been major problems with Brave in the past as well - we needed permission from them to deploy the browser at Manjaro.

So give Vivaldi a test - it’s more than a good replacement.

If you really want to use Brave despite everything, you can find it in the AUR: just don’t forget to activate the AUR first.


What about the snap package for Brave, is that a viable option?

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Yes, it’s officially supported.

I was following the topic about removing Brave, their Github is really confusing, but using the api I got a simple way to get the result stating the latest stable version:

Just Download link:

curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/brave/brave-browser/releases?page=1&per_page=100" | jq -r '.[] | select( .prerelease == false and .draft == false ) | select(all( .name; contains("Nightly") | not ))  | select(all( .name; contains("Beta") | not )) | select(all( .body; contains("unstable") | not )) | {Download: .tarball_url}' | jq --slurp '.[0]'

Or with more information:

curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/brave/brave-browser/releases?page=1&per_page=100" | jq -r '.[] | select( .prerelease == false and .draft == false ) | select(all( .name; contains("Nightly") | not ))  | select(all( .name; contains("Beta") | not )) | select(all( .body; contains("unstable") | not )) | {name: .name, url: .url, tarball_url: .tarball_url, published_at: .published_at}' | jq --slurp '.[0]'

The original post was locked while I was looking for a solution to this issue:
Has the Brave browser been removed from Manjaro repositories? - #4 by Bruno_Goncalves

I don’t know if this can help keep Brave in the Manjaro repository, unfortunately Chromium has gone through resource cuts and is now not that interesting to use, so it’s left Brave as an Open Source browser that has the necessary resources.

I understand that Vivaldi is a good browser, but unfortunately it has some closed source parts, so I think it can be useful for both me and many users to maintain Brave in the repository.

Another way found in AUR to see last stable release:

curl https://brave-browser-downloads.s3.brave.com/latest/release.version


I had a problem today also installing brave on a new computer, it’s no longer in the repository, I thought it was very strange, I’m going to test this Burno solution.

Hi, i have used your suggestion for obtain automatically brave stable version in our pkgbuild … can you help me for do the same for the beta version?

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