Welcome and introduce yourself - 2021

If that’s what you’re looking for. Something close to Windows. :wink:

really not liking it so far

can’t configure touchpad

set for NO password & now the add/remove software is locking in minutes because I don’t know the password

can’t configure single click for desktop

file manager, I’ve had better

shall I go on…

:+1: Welcome to Manjaro! :+1:

  1. Well, this is the wrong place to mention that. :innocent:

    Go to #support and open one topic per issue and provide some good information:
    How to provide good information
    and post some more information so we can see what’s really going on. Now we know the symptoms of the diseases, but we need some more probing to know where the origin lies…

  2. An inxi --admin --verbosity=7 --filter --no-host --width would be the minimum required information… (Personally Identifiable Information like serial numbers and MAC addresses will be filtered out by the above command)
    Also, please copy-paste that output in-between 3 backticks ``` at the beginning and end of the code/text.


P.S. If you enter a bit more details in your profile, we can also see which Desktop Environment you’re using, which CPU/GPU or Kernel, … you have without typing it every time

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Welcome and introduce yourself - 2020

I am an old fellow who freed himself from Windows 10 tyranny last March. I installed Linux Mint on my laptop and never looked back. I love Linux and have learned a ton about it in the past 10 months. I am no coder, but I have learned some basic Python and can write simple shell scripts. I am running Manjaro Stable on my new Raspberry Pi4. I run the XFCE DE with i3wm on top. I love i3, but like to have the GUI underneath it (still a noob I guess…).

Quick shout out to all the experts across all the forums who share their experience and give great guidance to those of us who are still learning. THANK YOU!!


Hi there!
Long time windows user here…i guess not anymore hehehe
I’m fairly new to the linux world, but so far i’m liking this place, and i’m willing to learn the necessary ropes of Linux in general.
Got to say, the open source world sounds awesome and feels good to slowly become a part of it
much love and be safe everyone <3


Hey Everyone!! Back from the old forums finally.

Trying to grab some of my old howto’s and topics from the old forum and bring them back over. Mostly use on RPi4 and in a VM. :slight_smile:


Hey all, I’ve used Manjaro as my main distro for almost two years now and I’ve lurked on the forums off and on since June.

I’ve got a background in web development, but I’ve become more and more interested in ARM devices of late. I’ve become interested in helping out with the Manjaro ARM effort, which is what prompted me to join the forums properly.

I’ve got a RPi 400 and a '20 PBP that are begging for a proper distro. I’ll be following Strit’s post on making images and praying that I don’t mess it up somehow.


You don’t actually have to make the images. They are already made for those devices. :slight_smile:


Oh, cool! Man, this project has done a lot in the last 6 months. Last time I went through here, there was just KDE, i3, and XFCE editions, and it was tricky to find the links. Everything is so much more organized now!

I just wish there was an image for Jade for PBPro, but even the emmc installer I made isn’t flashing properly. I will definitely be using that Sway image for my RPi.

Hi there
I’ve been using Linux for about 5 years mainly for daily use and some photography and audio stuff

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hey i am new here too, i might not be very active for next few months because my exams are going on but after that’s over i will try to do my best :slightly_smiling_face:

i currently use linux mint as my daily driver and manjaro as my secondary os, but this might change :sweat_smile:

Hello All,

Just came here to say thank you.
Finally, a linux distro that makes wifi work after a hard install without needing to fiddle with an ethernet connection and console.
I’m a simple normie who doesn’t want to be spied on by my own pc which I paid for.
This is probably the only post I will make in these forums.
Again, thank you to all the developers and people involved in this distro.

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Finally fully switched to manjaro few days ago
its great, fast and so beautiful
just amazing :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Greeting My Friend!
I am Atap, i switched to manjaro a few days ago from another distro, i usually play video games and learning something new everyday, Thank You!


welcome @AtapFedora :slight_smile:

<?php echo "Hello $YourName !! :) \n"; ?>

I use Tennessee as main pseudonym (no reasons why) but you can call me “Adrien” too, as you wish.
I’m 33 year’s old.
Yes : i’m wedev, i use to work with PHP and i can already listening some people thinking : “” Oh no : one more ! “”. :sweat_smile:

Yes, i’m french. Sorry for my random english… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Have a nice day !


thank you first for this awesome distro. It’s the only one that’s working “out of the box” with my gpu rx 6800 xt :slight_smile:
I know, my english is bad. Sorry!
Have a nice day


Hi all. Using Manjaro Nibia on an almost 5-year-old HP laptop (4GB Ram, 1TB SSD drive) that was always thrashing under Windows 10. I tried using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS first and found that not only was this distro too bloated but also my wireless card had problems with it. Switched to Manjaro and never looked back! Thanks for this great distro! – Bob Y.

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Hi folks,
I’ve been stumbling around with Linux for a number of years and still have no clue what I’m doing. None the less, I love linux, especially manjaro.

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