Welcome and introduce yourself - 2021

Hi! Am new to Manjaro, planning to set main laptop up with it. Some (not really deep) experience with other Linuxes, Mac, a bit Windows. Love tinkering. Username because I like slimplicity.


Hey , everyone!
Nice to see you guys.
I’m a student who majors in Transportation in BJUT(Beijing University of Technology) .I’m obsessed with Computer Science and want to apply AI technology to Transportation Field.This is my first time to use Linux OS and my first Linux distribution is Manjaro which is recommended by a content curators from BiliBili .I used to participate in NOIP competition but in fact I know little about coding.I hope i can learn something useful about Linux and Manjaro in this forum.


after almost 2 weeks of distro hopping, here i am. still tossing between xfce & kde but a manjaro fan for sure. long time winblows user, mostly for work and some gaming but definitely a long time interest and love for linux and so much to learn. o/



I am a student and taking OS this semester. I know NOTHING about Linux but it is this weeks assignment. I would like if someone would help me and point me in the direction where I can make a good educational post about the topic.

thank you

here is what I need help with:

Research Linux distributions and select one that interests you to discuss with the class. Identify the distribution’s origins, architecture, popularity, and whether it is used on servers or desktops. Also, answer the following questions:

  • Is the distribution being regularly updated/improved?
  • Is there an active user forum/support available for the distribution?
  • Is the distribution considered “secure”? Is it used by security professionals? What features make it secure?
  • Would you consider replacing your current operating system with this distribution? Why or why not?

Sorry to say, but asking for homework help or even answering homework questions is against the rules.
Homework Manjaro
I hope the moderators will be kind to me because just saying this actually answers this question already:

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :crazy_face:


Hi everyone, glad to meet you,
Been a Manjaro user on and off since Lubuntu 16.04 stopped being supported, but still consider myself a linux newbie. I live in california and love to windsurf, and aikido. Worked in tech, mostly disk-drive design, but now retired.


Hey, @Fabby ! You made my day, guy!.. LOL!.. But great!.. :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Now more to the serious thing: Me thinks @mlm0206 might not to be an English native language speaker!.. Neither do I. Of course he seems to not have done part of his homework before entering our forum… But now to the point, if he just want to know what we think about our distro of choice and related questions that’s OK on me… I have done several of those homework queries back in the day!..

Dear @mlm0206 ; wherever you are on your journey!.. First of it all the internet is full of relevant information about Linux. Sure it might to be sort of confusing… But you’ll reach there!.. Search a little bit and you’ll see!.. Even our Manjaro front page has some nice resumed information to start with… But that is not my point in trying to answer you. My point is to invite you to join us on our journey!.. If you found our forum, it is because many folks are using successfully this OS!.. Try to use it yourself even if just from an USB stick. And accept a single advice from someone that is here for several years in the computer world: What better suits my needs, does not necessarily suits the needs of my neighbors… That means that only you will know if it suits yours or not… And if it is a yes, count on us to help if needed!..

Hope to have helped a little bit… But the next time, try to be a little bit more concise and Manjaro specific!.. And have a nice day!..

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I am sorry. I dont want to break rules. Do I need to delete the post?

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ok. not a problem.

just to answer some of your statements though…English is my native language. Born and raised in the US. I speak nor write any other language unless you want to count slang. I am grown not a child by long shot. I actually have a grown daughter 24 and 2 grandkids. I also have a 5 year old son.

I am very well educated and know how to do research a little bit. I have never used Linux dont know anything about linux and to be frank dont want to learn linux. I am only doing this for school to get my degree and hope I never have to see linux again. No disrespect to those of you that enjoy it but Linux isnt for me. As I continue this journey for my degree I am sure I will have to learn alot that I dont care to learn but truly hope that once I get my degree I just have to use the tools learned to be able to half way know what I am doing.

last I did get a post together to be able to answer most of the questions i posted. I use this forum, manjaro wiki page, an article from fosslinux, and an article from betanews. Just wanted to show I do know how to do research all I was requesting was guidance on how to get the right answers. Thank you guys for making the forum and wish Manjaro the best.

No problem - grab yourself a KDE download, create a bootable USB and then work out how to install it and dual-boot with Windows.
Then boot into KDE and use it for a few days, that should give you enough to get started.

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Oh, right!.. Excuse me to the inconvenience!.. Your language felt to me like that one being used by some teenagers here where I live while doing that homework type exercises!.. Some of them are quite irritating once they really are very badly prepared to do so!.. Fortunately the moderators have edited my post. Many thanks to them!..

Meanwhile and in exchange let me to answer your queries the best I can, and I’m no expert either.

As you may know, Linux is a term commonly used to describe a group of operative systems; popularly known as distributions; or “distros” for the friends; based on the Kernel Linux made by a Finnish programmer named Linus Torsvalds on the beginning of the last century’s 90’s decade.

Manjaro is currently one of the most popular distros currently available; these days it is #2 on Distrowatch, the best possible web ranking for Linux OSes popularity; and one of the most installed ones worldwide, growing day after day.

There are distros for all tastes. Ones focusing stability, others focusing bleeding edge, others focusing servers and the enterprise class systems… Others focusing the final home and small business users.

While commonly labeled as a “bleeding edge” distro because it’s based on perhaps the most bleeding edge of them all Acrh Linux, me thinks that its best OS category should to be “focusing on the final home and small business users”. Of course you can use it everywhere, including a server or a phone… Perhaps even in a car!.. But home and small business seems for me the natural habitats for this lovely distro (forgive me moderators if this is not your own official stand!).

I’m a Linux user myself since 2009, began with Ubuntu, then Linux Mint, then currently Manjaro. Manjaro is light, even on those old computers like mine. Not all of us are able to change PC’s every other year, and for some of us environmental safeguard matters!.. No need to send a 3 years old PC to the e-waste bin… Sometimes there might to be some challenges to use this system. Well… You’ll have them whatever system fits you the best, even on the best scenario ever… To me Linux these days is far easier than whatever system I’ve used in the past. For such a final home user I see no reason to use other options out there. It goes where I want to go. Little to no viruses or other malicious code… A sense of safety and freedom that is unique… No need to read licenses or add keys to install pretty much everything out there… And I can go on and on…

TBHH, if Windows is from where you came here, I highly recommend you to use both Manjaro KDE or the Cinnamon editions. You’ll feel quickly at home. There is an user guide for you to install and use the system and a warm community giving help here in the forums, the wiki, etc… You’ll have a nice time. Have such a relatively old PC/laptop “so slow” that it stands now on the garage? Let it to be the best candidate possible to experiment Linux your way without risking to loose some precious data on your main machines!..

And finally: Try to embrace Linux with warm open arms!.. If you’re studying IT you’ll need it perhaps more than you think on your journey! Pretty much every big business use it on their servers!.. Many will use it for front office activities and even client side activities!.. For example many, to not say most of those shopping mall touch screen POS are running Linux (most notably IBM/RHEL). Fly Emirates IFE runs RHEL as well!.. It’s everywhere!.. Surely you’ll need to learn some commands… But don’t fear it!.. They’re more than helpful!.. Sometimes they’re even easier than going by the graphical interface, IMHO!..

And have a nice day!..

This is very true. Although it wasn’t always the case, I prefer the command line top thee GUI lately.

@mlm0206, I’ll try and give you my actual opinion, here. I read your post and the questions. A lot of 'em can be answered by spending 10 minutes active on the forums. But just like when you’re speaking verbally to someone, when you ask something your tone and attitude, both regarding the question as well as toward the subject of the question, will greatly influence the answers and the kind of answers you get.

Coming with that kind of snotty attitude, sorry, that’s what it was, will do you absolutely no good, at all. Nothing personal, it’s just how it is.

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I appreciate your response. I probably will need to dig deep into Linux like you said. I am working on a Cybersecurity degree and will probably stay within the government sector. I just feel I am so use to Windows that I am afraid to try anything else. Who knows maybe you are right just find what works for me and start using it and just might like it.

I really dont know where I will end up but my goal is system admin. Do you know if this skill set is focused on Linux? I will be honest and say this as well…I do not know what Manjaro KDE is or even how to start it or download it. Yeah I know research but in that lies my problem … I DONT LIKE READING!!! LOL

I am more hands on. Show me a few times how to do something and I could probably learn it but if i have to do alot of reading to learn something then I am going to fall short.

Again thank you so much for responding and helping me to look at this in a different light. I do hope that I can continue to have an open mind and some willingness to continue this journey.

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That is the reason I dont like texting or typing stuff because the language is misread. I will say since 2 people are saying my tone is what is wrong with the post I will apologize about that. I never want to come off as snotty or rude. I try and carry myself the way I want to be treated and if I came across as rude/snotty then I do truly apologize. I may need you guys throughout my learning and do not want to make enemies. You guys have the knowledge and I do not so of course will have questions and from now own will do my best to make sure I do not come off as rude. Please guys accept my apology and again thank you for responding to me. I do appreciate any insight on Manjaro.

That is a good response, so apology accepted.

I will say this though,

Liking reading isn’t required as systems admin.

Not minding it and not avoiding it, well, they are.

So, if you’re serious about system administration, you’d best have a change of attitude.

Also, most of the world’s severs run Linux. (I have no sources for this info, it’s just logic to me, especially when you take into account that the majority of web servers are Apache, thus Linux. And I’m not saying it can’t or won’t change.)

As systems admin you’ll have to get over your RC factor.

  • In 2021, Linux ran on 100% of the world’s 500 supercomputers.
  • 95% of the servers that run the world’s top 1 million domains are powered by Linux.
  • Out of the top 25 websites in the world, only 2 aren’t using Linux.
  • 96.3% of the world’s top 1 million servers run on Linux.
  • 90% of all cloud infrastructure operates on Linux and practically all the best cloud hosts use it.



Hello guys,

I’m a software developer and die hard Linux user. I tried Manjaro once and never looked back :slight_smile: KDE Plasma is my all time favorite DE.

:clap:Kudos to everyone in the forum,you’ve been of great help


@Mirdarthos gave you a good dad like advice and it isn’t a bad one but I’ll tell you my experience for you to understand to not think of reading as an obstacle.

Reading stuff:
Whan I was doing my degree in computer science I was just like you. Reading texts was pain for me. I was easily distraced and couldn’t absorb much. When I needed to look something up, boom, let’s see if there is a youtube video. Reading documentation seemed like there is always something missing in the answers I was looking for.

As you’ll progress through your degree you’ll find yourself having to do some reading and write texts by yourself. Often you won’t find the right answer, correct and optimised solutions or no references at all by avoiding documentation. Sometimes you’ll be forced by deadlines or other factors. Everytime you get over it you will build your tolerance and ability to find the information effectively without getting too tired and disctracted.

Luckily for us the computer/geek world isn’t ovewhelmed with vast amount of redundant essays. Don’t get me wrong there are tons of books and resources but it isn’t mandatory to read them compared to other fields. Most people in IT were in positions where you have (and will) found yourself too and will try to give you the answers you need without the sauce as the main meal only as a dessert.

Nowadays I prefer reading stuff myself. It is faster to get the answers and it’s actualy more painful to skip through random videos for lot of them are absolutely irrelevant to the problem. I have or skip the excess blah blah. I don’t have a problem with reading documentation and even enjoy giving the extra time and effort to reading about the background and context of things I look up.

Don’t worry you’ll be good :wink:

Linux skill set:
You could potentionaly keep avoiding linux for the rest of your life and even find and employment. At least where I am from I am getting the impression there are more jobs in the Microsoft ecosystem than in the open-source one. You can get by by learning that only system along with its administration tools and be good. But bear in mind you might strip yourself from good working opportunities.

I’d advise not to do so since the linux world (especialy in networking) offers a better and simpler ways of understanding system administration as a whole. Most things that are currently in the MS systems have been scrapped from linux and placed to Windows in some kind of morbid way.

In linux it’s easier to start with small bits and build up your knowledge while my experience in the MS tech is like “here it is, you can hate it but you gotta use it”.

I am currently working as a .NET developer. The company where I work at everything is Microsoft (desktop and server, MSSQL, MS Office, Exchange, internal certifications and if Bill Gates made his own coffee brand they’d stuff it in the office coffee machine). I use MS tech daily I hate it but there are good things in that ecosystem and at least I am learing stuff from the other side of the barricade.

I got into linux during the university. I viewed it as just something I should touch at least a bit so I wasn’t complete out of place when someone says “linux”. But once I was got hooked up I couldn’t go back. You might end up preferring windows but the time spent in learing linux will definitely be worth your time.

Hope this was any helpful.


Hey Guys, I’m a rather new guy in the world of Linux when it comes to everyday use and I only gave Manjaro a shot today but I got instantly hooked and will explore it further. I do hold only rudimentary skills when it comes to administration and no knowledge of how Kernels and such work but I’m willing and motivated to move into that domain bit by bit :slight_smile:

My background is in Network Consulting and currently I work as a Security Engineer for a Firewall Vendor.

Looking forward to my journey :slight_smile: