This thread is here to request updates for packages that are in the official repositories of Manjaro and that are built+signed by the Manjaro team. It is not meant to request updates for packages that are imported from Arch Linux repositories as it is. For such requests, please see this thread instead: Update requests for packages imported from Arch Linux.
Here’s an example of a package that is build and signed by someone in the Manjaro team.
Yes, it does satisfy to that definition, as even if the recipe is taken from AUR, the package that is in the official repositories of Manjaro is built by someone from Manjaro team and signed by someone from Manjaro team. Other examples of such package would be cpu-x or warpinator.
The last packager for the ventoy package is @schinfo .
Sorry - wrong dingsbums.
So no update request for AUR…
Btw: I successfully replaced “systemd-manager” by “SytemdGenie”
only new design - same effects, good enough for me.
Okay. Now we are at the fifth point release of 5.8, with 5.7 being EOL. Package should be updated now.
Also, there is a metapackage for latest nvidia driver missing: linux-latest-nvidia-450xx
Does the ‘‘Please justify why the requested update should be taken into consideration.’’-rule from the Arch-packages-topic (unfortunately I can’t link to the topic because Discourse) also apply for this topic?
less because we know these packages very well but giving reasons allows the maintainer to understand your request : “I’m in a hurry” is not the same as “this package with this version doesn’t work with …”
If package is already in testing or unstable, this is a technical reason, giving it will help the maintainer.