[Stable Update] 2023-08-11 - Kernels, Plasma, Nvidia, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pamac, Pipewire, Mesa


In my case the up date don’t solve the issue, with htop no 100% cpu use with mariadb or obs, but ksysguard show a 100% cpu use with obs, intel cpu for the device. No thermal problem, the temperature are ok. really strange.

more info here.

8 posts were split to a new topic: App indicator icons not working after update

I think it’s a bug in either ksysguard or a shared library it uses, otherwise htop would be showing the problem as well. Though strangely enough, this update fixed it on my system, after the last one introduced it.

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USB drives are not showing up in Nautilus on Gnome. Tried to downgrade nautilus to 43.4, but nothing changed. lsusb shows all of usb’s connected

The update went fine now.

Had two complete freezes, one before, and one after the update. Reminded me of when my btrfs filesystem was bonkered due to hourly snapshots (maybe).
I had changed nothing, only installed Discover (then after the update uninstalled manjaro-application-utility). Without further investigation, I rolled back before the Discover installation and redid the update. Will look for add-on updates manually from now on, hoping I won’t be freezing again in summer.

Which brings me to this ice cold question. Discover is not pre-installed on Manjaro KDE Plasma, it’s only available and gives you another way to update besides pamac or pacman (mostly the advantage is only, you will see add-on updates or search for things).
Is it not recommended using it, or just using it on top for KDE add-on like Widgets, Window scripts, Effects? Installing I think you need to be careful with it too because many old things show up in there…
I just had two updates shown in there that were not shown elswhere that I also did via Discover, one was a firmware update to UEFI secure boot, one was an Overview effect update which was also not shown as update in Desktop Effects.
So without Discover, would I be able to do these firmware updates via Pamac or Pacman?

Hi, does anyone experience issue, where connection to bluetooth headphones doesn’t work?
I’m on piprewire, and this is the error I’m receiving upon connection attempt:

sie 18 23:47:28 stacjonarny bluetoothd[1218]: src/service.c:btd_service_connect() a2dp-sink profile connect failed for 00:02:3C:77:9C:83: Protocol not available

Nevermind this, I’ve solved this. I’ve downgraded all pipewire and wireplumber packages, and rebooted. This did not help, but then I upgraded the packages and rebooted, it works now.

No. In this instance discover is acting as a frontend for fwupd.
(which you could use on its own)
Neither pacman nor pamac have any functionality to handle those things.

In order for discover to manage system packages (from the repos) it uses packagekit. Packagekit is actively discouraged as a way to handle system packages on Arch linux.
It should follow to be the same on manjaro.
(no matter what anyone else says)

Warning: PackageKit opens up system permissions by default, and is otherwise not recommended for general usage. See FS#50459 and FS#57943.

pacman/Tips and tricks - ArchWiki

Discover is acceptable for those other purposes - fwupd, or store.kde.org … not as a replacement for pacman.


Yet another problem I’m seeing, every few minutes the sound devices get duplicated in kde panel.
I think it happens when screen get turned off due to inactivity, then pipewire enters some sleep state.

This is how it looks after some time:

And here I restart pipewire with:
systemctl --user restart pipewire pipewire-pulse wireplumber

And suddenly there are less devices:


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Known issue: Bluetooth headset showing multiple entries in KDE after update

A bug in latest version of PipeWire (0.3.77) has been patched, but PipeWire has not released a new bugfix version yet

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In Htop goto setup, display options, and check Detailed CPU time and see if it shows it then.

By default Htop won’t show IO-Wait


thanks for the tip, now htop show the 100% with obs…
I have to reduce the obs cpu usage…

2 posts were split to a new topic: Cannot mix incompatible Qt library

Having that problem (for those that use pamac-gtk instead of regular pamac):

pamac-manager: symbol lookup error: pamac-manager: undefined symbol: pamac_database_enable_appstream

Then reinstalling pamac with pacman helps:

sudo pacman -S pamac-gtk

My system was not able to boot after the update. I had no signal so I could not troubleshoot it from the terminal. I had to do a chroot and I upgraded my kernel from 6.1 to 6.5 which fixed the issue.
I am using an AMD 7900xtx and an AMD ryzen 5600x.
I hope it helps!


I noticed something today, pamac tray not warning me about flatpak updates (warns me about manjaro repo updates tho)!
I was thinking “strange no flatpak updates this week” since I only use pamac to update flatpaks and AUR (only 1 AUR package I use tho), so I cliked on the tray and instead of opening the updates tab it opened the Store instead (when I click the tray it always opened in updates tab) and then when I changed to the updates tab there it was, a bunch of flatpaks to update… anyone with this problem or bug?
I always update the system via terminal using pacman and use pamac only to update flatpaks and AUR.
Should I post this on support, because it’s not really bothering me, I just think it’s a bit odd.

Hmm, I wonder if your update had an issue around mkinitcpio or grub… I noticed a while back when processing the “hooks” (I think) with kernel updates that the initramfs files are deleted early… meaning that if anything interrupts the final processing, you are missing these files for grub to find and the system won’t boot.

In those cases chroot’ing and reinstalling the current kernel should have resolved it, but glad to hear updating to a newer kernel also worked for you.

I’ve caught an issue once where my update hooks were having an issue around grub (I always check the pamac GUI logs)… basically the system was coincidentally having a hard time letting go of an ejected USB drive for some reason and grub was failing the osprobe… trying to search a drive that wasn’t there. Ended up having to update grub to skip the osprobe, reran mkinitcpio -P (just to be sure), update-grub, rebooted, and escaped having to chroot.

The new pamac-gtk requires the installation of plugins for FlatPak support, as well as for Snap support. If you are on XFCE, then you might be better off replacing pamac-gtk with pamac-gtk3. :arrow_down:

sudo pacman -Rdd pamac-gtk && sudo pacman -S pamac-gtk3

If however you want to keep the GTK4 verson of pamac, then you must install the plugins… :arrow_down:

sudo pacman -S libpamac-flatpak-plugin libpamac-snap-plugin
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A post was split to a new topic: Urxvt won’t start

A post was split to a new topic: The system booted to the text-only login after removing orphan packages