Urxvt won’t start

After updating urxvt won’t start (which is a bit of a pain when it’s your default terminal in i3wm). Gives the error:

urxvt: error while loading shared libraries: libperl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

The package is urxvt-perls 2.3-2 from the extra repository.

Might be the case that rxvt-unicode-pixbuf from the AUR has managed to fix this, otherwise I guess we have to wait?

First I would make sure you are fully aligned with the repo’s by

sudo pacman-mirrors -f 5 && sudo pacman -Syyuu perl

This command will also perform downgrades if needed.

Afterwards, reboot.

Make sure to always update when installing a new package to avoid dependency inconsistencies.

I was already up to date with perl-5.38.0-1, but ran this anyway to check. Unfortunately the same error remains.

(I’ve been doing a full upgrade since being scolded about it previously)

I installed rxvt-unicode-pixbuf from the AUR instead – looks like this works.

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