[Stable Update] 2022-04-15 - Kernels, Mesa, Nvidia, Budgie, PipeWire, LIbreOffice, KDE Frameworks, Wine

I come back to you. As I said in my message above about the bug of LibreOffice 7.3.2 with KDE and Wayland, I found two workaround tips. I tested one of these and it works. So, until the LibreOffice 7.3.3 version will be available in early May (with the patched fix), here is the workarounds :

  1. Edit the /etc/environment file and add the following line :


Save and reboot.

Note: This is the one I tested.


  1. Edit the /etc/environment file and add the following line :

    QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb libreoffice

Save and reboot.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Update of manjaro-keyring gave errors

If you use full hinting in your font configuration beware of this bug in freetype Terrible rendering with FT 2.12 (#1148) · Issues · FreeType / FreeType

This is one of the reasons I stick with LTS kernels.

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it didn’t for me. the keyrings are broken and refreshing does not work. hopefully a solution is asap.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Sleek displays a white window since the update

The issue is fixed, you have local issues.

See this: How to solve keyring issues in Manjaro - Tutorials - Manjaro Linux Forum

i already tried exactly that same of your link but it didn’t help. more enough it scrapped the system, after rebooting i went to black screen. restored a backup from yesterday (thanks god i did a backup yesterday) and will wait until the issue is fixed.

Again, the issue is local to you if it’s fixed for others.

Same issue with libvtkfides.so.1 here for VTK application, which imports vtk modules from Python:

  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/vtkmodules/all.py", line 106, in <module>
    from .vtkIOFides import *
ImportError: /usr/lib/libvtkfides.so.1: undefined symbol: _ZN6adios25ADIOS9DeclareIOENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE

An update, where this mismatch is resolved would be really nice.

EDIT: Arch bug-report FS#74317

Hopefully this is also applied to VTK package.

Follow-up: as the error message points to libavutil/imgutils.c, I did some tests and removed the cover image from the offending MP3s tags, now I can import those again in Shotcut without a crash!
So it seems to be a new bug in FFmpeg…

The current element-desktop build is unstable. It crashed multiple times and I had to re-login several times, because it detected session issues.

The flatpak version of element doesn’t have this particular issue.

Apart from that, there is an issue regarding a flickering mouse cursor in Element: spinning at 100% cpu, flickering mouse cursor · Issue #21147 · vector-im/element-web · GitHub, which apparently is a Bug in Electron / Chromium and is supposed to be fixed with Electron 19:

Currently there is nothing you can do, this comment is just for information purpose. Maybe it’s worth updating the element package to v1.10.10 nevertheless, to at least fix some bad crashing issues, else the current work around (for the hard crash) is to use the flatpack version.

Here is the error I get falling the WIKI you provide:

sudo rm -r /etc/pacman.d/gnupg 
rm: cannot remove '/etc/pacman.d/gnupg': Device or resource busy

Not fixed. No help on the WIKI as to fix this problem.

There seems to be something using the directory, are you running another update proces somewhere else?

This command might reveal the process: lsof | grep /etc/pacman.d/gnupg

lsof | grep /etc/pacman.d/gnupg returns nothing.

Howver, skipping the sudo rm -r /etc/pacman.d/gnupg and continuing on to the next step seems to have fixed the problem.

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A little question, do you recommend to use the new kernel 5.17 if i have a dual boot? I m a little worried that it will break.

There were some nodejs related problems.

I am not sure what caused them, but renaming the /usr/lib/node_modules dir to node_modules.bak solved the problem.

Again there were some warnings…

But everything went okay and update finished.

EDIT (New problem) :

When I booted few minutes ago just before writing this, same problem, like last time happened,

but this time my laptop didn’t go to hibernation. Fixed with same steps as last time. Reinstalled linux516 and linux510, reinstalled grub, updated grub (grub-update).

Would you have installed npm packages system-wide through npm instead of the system package manager?

3 posts were split to a new topic: Shortcuts for screenshot is not working after the update

I installed postcss-cli globally through npm.
Sorry, about the screenshots, the output was so massive, I couldn’t copy them.

And, Another Update regarding this, Like last update, I encountered similar issue, “Boot image not found”,
but this time my laptop did not go to hibernation, instead aforementioned error happened when booting , just before writing this. Solved that just like last time, reinstalled linux516 linux510, reinstalled grub, and updated it grub-update.