Hi mates, yesterday there was an important update, pacman-manager aspect changed, but the most important, now all the official repositories appear empty, I tried several times to refresh them, also to change the country, but ir fails and will always stay in the World repository. It shows AUR, Snap and Flatpac repositories, but it fails to build files from AUR. I wanted to reinstall Clementine, as it stopped working after the update, but the last version from AUR always fail to instal.
I hope someone can help, as now there’s no way to update or install anything from the official reps…
Hi @asel,
Sounds like your mirrors are out of sync, or your database(s) are empty. Please run and provide the output of:
pacman-mirrors --status
Mirror #1 – 05:10 Spain Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #2 – 05:55 Netherlands Studenten Net Twente - Index of /pub/linux/manjaro/
Mirror #3 – 05:08 France Index of /mirrors/repo.manjaro.org/repos
Mirror #4 OK 00:08 Global https://mirrors.manjaro.org/repo/
Mirror #5 OK 00:10 United_Kingdom https://mirror.cyberhost.uk/sites/manjaro/
Mirror #6 – 04:15 Netherlands Index of /manjaro
Mirror #7 – 04:55 Germany FTP-Archivbrowser | FTP-Archiv ftp.tu-chemnitz.de | Anwendungen und Dienste | URZ | TU Chemnitz
Mirror #8 OK 00:11 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #9 OK 00:34 France https://manjaro.ynh.ovh/
Mirror #10 – 05:55 Germany Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #11 – 05:10 United_Kingdom https://mirrors.gethosted.online/manjaro/repos/
Mirror #12 – 05:53 Belarus Index of /pub/mirrors/manjaro/
Mirror #13 – 06:15 Norway Index of /linux/manjaro/
Mirror #14 – 05:08 Netherlands https://manjaro.mirror.wearetriple.com/
Mirror #15 – 04:18 Netherlands FTP archive directory /pub/os/Linux/distr/manjaro/
Mirror #16 – 05:55 Italy Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #17 OK 00:26 United_Kingdom http://manjaro.mirrors.uk2.net/
Mirror #18 OK 00:40 Switzerland Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #19 – 01:54 Germany Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #20 – 00:54 France Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #21 – 05:54 Czechia Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #22 OK 00:06 Austria Index of /manjaro
Mirror #23 OK 00:14 Germany Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #24 – 05:10 United_Kingdom Index of /sites/repo.manjaro.org/repos
Mirror #25 – 05:56 Poland Index of /linux/manjaro/
Mirror #26 OK 00:16 Sweden Index of /pub/manjaro/
Mirror #27 – 05:56 Russia Index of /mirrors/manjaro/
Mirror #28 OK 00:14 Germany Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #29 – 04:14 Estonia Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #30 OK 00:08 Finland https://manjaro.kyberorg.fi/
Mirror #31 – 05:55 Italy Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #32 OK 00:47 Bulgaria Index of /manjaro
Mirror #33 – 05:56 Ukraine https://manjaro.astra.in.ua/
Mirror #34 – 02:16 Sweden Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #35 – 05:55 Italy Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #36 – 05:07 Bulgaria Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #37 – 05:56 Turkey Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #38 OK 00:25 Hungary Index of /mirrors/pub/manjaro/
Mirror #39 – 05:55 Germany Index of /manjaro
Mirror #40 – 05:54 Czechia Index of /manjaro
Mirror #41 – 01:06 Portugal Index of /pub/manjaro
Mirror #42 – 06:14 Czechia Index of /manjaro/
Mirror #43 – 02:26 Sweden Index of /mirror/manjaro
Mirror #44 OK 00:36 Armenia http://manjaro.ucom.am/
Mirror #45 OK 00:10 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #46 OK 00:44 Germany Index of /pub/linux/manjaro/
Mirror #47 OK 00:23 Belgium Index of /manjaro
Mirror #48 OK 00:10 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #49 OK 00:10 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #50 OK 00:10 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #51 OK 00:10 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #52 OK 00:11 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #53 OK 00:38 Denmark mirrors.dotsrc.org
Mirror #54 OK 00:10 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #55 OK 00:23 Canada Xenyth Cloud Public Mirror
Mirror #56 OK 00:10 United_States FCIX Micro Mirror
Mirror #57 – 04:45 Germany https://mirror.seahost.de/manjaro/
Mirror #58 – 01:25 India https://mirror.albony.xyz/manjaro/
Mirror #59 – 06:25 Germany http://ftp.rz.tu-bs.de/pub/mirror/manjaro.org/repos/
Mirror #60 – 06:14 Georgia https://repos.silknet.com/manjaro/
Mirror #61 OK 00:17 United_States https://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/manjaro/
Mirror #62 – 04:17 United_States https://mirrors.gigenet.com/manjaro/
Mirror #63 OK 00:10 United_States https://southfront.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/
Mirror #64 – 02:26 Russia https://mirror.truenetwork.ru/manjaro/
Mirror #65 – 02:30 Ukraine https://fastmirror.pp.ua/manjaro/
Mirror #66 – 05:54 Georgia http://manjaro.grena.ge/
Mirror #67 – 02:14 Canada https://muug.ca/mirror/manjaro/
Mirror #68 OK 00:57 United_States https://repo.ialab.dsu.edu/manjaro/
Mirror #69 OK 00:10 United_States http://mirror.fcix.net/manjaro/
Mirror #70 – 05:07 Canada https://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/manjaro/
Mirror #71 OK 00:10 United_States https://irltoolkit.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/
Mirror #72 OK 00:10 United_States https://ridgewireless.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/
Mirror #73 OK 00:10 United_States https://ziply.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/
Mirror #74 OK 00:10 United_States https://opencolo.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/
Mirror #75 OK 00:08 Colombia https://edgeuno-bog2.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/
Mirror #76 – 04:23 Bangladesh http://mirror.xeonbd.com/manjaro/
Mirror #77 – 05:56 Portugal http://ftp.dei.uc.pt/pub/linux/manjaro/
Mirror #78 OK 00:10 United_States https://codingflyboy.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/
Mirror #79 OK 00:15 Japan http://ftp.tsukuba.wide.ad.jp/Linux/manjaro/
Mirror #80 – 02:14 Costa_Rica https://mirrors.ucr.ac.cr/manjaro/
Mirror #81 – 05:57 United_States https://mirrors.sonic.net/manjaro/
Mirror #82 – 05:53 Austria https://mirror.alwyzon.net/manjaro/
Mirror #83 OK 00:25 New_Zealand http://manjaro.mirrors.theom.nz/manjaro/
Mirror #84 – 05:56 Spain https://ftp.caliu.cat/pub/distribucions/manjaro/
Mirror #85 – 01:26 Singapore https://mirror.freedif.org/Manjaro/
Mirror #86 – 05:55 Mauritius https://manjarolinux-mirror.cloud.mu/
Mirror #87 – 01:17 United_States https://mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu/manjaro/
Mirror #88 OK 00:06 Australia https://gsl-syd.mm.fcix.net/manjaro/
Mirror #89 – 01:07 Chile https://mirror1.cl.netactuate.com/manjaro/
Mirror #90 – 01:26 Russia https://mirror.kamtv.ru/manjaro/
Mirror #91 OK 00:36 Taiwan https://mirror.archlinux.tw/Manjaro/
Mirror #92 – 01:26 South_Korea https://mirror.funami.tech/manjaro/
Mirror #93 – 01:57 Chile https://mirror.ufro.cl/manjaro/
Mirror #94 – 05:14 China https://mirror.nju.edu.cn/manjaro/
Mirror #95 – 03:26 South_Africa http://mirror.is.co.za/mirrors/manjaro.org/
Mirror #96 OK 00:46 Poland https://repo.skni.umcs.pl/manjaro/
Mirror #97 – 03:56 Thailand https://mirror.kku.ac.th/manjaro/
Mirror #98 – 05:54 China https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/manjaro/
Mirror #99 OK 00:23 Brazil https://mirror.ufam.edu.br/manjaro/
Mirror #100 OK 00:25 New_Zealand https://mirror.2degrees.nz/manjaro/
Mirror #101 – 01:13 Brazil https://manjaro.c3sl.ufpr.br/
Mirror #102 – 00:38 Uruguay https://manjaro.repo.cure.edu.uy/
Mirror #103 – 03:55 Japan https://mirrors.xtom.jp/manjaro/
Mirror #104 – 05:55 Kenya https://manjaro.mirror.liquidtelecom.com/
Mirror #105 – 05:05 Japan http://mirror.phoepsilonix.love/manjaro/
Mirror #106 – 03:14 China https://mirrors.sjtug.sjtu.edu.cn/manjaro/
Mirror #107 – 01:23 Bangladesh https://bd.mirror.vanehost.com/Manjaro/
The content of community repo has been moved to extra.
Currently there is issues with Pamac - the team is trying to work out the kinks.
The first entries are not up-to-date.
In the meantime use pacman and an up-to-date mirror
sudo pacman-mirrors -c Global && sudo pacman -Syyu
If you need to build from AUR - you mention clementine - use yay
yay clementine
As I said, there’s another issue: I try to change from Global to any other country, but it always stay in Global one, the change is not kept.
And as I said, the mirrors appear empty after rebooting after the last update. Never happend before, so I’m pretty lost…
I suggest to not use the pamac UI (regardless that is the gtk3 or gtk4 one). Do this from Terminal:
sudo rm -rf /var/tmp/pamac
Then run:
pamac update
Using pacman
for sure will work, but not with your AUR packages.
I did it, anyway, mirrors are still empty (core, extra…) in pacman UI, nothing to do there that is not from Snap, AUR or Flatpak. I’m using Global all the time (which appears as up-to-date), as I say it doesn’t let me even change to another mirror.
I did it, in pacman UI mirrors still appear empty. I’d prefer to install Clementine from the official repo, as I always did, but as official repo appears empty and AUR fails to build…
You mean Pamac Ui (that is broken at the moment), pacman
does not have a Ui.
No such package in our repositories. Also see this:
No you didn’t - you used Pamac
- pacman → native Arch package manager
- pamac → Manjaro package manager
Open a terminal and execute given commands
It’s the same problem with Strawberry, I did everything all of you said here, and the official mirrors still appear empty. I searched for Strawberry -and for Firefox- and it only shows me the AUR version, nothing from official mirrors:
[asel@mahaigaina ~]$ sudo pamac search strawberry
strawberry-qt5-git 1.0.1.r41.gd2075001-1 AUR
A music player aimed at audio enthusiasts and music collectors (qt5 git version)
strawberry-qt5 1.0.18-1 AUR
A music player aimed at audio enthusiasts and music collectors (Qt5 version)
strawberry-lite-git 1.0.17.r16.g780b9826-1 AUR
A music player aimed at audio enthusiasts and music collectors, fewer fautures, Gstreamer and alsa only
strawberry-lite 1.0.18-1 AUR
A music player aimed at audio enthusiasts and music collectors, fewer fautures, Gstreamer and alsa only
strawberry-git 1.0.14.r16.gd02de728-1 AUR
A music player aimed at audio enthusiasts and music collectors
strawberry-full-git 1.0.17.r14.ge314545f-1 AUR
A music player aimed at audio enthusiasts and music collectors, all options and engines
I did everything you said, but as you can see in the previos message no file from official repos appears there… Mayby I’m doing something wrong, but I did every step all of you told me here, and no result, I can find or install nothing from official repos…
Usually sudo
should not be used with pamac
as it has a polkit and will ask for password when is needed.
On my end:
strawberry 1.0.18-2 extra
A music player aimed at audio enthusiasts and music collectors
You might also have missed this:
So, if you still have community
there, could be the issue you have.
Then, we start again:
sudo pacman -Syyu strawberry
pamac install strawberry
And let me know what error you get.
Yeeees!!! It did it!!
Thank you very much, all of you. Now all packages appear in Extra, the UI is working fine again and I installed strawberry