And another one just now…
being a moderator somehow exempts me from having an opinion
Absolutely Not!
Your forum profile shows you are >7 times omniscient generally,
(must be >3 times KDE omniscient specifically?)
So your opinion is based on many years of reading and helping on this forum
Some users have demonstrated continued ignorance of alternative options for getting the latest bigger number thing
No consideration for the needs of other users who might not want the new bigger number thing until it works properly;
No respect for an experienced opinion representing for stable branch to have stable packages;
I suggest you ignore them and keep posting for the benefit of others
Thank you for the kind words, Sir!
(Brown envelope, under the usual brick. )
From a perspective of a newbie with Linux (and Manjaro, obviously), I can say that it seems that Manjaro feels really like an OS that can grow a lot, its potential is really really good! In the other hand I feel that the community needs more “voice” and Manjaro team should communicate better in every channel. For example, in Discord I posted about a bug in the password change function that still occurring and I got no answer about when it will be fixed. This bug is critical and important, but I don’t see anyone talking about it because no one knows that it exists. I really hope that this OS keeps alive and that we can be a better community between users and the devs.
To be fair, Discord is not being developed by Manjaro. We pull in the package straight from Arch, who are only packaging it, because it’s proprietary software.
Therefore bug reports regarding Discord should be directed at its respective developers and are beyond the ability of the Manjaro (or Arch) developers to remedy.
Give examples.
a Non-official support channel where you didn’t get an answer? Hmmm…
I posted about a bug in the password change function that still occurring and I got no answer about when it will be fixed. This bug is critical and important, but I don’t see anyone talking about it because no one knows that it exists
A link to the relevant bug report for plasma 5.25 was posted after your forum comment 5 days ago
Password not being changed - #9 by ydar
The bug report was closed earlier today after commits for plasma 5.25 and 5.26
And another one…
That makes four distinct users with Plasma problems within the time since I logged on at the forum today.
You could show yet another one…
…but I didn’t upgrade to 5.25.
the last manjaro kde update, and now laptop freezing also. …I am starting the laptop again…
Yes, I could…
It just never ends…
Is there still anyone left in Houston who does not believe that we’re having a problem here?
Lift off for KDE Plasma 5.26 is October 6th officially… So, on a positive note, things can only get better right(can’t they)…?
In the meantime for those that are having real issues(I’m lucky with a minute niggle personally…) until 5.26 is pushed through testing, it’s going to be rather choppy sailing until then, alas…
And for those that wanted 5.25 whatever it takes, well, I doubt they are/were all disappointed, hopefully?
Haha - actually I do quite like the highlight colour from wallpaper now, I think they put in a fix and it’s much better than it was a couple of weeks back.
Other than that, most of the ‘improvements’ are slightly overshadowed to the point that I’m wondering if I should keep fighting it, or just go with a fresh install.
Well, if you have a backup, then you can go back to 5.24.6 and exclude the Plasma packages from being upgraded — see higher up the thread. It’s what I and many others have done.
All isn’t bad, far from it actually. I mean it’s KDE after all
I haven’t made a back-up for a while, now, which as we all no is VERY naughty of me…but as Manjaro is and continues to be very stable, overall, I became complacent; and the only way to go now is to make back-ups with a thumb-drive and reinstall at this stage if needed. But as 25.5 is problematic to say the least, why bother?!
Thanks to @Weidenwiesel for his workaround to do the update without Plasma 5.25. However I’m wondering what to do now that I’m working with a partial update. Is there any chance that the Manjaro devs will roll back to Plasma 5.24 with the next update? I’m sure they monitor this forum and are aware of the problems that 5.25 is causing. Or will we have to live with this partial update situation until a stable Plasma version finally comes along?
Probably the latter, unless we can come up with a way to offer maintenance support packages for the LTS version. Because the 5.24 branch is still supported with updates from upstream — that’s what an LTS release is — but those updates will then have to be rebuilt each time a new version of the KDE Frameworks comes out.
So, basically, if we — the community — can find a couple of people knowledgeable enough and willing to maintain Plasma 5.24 packages as a plasma-lts
metapackage, then that would be a solution.
The other option is to wait until 5.26 hits Manjaro Stable, but even then that’s still a big question mark, simply because of KDE upstream’s habit of breaking things with every version bump and not caring about their actual real-world user base — 5.26 is just as big a step up from 5.25 as 5.25 was from 5.24.
My personal opinion here, sorry to barge in, is that it’s the second option on the grounds of simplicity(see pragmatism there)…which is why I mentioned above “Lift off for KDE Plasma 5.26 is October 6th officially”, and it’s only around the corner.
But, we are dependant on the KDE dev team, that’s true. Notwithstanding the fact our own testing branch can only do so much so to speak at the end of the day if 5.26 is another shot in the foot “upgrade”…with “regressions”.