Over the last week or two I’ve had some issues, and cleaned up my .config folder a couple of times… however this issue keeps coming back.
Generally I first notice if I try to add a widget - no widget appears and journalctl reports crashes and dumps from systemd, also an inotificy problem from Dolphin:
systemd-coredump[14979]: [🡕] Process 1779 (plasmashell) of user 1000 dumped core.
dolphin[18340]: inotify_add_watch(/etc/sudoers.d) failed: (Permission denied)
Do coredumps serve any function? How easy is it to stop them? I saw a guide - but half of it wasn’t very clear, and some files/folders didn’t match or exist.
You can just ignore this error of Dolphin, because Dolphin can not open or get any files in /etc/sudoers.d for root permission only. AFAIK, This error is like a warning to me.
First bone of contention seems to be restoring a top panel containing global menu and window title - scrapped that because i use inline menu in Material window decoration anyway (just popped globalmenu in there and tried tiling with no decorations).
Second was simply restoring the layout - so I created a new panel and set up Eventcalendar/logged in Google Calendar on there.
Thirdly - and probably the most painful - the khotkeysrc.
I think some of the ‘mouse gestures’ caused some issue - as they’re stored as text and came up with an error when I opened them in Meld.
For now, I pulled in an old one - that would be a real pain to do again.
So far it’s still good - with my current ‘ultimate’ test being that I can right click and + Add Widgets without causing a major crash and session coredump.
Next step is to use Konsave to 1. Create a new backup and 2. Export it to Dropbox.