KDE plasma bugs after each update [Stable Update] 2022-09-12

Folks, I have some good news. :wink: Thanks to the Upper Grandmaster of the Secret Order of the Manjaruminati, @philm, those of us who chose to skip the update from Plasma 5.24.6 to Plasma 5.25.5 now have the ability to install the updated Plasma 5.24.7 LTS. @philm was so kind as to build the packages on the GitHub server and to make them available here. :arrow_down:

So if you’ve skipped the upgrade from 5.24.6 to 5.25.5 but you want to upgrade to the newest 5.24.7 LTS, then here’s what you need to do… :arrow_down:

P.S.: Make sure you create a backup first!

First, get the file plasma-5.24.7-LTS.zip from the link above — you only need that one file.

Now, I have personally opted to create a local repository under /var/cache/pacman/, but you can use a directory in your $HOME if you like. Note that if you do put it under /var, then it’s best to become root first… :arrow_down:

su -

… or, for those of you who’ve disabled the root account, … :arrow_down:

sudo su -

Given that on my system here, I’ve put the new local repo under the /var hierarchy, I will be continuing this HowTo with the methodology as I have done things here — I’m sure you can adapt this to your own needs. :wink:


mkdir /var/cache/pacman/plasma-lts
cd /var/cache/pacman/plasma-lts
mv /home/your-username-here/Downloads/plasma-5.24.7-LTS.zip ./
unzip plasma-5.24.7-LTS.zip
repo-add plasma-lts.db.tar.xz *.zst
cp /etc/pacman.conf /etc/pacman.conf.bak
nano /etc/pacman.conf

At this point, you’re going to have to make sure that you first and foremost comment out the line for ignoring the plasma group… :arrow_down:

#IgnoreGrp = plasma

Next, look for the section where the repos are being defined, and add your own local repo between the [core] section and the [extra] section… :arrow_down:

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

[plasma-lts]                                # ← new section
Server=file:///var/cache/pacman/plasma-lts  # ← new section
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll                # ← new section

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Save the file — if you’re not familiar with nano, press Ctrl+O followed by Enter and then exit the editor with Ctrl+X.

Next, log out of Plasma completely — you have to be looking at the SDDM login screen — and switch to a tty with Ctrl+Alt+F2. Log in as yourself and issue the command to update your system… :arrow_down:

sudo pacman -Syu

After this step, it is not strictly necessary to reboot, but it might be a good idea nevertheless. :wink:

Once again, a big Thank You to @philm for making this possible. :wink:

:clap: :clap: :clap: