i just downloaded as an update this package,and now in Dolphin and “system settings” (and maybe in other places i haven’t reached yet)i have a large white title bar which doesn’t fit my theme,plus it’s slow to load(render?)in the system settings.
how can i get back my normal dark title bar?
(i have breeze dark as the global theme,and a mix of candy themes in the other sections)
Did not work for me. The titel keeps grey instead of using the color of breath2. Other color schemes show wrong title colors as well. I think there is a bug in the updated System Settings. The color is set correct but does not show up.
I had the same issue, it happened immediately after upgrading manjaro-kde-settings. I think it has to do with this commit. I’m not sure where to report the bug - in Development/Packaging?
I also have problems after the update of this package.
The “grey” on the titlebar was “fixed” when i changed the global theme,
but i still have a problem with the color settings and plasma notes.
First, no matter what Colors scheme(ex Breeze High Contrast) i select,
the window title bar is always black.
And second the plasma notes i had on my desktop, after the update,
were “moved” to a sym-link directory where i can see the actual files,
but the notes are not visible to the desktop.
When i add a new plasma note, this is added to this directory and show to the desktop,
but the rest are only show in this directory(not to the desktop)
can also confirm, that light color themes always have light titlebar / dark color themes have dark titlebar, even with the vanilla breeze scheme that should have dark titlebars
can also confirm that downgrading manjaro-kde-settings to the previous version fixes it
On my system all title text background colors in application windows and notofications etc. are wrong, for the light themes they are always light grey, independent from settings for this color. Also display manager window (sddm) colors look wrong (far too bright). I have not checked other color themes for the display manager yet, though.