Strange Graphics Corruption after Update

This is on a laptop that has an AMD iGPU and an Nvidia dGPU (2060 Max Q).

I can install Manjaro no problem. Reboot and everything works fine. The moment I run an update and the kernel + graphics driver gets updated I get the following screen corruption.

The strange part is this actually happens with other distros too. The corruption happens right after UEFI logo.

Please provide your system information before the update, and then share what the new driver and kernel version you update to is. If you can get a minimal system running it would also be good to check for error logs.

One of the first things I’d typically try is whether you can get into the menu of your boot manager and boot into a different kernel version (eg if you’re on 6.9, boot into 6.6, or if you’re on 6.6, boot into 6.1 or 6.9 - if you don’t already have an alternate kernel version installed hopefully your situation lets you do that before it dies).

I’ll get that system info momentairly.

The strange part is that previously booting into the older kernel used to work, but now it doesn’t and causes the same corruption. I’m almost positive it’s a driver issue between the AMD iGPU and Nvidia dGPU. The corruption happens immediately after selecting which kernel to boot.

Booting into command line mode only also has the corruption.

Have you been able to try installing an even older (LTS) kernel? Would not be surprised if it is a driver issue though.

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Just did a fresh install with the latest media available. Haven’t run an update yet. Next step will be updating to see if I still get the corruption. One positive thing is that this is already running a later kernel version.

    ~  mhwd -li                                                                                                                                      ✔ 
Warning: No installed PCI configs!
Warning: No installed USB configs!
    ~  mhwd -l                                                                                                                                       ✔ 
> 0000:02:00.0 (0200:10ec:8168) Network controller Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.:
                  NAME               VERSION          FREEDRIVER           TYPE
         network-r8168            2023.09.12                true            PCI

> 0000:01:00.0 (0300:10de:1f12) Display controller nVidia Corporation:
                  NAME               VERSION          FREEDRIVER           TYPE
video-hybrid-amd-nvidia-prime            2023.03.23               false            PCI
video-hybrid-amd-nvidia-470xx-prime            2023.03.23               false            PCI
          video-nvidia            2024.05.03               false            PCI
    video-nvidia-470xx            2023.03.23               false            PCI
           video-linux            2024.05.06                true            PCI
     video-modesetting            2020.01.13                true            PCI
            video-vesa            2017.03.12                true            PCI

> 0000:06:00.0 (0300:1002:1636) Display controller ATI Technologies Inc:
                  NAME               VERSION          FREEDRIVER           TYPE
video-hybrid-amd-nvidia-prime            2023.03.23               false            PCI
video-hybrid-amd-nvidia-470xx-prime            2023.03.23               false            PCI
           video-linux            2024.05.06                true            PCI
     video-modesetting            2020.01.13                true            PCI
            video-vesa            2017.03.12                true            PCI

    ~  mhwd-kernel -li                                                                                                                               ✔ 
Currently running: 6.9.0-1-MANJARO (linux69)
The following kernels are installed in your system:
   * linux69

Fresh install seems to have worked. Latest media is @ kernel 6.9 (previous was 6.7). Looks like whatever bug this is/was caused by going from older kernel to newer one. Here’s hoping it’s fully resolved

While you have a hybrid system and the following available:

Is odd to me.
Did you ever have the hybrid profile applied/installed? (that would be the normal selection)

sudo mhwd -i pci video-hybrid-amd-nvidia-prime


Its not usually a good idea to keep only a single kernel installed.
Its a worse idea to have the only kernel installed be the absolute latest and untested.
I would suggest keeping at least one known-good kernel installed, such as 6.6 LTS.

…ok, nevermind then. :person_shrugging: