[Stable Update] 2024-05-13 - Kernels, Plasma 6, Gnome 46, LxQT 2.0, Nvidia, Pacman

I checked both solutions:

  1. /etc/profile.d/kde.sh is not existing instead there is the entry /etc/profile.d/manjaro-kde-settings-xdg.sh however the content is totally different :
export XDG_CONFIG_DIRS=${XDG_CONFIG_DIRS:-/etc/xdg}:/usr/share/manjaro-kde-settings/xdg

and echo shows:

xxx@xxx ~> echo $XDG_DATA_DIRS
/home/xxx/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share /usr/local/share /usr/share

  1. Re/install libx11 does not solve the problem either

Plasma 6 broke my Task Switcher for Thumbnail Grid, if you have the same problem, remove ~/.local/share/kwin/tabbox/thumbnail_grid and it should start working.

My system is crashing constantly with NVIDIA proprietary drivers and kernel 6.9. These are both changes made on this stable release.

If I downgrade to kernel 6.8.9-3 it all works better, but I got a recent crash there as well.

Iā€™ve posted in this link: Crash with nvidia proprietary driver, but mouse moves - #16 by gersonjferreira

Should I downgrade both the kernel and nvidia drivers?

No, but is there a reason you need to be on the absolute latest kernel?
I would at least try 6.6 LTS.

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Not really. I did I fresh install and it came with 6.9. then Iā€™ve downgraded to 6.8 to try to fix the issue.

But ok. I can try the LTS tomorrow.

Update broke Gnomes ā€œNautilusā€ right click ā€œEdit as adminā€ option, it now tries to open all text files with Gnomes ā€œVideosā€ instead of ā€œgeditā€?, so can no longer edit text files this way, ā€œOpen as adminā€ still works as it should.

I found nothing could fix my constant stutters and freezes on wayland, but they gone once I switched to X11.

One of the first things I did was to revert to the old school panel/taskbar: Right-click the bar, select Enter Edit Mode and flick the Floating toggle.

It doesnā€™t get much easier than that. Cheers.

I resolved a similar issue by switching the profile from ā€œBuilt-inā€ to ā€œBreathā€

Not the same issue.
That is the breath profile.
But it is not using a working ā€˜nerdā€™ font.
That is why it looks like that, as answered here and in other threads already.



No, the built-in Konsole profile uses zsh. :wink:

Oh by gosh you are right.
Its the $SHELL thats bash - they set default shell to zsh using the profile.

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Are you using Nvidia graphics and Gnome?

Thank you to all the maintainers. Finally, I did the update on both of my machines and everything seems working fine.

I had some icons that did not show in KDE, but changing to the default set and back to the one I like, solved it.


After the update, I experienced some problems with the file manager. Occasionally, the file names are not shown or entries in the menu bar are missing. They reappear whenever the mouse moves over them. In pop-up windows from the file manager, no text is shown at all (this is especially problematic because it does not reappear even if I go over it with the mouse).
Did anyone have a similar problem and was able to resolve it?

Thanks to all who have participated to get this Manjaro stable update up and running.


I wish I had the option to switch to Wayland but Manjaro wont even allow the ā€œdangerousā€ option in the login screen as even an option to tinker with.

It should be there - the wayland session is provided by plasma-workspace.

After the update I donā€™t have access to the Startup and shutdown settings in the system settings, so I cannot enable or disable autologin for example.

The settings are just not there anymore, very strange.

After another KDE update:
Most programs open delayed, e.g.
Chromium, Thunderbirdā€¦
There is a noticeable delay, especially when opening several konsole windows, also copy & paste actions in kate or kwrite are delayed

The system has been cleaned up after the upgrade, I canā€™t see any conflicts yet ā€¦

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