[Stable Update] 2021-04-18 - Kernels, Mesa, Wine, Plasma5, KDE Frameworks, LibreOffice, Bluez

After installing update normal re-start command from mouse did not launch the PC. I had to shutdown PC and make ‘cold start’ 3 times before the PC started. Now it is OK. :slightly_smiling_face:

However, a little bit later when I booted this PC once again it did not boot and did not react to any other commands, only black screen was available. Therefore, the only thing I could do, was to reinstall Manjaro once again from bootable USB-stick. Now it works OK again.

I don’t see any issues why splash in /etc/default/grub should create some issues. gdm-plymouth only creates a smoother transition than regular gdm. I tested it by switching between those too packages, without any issues.

Also mesa got properly updated now. I’ll update also our ISOs to reflect that.

1 Like

Does this mean that updating through the package manager will also be fixed?

Is anyone else experiencing an issue where dash to dock borders are square? I wrote about this here. I’ve only been having this issue since the update I got on sunday, and I am assuming this was the update I got.

A reboot fixed that strange behavior. Now it’s back to how it was before.:smiley:

1 Like

I still have a problem opening anything to do with wine.
(After this update I have wine 6.6-1, wine-gecko 2.47.2-1, wine-mono 6.1.1-1 and winetricks 20210206-1)

For example:


produces the following-

    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'shcore.SHCreateStreamOnFileW' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\shlwapi.dll". If you are using builtin L"shlwapi.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'shcore.SHDeleteKeyW' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\shlwapi.dll". If you are using builtin L"shlwapi.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'shcore.SHCreateStreamOnFileW' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\shlwapi.dll". If you are using builtin L"shlwapi.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CoCreateInstance' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CoTaskMemFree' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CoUninitialize' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CreateStreamOnHGlobal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.PropVariantClear' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CLSIDFromString' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CoCreateInstance' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CoTaskMemAlloc' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CoTaskMemFree' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CreateStreamOnHGlobal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HBITMAP_UserFree' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HBITMAP_UserMarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HBITMAP_UserSize' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HBITMAP_UserUnmarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HICON_UserFree' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HICON_UserMarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HICON_UserSize' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HICON_UserUnmarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HPALETTE_UserFree' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HPALETTE_UserMarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HPALETTE_UserSize' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HPALETTE_UserUnmarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.PropVariantClear' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.PropVariantCopy' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.StringFromGUID2' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CLIPFORMAT_UserFree' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CLIPFORMAT_UserMarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CLIPFORMAT_UserSize' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CLIPFORMAT_UserUnmarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CoCreateInstance' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CoGetMalloc' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CoTaskMemAlloc' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CoTaskMemFree' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CoTaskMemRealloc' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CoUninitialize' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CreateErrorInfo' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CreateStreamOnHGlobal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.GetErrorInfo' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HACCEL_UserFree' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HACCEL_UserMarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HACCEL_UserSize' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HACCEL_UserUnmarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HDC_UserFree' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HDC_UserMarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HDC_UserSize' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HDC_UserUnmarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HPALETTE_UserFree' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HPALETTE_UserMarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HPALETTE_UserSize' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HPALETTE_UserUnmarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HWND_UserFree' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HWND_UserMarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HWND_UserSize' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.HWND_UserUnmarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.SetErrorInfo' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.StringFromGUID2' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.WdtpInterfacePointer_UserMarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.WdtpInterfacePointer_UserSize' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.WdtpInterfacePointer_UserUnmarshal' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CoTaskMemAlloc' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.CoTaskMemFree' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.PropVariantClear' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'combase.PropVariantCopy' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\ole32.dll". If you are using builtin L"ole32.dll", try using the native one instead.
    0034:err:module:find_forwarded_export function not found for forward 'shcore.SHCreateStreamOnFileW' used by L"C:\\windows\\system32\\shlwapi.dll". If you are using builtin L"shlwapi.dll", try using the native one instead.
    wine: Call from 7BC2B840 to unimplemented function userenv.dll.CreateEnvironmentBlock, aborting
    wine: Unimplemented function userenv.dll.CreateEnvironmentBlock called at address 7BC2B840 (thread 003c), starting debugger...
    wine: Call from 7BC2B840 to unimplemented function combase.dll.CoInitializeEx, aborting
    wine: Unimplemented function combase.dll.CoInitializeEx called at address 7BC2B840 (thread 0034), starting debugger...

then sits doing nothing but system activity shows-


after ctrl-c

    0054:err:module:DelayLoadFailureHook failed to delay load comctl32.dll.InitCommonControlsEx
    wine: Call from 7B010FB6 to unimplemented function comctl32.dll.InitCommonControlsEx, aborting
    0080:fixme:console:default_ctrl_handler Terminating process 20 on event 0
    [donald@mainframe ~]$ 007c:err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 7BC60360 "../wine/dlls/ntdll/loader.c: loader_section" wait timed out in thread 007c, blocked by 0078, retrying (60 sec)
    007c:err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 7BC60360 "../wine/dlls/ntdll/loader.c: loader_section" wait timed out in thread 007c, blocked by 0078, retrying (60 sec)

and I still have -



Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Are you running on wayland? My system is a nvidia/intel hybrid so I’m stuck on Xorg.

Many thanks to the Manjaro Team to such a mostly great update with Cinnamon. I ran on 2 supposedly minor issues this time though:

  1. On Google Chrome there is a delay when you type on the search/URL’s bar. It started as a light delay on the last update. It’s now very noticeable on this one. (EDIT: I found a workaround on that, it might to be my old system’s limitations: When starting up Chrome, await some ~5-10 seconds doing nothing and all be great).

  2. It might to be for the fact that this website is not updated since 2018, then there might to be some supplement or media codecs incompatibility now, but my cable network TV website stopped entirely to work with this update (https://meogo.meo.pt/). It just worked intermittently with the last 2 updates. It’s totally unusable right now. Any idea on how to solve the issue?

Have a nice day!..

no systemd 248 yet?

systemd 248-5 is currently in Unstable Branch

I have the same feeling.

This has been previously reported by another user and me in the pinephone thread. Interesting what is the cause.

Are you using gnome based DE? If so the gnome updates are probably the reason, otherwise kernel or mesa?

Hi. I’m also still having troubles to run wine programs with this error:

X Error of failed request: GLXBadFBConfig
Major opcode of failed request: 153 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request: 0 ()
Serial number of failed request: 26126
Current serial number in output stream: 26126

export MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=4.4 is helping.

mesa 21.0.2
wine 6.6

oh. i forgot that mesa 21.1 will fix things up. so we wait…

1 Like

I tried both of these, i am still stuck in the lockscreen gui. When i enter the password, it just returns to the lockscreen.

Upgrading from Kernel 5.4.112-1 to Kernel 5.10.30-1 makes the ethernet interface disappear and doesn’t recognize the usb hub adapter. Everything else went smooth.

Volume step is not divided by 5 :slight_smile:



They’re still working on it:

Really annoyed the update process modifies /etc/default/grub to enable OS prober. Removed root write permission from this file to see if this fixes the problem during the next update.

During the update with pacman, I got this message:

upgrading manjaro-system...
ESC[1;1mESC[1;32m==>ESC[1;0mESC[1;1m Checking for 'os-prober' setup ...ESC[1;0m
    'os-prober' is disabled by default on this system.
    Your system won't detect other Operating Systems.
    For enabling it, uncomment the following in '/etc/default/grub':

And on my other system, it remained enabled as I had set it.

I’m having an issue with Ark since updating. For a big folder it doesn’t create the output file after compressing. Trying to archive a folder to .tar.zst that has a few thousand files. What do?