Does anyone know what up with this error message? Why can’t I include links in my posts?
If you search the forum you will find countless thread like yours asking the same thing about images or links. New accounts need to gain higher level of trust before being able to send links or images.
Ugh… well there goes my ability to help someone else for now.
Thanks for letting me know. Not ungrateful… just irritated.
It is frustrating but a good way to forbid any kind of spam. you can still add a random character in the http:// part to make it ‘not a link’ if needed to bypass the restriction. After a couple weeks of activity you’ll have normal permission, new accounts don’t.
edit: look what I can do, an image with a link!
edit 2: I see you joined same day as me so it may be up to your activity on the forum probably.
I got rick rolled!
I have the same issue. It’s a bit irritating that after years of activity on the forum we must go through this again. I wanted to post screenshots to illustrate something and I can’t, not yet.
I remember that on the old forum, when it was new, restrictions were too high and it was needed to modify them down a bit. Maybe the same action is needed now?
Forum open since 8 days and we have already TL2, is not hard and fast
What is TL2?
By the way, I got “Basic” level some time ago and it says:
Ograniczenia nałożone na Ciebie jako na nowego użytkownika / nową użytkowniczkę zostały zniesione i otrzymujesz dostęp do wszystkich niezbędnych funkcji społecznościowych, takich jak wysyłanie wiadomości prywatnych, flagowanie wpisów, edytowanie wiki czy możliwość dodawania wielu obrazków i linków we wpisach.
To translate it, restrictions have been removed and I got all needed social fuctions like sending priv messages, flagging, editing wiki or adding many pictures and links in the threads.
So in theory I can add it but in reality I can’t, so maybe this is some kind of bug?
I get:
Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post.
And those are just regular images send to a forum.
Hence my post here
and no idea ? TL2 is member
Those trust levels did matter only after beginning and then later I didn’t pay attention to it, so why would I remember them now? It was literally few years back.
Those trust levels did matter only after beginning
yes , members are already back and in one week you will be a member(TL2) and forget again
no images is only for tl2, you can read this
But he’s right, the mistake is probably because you (Manjaro staff) changed the default permission on each TL, but read carefully:
This badge is granted when you reach trust level 1. Thanks for sticking around and reading a few topics to learn what our community is about. New user restrictions have been lifted; you’ve been granted all essential community abilities, such as personal messaging, flagging, wiki editing, and the ability to post multiple images and links.
This badge is granted when you reach trust level 2. Thanks for participating over a period of weeks to truly join our community. You can now send invitations from your user page or individual topics, create group personal messages, and have more likes per day.
This badge is granted when you reach trust level 3. Thanks for being a regular part of our community over a period of months. You’re now one of the most active readers, and a reliable contributor that makes our community great. You can now recategorize and rename topics, take advantage of more powerful spam flags, access a private lounge area, and you’ll also get lots more likes per day.
You probably need to adjust all these language strings to reflect the reality of permissions, in my opinion.
External links are of little value and should be avoided.
Posting images is a last resort (if images are necessary please wrap in a summary/details view) - images are not searchable and rather disturbing - and furthermore they are of little value and so is topics plastered with emoticons.
Summary view is beneath the icon and creates a block like this
This text will be hidden
In reality and in real life communication is a skill you must constantly improve on.
When you take the time to transform your issue into sentences you often find the solution because you are required to think.
What about the inconsistency between the permission the user has, and the description of the TL badges?
Why is it so important to post links and images?
Why does it matter - if you are an active member - great - then it will solve in due time.
Please accept the changes - it is a technical oriented forum - not facebook or instagram.
Posting links to the Manjaro Wiki and Arch Wiki doesn’t seem little value imo
And if someone has a known bug, it’s easier to link them directly to the issue on GitLab or GitHub or any other issue tracker.
It’s also irritating for new users who are trying to reference some help they’ve followed that didn’t work, but they can’t post links, so they have a very hard time referencing it for us to know. I’ve noticed this a number of times on the new forum already. People are posting broken up links to let us know what they’ve tried following already.
Sometimes there are issues where an image can portray significantly more than text, not always, but sometimes.
Isn’t it possible to put links Preformatted text
also? They would not generate a hyperlink, but could be copy-pasted then.
Why? If it contains valuable information.
I would not want to spend time rewriting something that is already explained somerwhere else.
Regarding screenshots/images:
I generally agree that screenshots should be avoided if possible, e.g. where text could just be copied. Still screenshots do make sense explaining certain things like GUI issues for example.
Because we want to resume the normal activity as we were used to, help other users and that means posting screenshots or external links. I guess the link to the old forum is also considered an external one?
I was also thinking of restoring my optimus-manager guide here, but at the moment there is no proper area for such topics, plus I still can’t post images.
I know that after few days I will be able to do that and forget about it soon, but this kind of degradation feels bad, especially if you can’t do things that you did normally for a long time. It’s just impatience… but still a normal reaction, especially, that statuses descriptions says something otherwise, and we don’t know those trust levels by heart, so we don’t know how long those restrictions will be upon us.
As to this:
Really? The forum is new and without valuable content. Almost all valuable things are OUTSIDE of this forum (counting old forum as outside resource), so external links should be recommended.