Newbie hardware issues

I didn’t know where to post this, since there’s no general hardware category, so I posted here since I use KDE.

As you can tell by the title (or my username) I’m a Linux newbie. I am learning, but there are some issues that I ran into, maybe someone can point me in the right direction.

I use quite a few hardware devices…

  1. The first one I connected was Logitech’s Pro Flight Yoke. I can almost swear that yesterday it used to display the correct time, but I can’t be sure. Now, it doesn’t. And I can also almost swear that the taskbar had the yoke icon, now it doesn’t. But that might just be my memory playing tricks on me from Windows. I don’t remember how/if I installed it on Manjaro. Anyway, my issue is that the built-in clock doesn’t display time.

  2. My Logitech G900 mouse doesn’t have G Hub (which is the software it comes with in Windows). It works fine, but the remaining battery power displayed in Manjaro is probably not accurate. G Hub on Windows shows 47%, Manjaro Power Settings shows 37% and Solaar shows 30% for the same battery level. RGB control isn’t important to me, but battery level is.

  3. I have Stream Deck, and I found that Stream Deck UI is available for Linux users, but lacking functionality.

  4. I have two external sound devices. The first is Fast Track Pro from M-Audio which I use for audio input (mostly midi input) and audio processing. The second is Vantec external 7.1 surround card. Both provide no Linux drivers.

Additionally, I’d like to ask, is there an advantage of using terminal to install stuff over pamac? I did some searching, but I couldn’t find a satisfying answer.


Hi @manjar_newbie,

Personally, and this is just my own opinion, I feel like when you use the terminal, you have more control.

And pamac has a CLI as well, it’s not only GUI:

In fact. that’s what I recommend using, the Pamac CLI, since Pamac was developed by Manjaro (devs) for Manjaro, so it just takes care of more things for you than Pacman.

It’s also more verbose and easier to as and receive assistance when you use the terminal, since you can copy-and-paste output, commands and so on, but you can’t do it with a GUI.

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Hope you manage!


To provide terminal output, copy the text you wish to share, and paste it here, surrounded by three (3) backticks, a.k.a grave accents. Like this:


pasted text


This will just cause it to be rendered like this:

Portaest sed
cursus nisl nisi
hendrerit ac quis
tortor sit leo commodo.

Instead of like this:

Portaest sed elementum cursus nisl nisi hendrerit ac quis sit adipiscing tortor sit leo commodo.

Alternatively, paste the text you wish to format as terminal output, select all pasted text, and click the </> button on the taskbar. This will indent the whole pasted section with one TAB, causing it to render the same way as described above.

Thereby improving legibility and making it much easier for those trying to be of assistance.

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If Logitech doesn’t supply a Linux compatible app for your mouse (and my experience with their keyboard is that they don’t) then you are kind of out of luck.

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Thanks guys. I appreciate your replies.

Both USB audio devices probably work with snd_usb_audio Linux audio driver

M-Audio Fast Track Pro has custom PulseAudio Profiles for the 2 stereo output channels
to use either Analog Stereo Channel A; Analog Stereo Channel B or both A+B
(PipeWire uses an identical copy of the PulseAudio profile configuration)

M-Audio Fast Track Pro - ArchWiki

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That depends on who is answering

For some it is a point and click is a must have, for others - like myself - prefer the terminal.

In theory they provide the same result - in real world - the native CLI package manager pacman provides better handling of certain scenarios.

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And then there’s me, I prefer and always recommend the CLI version of pamac.

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Thanks for all the replies. Very much appreciated.