is made for people that try to help others in this forum
I made this small program to gather information on the boot-process (uefi gpt grub kernel initrd manjaro). All probing is done with standard tools like mhwd-kernel, ls, cat, sort, du, find, β¦
It collects and shows data about:
uefi bootvariables
efi bootloaders
installed kernels (running and other versions)
available initramdisks
installed modules
visible partitions
It may help to get an overview, what is missing in an install, so you can decide, what a user should do to repair it.
maxi -h
Maxi is made for manjaro linux only
This is version 0.6 from 23.1.2022
/home/andreas/bin/maxi [OPTIONS]
-h --help help
-c --color colorize output unconditionally
-k --kernel installed kernels, initrd
-l --list-all all kernels (not only installed)
-v --kver kernelversion
-m --modules list modules and extramodules
-s --shasum produce hash to compare kernel. modules
-w --watch [100] watch how everything changes with time
-g --grub /boot/grub/grub.cfg, /etc/default/grub
-i --mkinitcpio /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
-e --efi efi bootloaders
-f --forum frame with backticks and [details] and copy to clipboard
default equals to: -km
is written in bash / java and has all source included
To view the bash source look into the start of the file
To view the java source, you have to rename it to maxi.jar
Version 0.7.0 is now available via Github:
If your manjaro installation does not boot (any more), maxi may help to find what is missing
You need to make the file executable
chmod a+x maxi
Please check the sha256 sum
Now you can use it
maxi -kmf
Depends on
java (1.8 or any newer)
mhwd (mhwd-kernel)
coreutils (ls cat sort du sha256sum)
findutils (find)
ncurses (tput) or zsh (echoti)
The license is GNU General Public License v3.0
Suggestions and bugreports please as PN to @andreas85 or here in this thread.
I am also interested in getting a lot of info about efi-variables. So please send me your results of :
efibootmgr -v
I have dissected your java (jar xf maxi
The only way I can run it is using java -jar maxi
One thing which immediately caught my eye was the phrase <missing>
. To me it indicates something which should have been there but was not found - so depending on whether some of the components was found - then would be correct - if none of the components is avallable - then maybe n/a
or not available
β Downloads java -jar maxi -klvmsgie 14:57
Currently running: 5.15.16-1-MANJARO (linux515)
linux510 - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux514 - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux515 vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64β19ae~b417 initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img=8,7M fallback=33M β<sha?> kver:5.15.16-1-MANJARO
linux516 vmlinuz-5.16-x86_64βd1a5~8daa initramfs-5.16-x86_64.img=8,7M fallback=36M β<sha?> kver:5.16.2-1-MANJARO
linux54 - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux510-rt - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux515-rt - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux516-rt - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
Modules in: /lib/modules Checksumming all modules may take a while
modules510 <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules514 <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules515 5.15.16-1-MANJARO=272Mβ<sha?> extramodules-5.15-MANJARO=0Kβ<sha?>
modules516 5.16.2-1-MANJARO =293Mβ<sha?> extramodules-5.16-MANJARO=0Kβ<sha?>
modules54 <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules510-rt <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules515-rt <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules516-rt <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
Info about: /etc/default/grub
Please update grub.cfg:/boot/grub/grub.cfg <is older than> /etc/default/grub
Please update grub.cfg:/boot/initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img <is older than> /etc/default/grub
Please update grub.cfg:/boot/initramfs-5.16-x86_64.img <is older than> /etc/default/grub
GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES ="part_gpt part_msdos"
# GRUB_THEME ="/path/to/gfxtheme"
Info about: /etc/default/MKINITCPIO
Please run 'mkinitcpio -p linux515' :/boot/initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img <is older than> /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
Please run 'mkinitcpio -p linux516' :/boot/initramfs-5.16-x86_64.img <is older than> /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
HOOKS ="base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard keymap consolefont resume filesystems fsck"
# COMPRESSION ="bzip2"
Info about: efi bootloaders
Info about: efi vars (needs efibootmgr)
Boot0002* Manjaro HD(1,GPT,fea99fcd-118f-d543-9931-8942a1f64f62,0x1000,0x96000) \EFI\MANJARO\GRUBX64.EFI
Boot0009* Generic Usb Device VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)
Boot000A* CD/DVD Device VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)
Boot0010* UEFI OS HD(1,GPT,fea99fcd-118f-d543-9931-8942a1f64f62,0x1000,0x96000) \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI ..BO
The stays the same even after running mkinitcpio and grub-mkconfig.
Because the files checked is depending on the configs then the new files will always be older than the configs. Maybe you meant it opposite?
1 Like
Maybe i forgot to mention that you need to make it executable first so that it can work as bash-script
I will try to change this
Maybe due to my use of fish shell - I get this message
β Downloads ./maxi 1.915s 15:09
./maxi (line 5): Unsupported use of '='. In fish, please use 'set EC "$?"'.
warning: Error while reading file ./maxi
Running the jarfile produces no output if the -h
switch is used.
Just confirmed - using zsh - the app produces the expected output.
β Downloads ./maxi -h
9 ==>
Maxi is made for manjaro linux only
This is version 0.6 from 23.1.2022
./maxi [OPTIONS]
-h --help help
-c --color colorize output unconditionally
-k --kernel installed kernels, initrd
-l --list-all all kernels (not only installed)
-v --kver kernelversion
-m --modules list modules and extramodules
-s --shasum produce hash to compare kernel. modules
-w --watch [100] watch how everything changes with time
-g --grub /boot/grub/grub.cfg, /etc/default/grub
-i --mkinitcpio /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
-e --efi efi bootloaders
default equals to: -km
1 Like
That is true, because -h is part of the bash-script inside the file. So running it with java -jar instead of bash does not provide -h
I never used fish.
What may be the problem with line 5:
#!/bin/env -S ${SHELL}
# Β©2022 Andreas Kielkopf
# License: `GNU General Public License v3.0`
nice java -jar "$0" "$@"
[ "$EC" = 0 ] && exit;
EC=β$?β do i have to write LET EC=β$?β for fish ?
Some bash variables and their closest fish equivalent:
$*, $@, $1 and so on: $argv
$?: $status
So it seems $? is not supported in fish !
I think the issue is line 1 where you set the shell to ${SHELL}.
I would use
#!/usr/bin/env bash
I tried to stay in the provided shell
So if the program runs in zsh it would use βechotiβ instead of βtputβ
It seems i have access to zsh even if i use bash to start the program
Did change it to bash
#!/bin/env -S bash
I am not proficient in shell scripting so I donβt know.
But I think this is the very reason for defining the interpreter or shell used instead of just passing in the running shell.
1 Like
This is complicated. Because when NOT using -l --list-all , these files ARE missing and it indicates a problem.
Tip: when NOT using -s with -m the program is much faster
Please update grub.cfg:/boot/grub/grub.cfg <is older than> /etc/default/grub
Please update grub.cfg:/boot/initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img <is older than> /etc/default/grub
Please update grub.cfg:/boot/initramfs-5.16-x86_64.img <is older than> /etc/default/grub
This is possibly also because you use fish , and $SHELL ist used even inside java to call fish for the tests of these files
So i will change this to bash also
A new version 0.6.1 is available
This time I switched my shell and the comparison - the date thing - is not written here - so I think you are right about the shell
β ~ echo $SHELL
β ~ cd Downloads/
β Downloads ./maxi -klvmsgie
Currently running: 5.15.16-1-MANJARO (linux515)
linux510 - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux514 - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux515 vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64β19ae~b417 initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img=8,7M fallback=33M β<sha?> kver:5.15.16-1-MANJARO
linux516 vmlinuz-5.16-x86_64βd1a5~8daa initramfs-5.16-x86_64.img=8,7M fallback=36M β<sha?> kver:5.16.2-1-MANJARO
linux54 - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux510-rt - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux515-rt - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux516-rt - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
Modules in: /lib/modules Checksumming all modules may take a while
modules510 <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules514 <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules515 5.15.16-1-MANJARO=272Mβb5cd~5309 extramodules-5.15-MANJARO=0Kβ4823~7cf8
modules516 5.16.2-1-MANJARO =293Mβ4377~4494 extramodules-5.16-MANJARO=0Kβ11e0~78ba
modules54 <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules510-rt <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules515-rt <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules516-rt <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
Info about: /etc/default/grub
GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES ="part_gpt part_msdos"
# GRUB_THEME ="/path/to/gfxtheme"
Info about: /etc/default/MKINITCPIO
HOOKS ="base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard keymap consolefont resume filesystems fsck"
# COMPRESSION ="bzip2"
Info about: efi bootloaders
/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi 136K β43a6~d103
/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/grub.efi 136K βe3db~047a
Info about: efi vars (needs efibootmgr)
Boot0002* Manjaro HD(1,GPT,fea99fcd-118f-d543-9931-8942a1f64f62,0x1000,0x96000) \EFI\MANJARO\GRUBX64.EFI
Boot0009* Generic Usb Device VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)
Boot000A* CD/DVD Device VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)
Boot0010* UEFI OS HD(1,GPT,fea99fcd-118f-d543-9931-8942a1f64f62,0x1000,0x96000) \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI ..BO
1 Like
A new version 0.6.2 is available
it should use bash as shell for the start-script and βhelp
it should use bash or zsh (if zsh is the default) for comparisons
Info from /etc/default/grub could include below info.
The reasoning would be to better suggest changes to the commandline if necessary.
The line points to a non-existing file
Info about: /etc/default/MKINITCPIO
These settings are found in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
1 Like
A new version 0.6.3 is available
corrected infoline
with fish shell
β Downloads echo $SHELL
β Downloads ./maxi -klvmsgie
Currently running: 5.15.16-1-MANJARO (linux515)
linux510 - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux514 - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux515 vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64β19ae~b417 initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img=8,7M fallback=33M β<sha?> kver:5.15.16-1-MANJARO
linux516 vmlinuz-5.16-x86_64βd1a5~8daa initramfs-5.16-x86_64.img=8,7M fallback=36M β<sha?> kver:5.16.2-1-MANJARO
linux54 - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux510-rt - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux515-rt - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
linux516-rt - <vmlinuz missing> β<sha?> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no>β<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
Modules in: /lib/modules Checksumming all modules may take a while
modules510 <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules514 <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules515 5.15.16-1-MANJARO=272Mβ<sha?> extramodules-5.15-MANJARO=0Kβ<sha?>
modules516 5.16.2-1-MANJARO =293Mβ<sha?> extramodules-5.16-MANJARO=0Kβ<sha?>
modules54 <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules510-rt <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules515-rt <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
modules516-rt <missing> = β<sha?> <missing> = β<sha?>
Info about: /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet resume=UUID=c8501960-7f88-40e9-8d10-57fd8d614909 udev.log_priority=3"
GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES ="part_gpt part_msdos"
# GRUB_THEME ="/path/to/gfxtheme"
Info about: /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
HOOKS ="base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard keymap consolefont resume filesystems fsck"
# COMPRESSION ="bzip2"
Info about: efi bootloaders
Info about: efi vars (needs efibootmgr)
Boot0002* Manjaro HD(1,GPT,fea99fcd-118f-d543-9931-8942a1f64f62,0x1000,0x96000) \EFI\MANJARO\GRUBX64.EFI
Boot0009* Generic Usb Device VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)
Boot000A* CD/DVD Device VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)
Boot0010* UEFI OS HD(1,GPT,fea99fcd-118f-d543-9931-8942a1f64f62,0x1000,0x96000) \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI ..BO
1 Like
Hi, this project is pretty cool, however, itβs too grub-centric and knows nothing about systemd-boot and doesnβt take unified kernels into account thus some valuable info like cmdline is missing:
./maxi -klvmgie 0 (4.159s)
Currently running: 5.15.16-1-MANJARO (linux515)
linux510 <vmlinuz missing> initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img=33M fallback=<no> kver
linux515 vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64 initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img=34M fallback=<no> kver
linux516 vmlinuz-5.16-x86_64 initramfs-5.16-x86_64.img=34M fallback=<no> kver
linux517 vmlinuz-5.17-x86_64 initramfs-5.17-x86_64.img=34M fallback=55M kver
:<kver missing>
linux54 - <vmlinuz missing> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no> kver
:<kver missing>
linux510-rt - <vmlinuz missing> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no> kver
:<kver missing>
linux515-rt - <vmlinuz missing> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no> kver
:<kver missing>
linux516-rt - <vmlinuz missing> <initrd missing> = fallback=<no> kver
:<kver missing>
Modules in: /lib/modules
modules510 5.10.93-1-MANJARO=249M extramodules-5.10-MANJARO=40M
modules515 5.15.16-1-MANJARO=272M extramodules-5.15-MANJARO=44M
modules516 5.16.2-1-MANJARO =293M extramodules-5.16-MANJARO=43M
modules517 <missing> = extramodules-5.17-MANJARO=0K
modules54 <missing> = <missing> =
modules510-rt <missing> = <missing> =
modules515-rt <missing> = <missing> =
modules516-rt <missing> = <missing> =
Info about: /etc/default/grub
Please update grub.cfg:/boot/grub/grub.cfg <is older than> /etc/default/grub
Info about: /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
MODULES =(i915 vfat exfat hid_apple tpm_crb tpm_tis)
HOOKS =(base udev keyboard consolefont autodetect plymouth modconf block pl
ymouth-tpm2-totp tpm2 plymouth-encrypt lvm2 resume filesystems)
# HOOKS =(base systemd keyboard sd-vconsole autodetect sd-plymouth modconf bl
ock sd-plymouth-tpm2-totp sd-encrypt lvm2 filesystems)
Info about: efi bootloaders
/efi/EFI/manjaro/grubx64.efi 264K
/efi/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi 120K
/efi/EFI/BOOT/fbx64.efi 84K
/efi/EFI/BOOT/mmx64.efi 840K
/efi/EFI/tools/KeyTool.efi 136K
/efi/EFI/tools/fwupdx64.efi 64K
/efi/EFI/tools/Shell.efi 908K
/efi/EFI/tools/Shell_Full.efi 1008K
/efi/EFI/tools/H2OSDE-Sx64.efi 436K
/efi/EFI/tools/H2OUVE-Sx64.efi 964K
/efi/EFI/tools/H2OFFT-Sx64.efi 720K
/efi/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi 936K
/efi/EFI/ubuntu/mmx64.efi 840K
/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi 260K
/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/grub.efi 260K
Info about: efi vars (needs efibootmgr)
Boot0000* ubuntu HD(1,GPT,8a18a9ff-7d73-4fcf-ad75-32a832ab609e,0x800
,0xfa000) \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi
Boot0001* Linux Boot Manager HD(1,GPT,8a18a9ff-7d73-4fcf-ad75-32a832ab609e,0x800
,0xfa000) \EFI\systemd\systemd-bootx64.efi
Boot0006* Windows Boot Manager HD(1,GPT,44250ea5-b71a-4d43-bd15-15fdc7873103,0x800
,0x64800) \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
Iβm using btwβ¦
PS: also note that it doesnβt detect initrds generated by modified presets in /etc/mkinitcpio.d
, e.g.:
cat /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux510.preset 0 (0.041s)
# mkinitcpio preset file for the 'linux510' package
PRESETS=('default' 'systemd')
fallback_options="-S autodetect"
which results in extra initrd as follows:
ll /boot |grep 5.10 0 (0.011s)
.rw------- 33M root root 21 Jan 23:20 ο
.rw------- 34M root root 21 Jan 23:20 ο
.rw-r--r-- 9.4M root root 21 Jan 23:19 ο
1 Like
Yes you are right. At the moment i do concentrate on EFI - GRUB - manjaro-kernels and manjaro initrd.
There are 2 reasons:
These are things i know in detail, and can test myself
Maxi should help to find problems in βstandardβ-manjaro installations (so naturally this is the focus)
The output bases on information from mhwd-kernel -(l)i
and therefore can only list supported kernels
Maybe i will extend it to systemd-boot, refind β¦ but i will have to read a lot about it beforehand
P.S. Also try the -kw option in a 2nd terminal (while running an update or installing/removing a kernel in the 1st terminal) and you will see what i mean.
1 Like
25 January 2022 16:41
@andreas85 nice work.
Any similar I also got in mind β¦ but still in mind only.
But there is a feature I would try to implement if I build it.
Switch β-f --forum-formatβ which formats the output for the forum or much better copies the formatted output to clipboard so that the user only have to us ctrl+v to get the info in his forum post.
Perhaps a idea.
1 Like
This has been changed in version 0.6.4
After an Update you can check if everything may work when booting, with
maxi -km
Lets think about it:
How many characters are allowed with the -f option ?
What part of the filenames can be shortened ?
Is this only a problem with -kv ?
with -km
Currently running: 5.10.93-1-MANJARO (linux510)
linux419 vmlinuz-4.19-x86_64 initramfs-4.19-x86_64.img=12M fallback=29M
linux510 vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64 initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img=12M fallback=30M
linux515 vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64 initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img=11M fallback=35M
Modules in: /lib/modules
modules419 4.19.225-1-MANJARO=80M extramodules-4.19-MANJARO=160K
modules510 5.10.93-1-MANJARO =88M extramodules-5.10-MANJARO=164K
modules515 5.15.16-1-MANJARO =115M extramodules-5.15-MANJARO=252K
with -kv
Currently running: 5.10.93-1-MANJARO (linux510)
linux419 vmlinuz-4.19-x86_64 initramfs-4.19-x86_64.img=12M fallback=29M kver:4.19.225-1-MANJARO
linux510 vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64 initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img=12M fallback=30M kver:5.10.93-1-MANJARO
linux515 vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64 initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img=11M fallback=35M kver:5.15.16-1-MANJARO
How did you βproduceβ the problem ? I canβt reproduce it.
with -klvmgie
Currently running: 5.10.93-1-MANJARO (linux510)
linux414 -- -- -- = -- = kver:<kver missing>
linux419 vmlinuz-4.19-x86_64 initramfs-4.19-x86_64.img=12M fallback=29M kver:4.19.225-1-MANJARO
linux44 -- -- -- = -- = kver:<kver missing>
linux49 -- -- -- = -- = kver:<kver missing>
linux510 vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64 initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img=12M fallback=30M kver:5.10.93-1-MANJARO
linux514 -- -- -- = -- = kver:<kver missing>
linux515 vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64 initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img=11M fallback=35M kver:5.15.16-1-MANJARO
linux516 -- -- -- = -- = kver:<kver missing>
linux54 -- -- -- = -- = kver:<kver missing>
linux510-rt -- -- -- = -- = kver:<kver missing>
linux515-rt -- -- -- = -- = kver:<kver missing>
Modules in: /lib/modules
modules414 <missing> = <missing> =
modules419 4.19.225-1-MANJARO=80M extramodules-4.19-MANJARO=160K
modules44 <missing> = <missing> =
modules49 <missing> = <missing> =
modules510 5.10.93-1-MANJARO =88M extramodules-5.10-MANJARO=164K
modules514 <missing> = <missing> =
modules515 5.15.16-1-MANJARO =115M extramodules-5.15-MANJARO=252K
modules516 <missing> = <missing> =
modules54 <missing> = <missing> =
modules510-rt <missing> = <missing> =
modules515-rt <missing> = <missing> =
Info about: /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="bootsplash.bootfile=bootsplash-themes/manjaro/bootsplash modprobe.blacklist=ccp udev.log_priority=3 audit=0 sysrq_always_enabled=1"
GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES ="part_gpt part_msdos"
GRUB_THEME ="/usr/share/grub/themes/manjaro/theme.txt"
Info about: /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
MODULES =(btrfs nouveau)
# MODULES =(btrfs)
HOOKS =(base udev systemd autodetect modconf block keyboard sd-vconsole filesystems bootsplash-manjaro)
# HOOKS =(base systemd autodetect modconf block keyboard sd-vconsole filesystems bootsplash-manjaro)
# COMPRESSION ="bzip2"
Info about: efi bootloaders
/boot/efi/EFI/manjaro/grubx64.efi 276K
/boot/efi/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi 272K
/boot/efi/EFI/refind/refind_x64.efi 312K
/boot/efi/EFI/refind/drivers_x64/btrfs_x64.efi 116K
/boot/efi/EFI/tools/Shell.efi 908K
/boot/efi/EFI/tools/Shell_Full.efi 1008K
/boot/efi/EFI/tools/shellx64.efi 1,4M
/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi 276K
/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/grub.efi 276K
/boot/efi_backup/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi 164K
/boot/efi_backup/EFI/manjaro/grubx64.efi 164K
Info about: efi vars (needs efibootmgr)
Boot0000* manjaro HD(1,GPT,b1d3d562-88ff-4ac2-8326-9c5d82892379,0x800,0x1dc800) \EFI\MANJARO\GRUBX64.EFI
Boot0003* UEFI: Built-in EFI Shell VenMedia(5023b95c-db26-429b-a648-bd47664c8012) ..BO
Boot0004* UEFI OS HD(1,GPT,b1d3d562-88ff-4ac2-8326-9c5d82892379,0x800,0x1dc800) \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI ..BO
Boot001A* UEFI OS HD(1,GPT,99e0488b-1204-4acc-83a6-30d2c839b094,0x800,0x100000) \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI ..BO
Boot0020* UEFI OS HD(1,GPT,4f943c21-f008-4448-aaf4-ff8be3fd2a28,0x800,0x200000) \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI ..BO
Boot0022* Hard Drive BBS(HD,,0x0) ..GO
Boot0023* CD/DVD Drive BBS(CDROM,,0x0) ..GO