Maxi - call for testers 0.7.18

maxi :footprints:

is made for people that try to help others in this forum

I made this small program to gather information on the boot-process (uefi :fast_forward: gpt :fast_forward: grub :fast_forward: kernel :fast_forward: initrd :fast_forward: manjaro). All probing is done with standard tools like mhwd-kernel, ls, cat, sort, du, find, …

It collects and shows data about:

  • uefi bootvariables
  • efi bootloaders
  • grub.cfg
  • /etc/default/grub
  • /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
  • installed kernels (running and other versions)
  • available initramdisks
  • installed modules
  • visible partitions

It may help to get an overview, what is missing in an install, so you can decide, what a user should do to repair it.

maxi -h
Maxi is made for manjaro linux only
This is version 0.6 from 23.1.2022

/home/andreas/bin/maxi [OPTIONS]

 -h --help         help
 -c --color        colorize output unconditionally
 -k --kernel       installed kernels, initrd
 -l --list-all     all kernels (not only installed)  
 -v --kver         kernelversion 
 -m --modules      list modules and extramodules    
 -s --shasum       produce hash to compare kernel. modules
 -w --watch [100]  watch how everything changes with time 
 -g --grub         /boot/grub/grub.cfg, /etc/default/grub
 -i --mkinitcpio   /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
 -e --efi          efi bootloaders 
 -f --forum    frame with backticks and [details] and copy to clipboard
   default equals to: -km

maxi is written in bash / java :wink: and has all source included

  • To view the bash source look into the start of the file
  • To view the java source, you have to rename it to maxi.jar

Version 0.7.0 is now available via Github:

You need to make the file executable

chmod a+x maxi

Please check the sha256 sum

Now you can use it

maxi -kmf

Depends on

  • java (1.8 or any newer)
  • mhwd (mhwd-kernel)
  • coreutils (ls cat sort du sha256sum)
  • findutils (find)
  • ncurses (tput) or zsh (echoti)
  • efibootmgr


The license is GNU General Public License v3.0

Andreas :sunglasses:
Suggestions and bugreports please as PN to @andreas85 or here in this thread.
I am also interested in getting a lot of info about efi-variables. So please send me your results of :

efibootmgr -v

I have dissected your java :slight_smile: (jar xf maxi)

The only way I can run it is using java -jar maxi

One thing which immediately caught my eye was the phrase <missing>. To me it indicates something which should have been there but was not found - so depending on whether some of the components was found - then would be correct - if none of the components is avallable - then maybe n/a or not available.

➜  Downloads java -jar maxi -klvmsgie                                                                              14:57
Currently running: 5.15.16-1-MANJARO (linux515)
 linux510    - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux514    - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux515      vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64βˆ‘19ae~b417 initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img=8,7M fallback=33M βˆ‘<sha?> kver:5.15.16-1-MANJARO
 linux516      vmlinuz-5.16-x86_64βˆ‘d1a5~8daa initramfs-5.16-x86_64.img=8,7M fallback=36M βˆ‘<sha?> kver:5.16.2-1-MANJARO
 linux54     - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux510-rt - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux515-rt - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux516-rt - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
Modules in: /lib/modules Checksumming all modules may take a while
 modules510    <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?> <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules514    <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?> <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules515    5.15.16-1-MANJARO=272Mβˆ‘<sha?> extramodules-5.15-MANJARO=0Kβˆ‘<sha?>
 modules516    5.16.2-1-MANJARO =293Mβˆ‘<sha?> extramodules-5.16-MANJARO=0Kβˆ‘<sha?>
 modules54     <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?> <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules510-rt <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?> <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules515-rt <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?> <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules516-rt <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?> <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
Info about: /etc/default/grub
 Please update grub.cfg:/boot/grub/grub.cfg             <is older than> /etc/default/grub
 Please update grub.cfg:/boot/initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img <is older than> /etc/default/grub
 Please update grub.cfg:/boot/initramfs-5.16-x86_64.img <is older than> /etc/default/grub
   GRUB_DEFAULT          =saved
   GRUB_TIMEOUT          =5
   GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE    =hidden
   GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR      ="Manjaro"
   GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT      =true
   GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES  ="part_gpt part_msdos"
 # GRUB_THEME            ="/path/to/gfxtheme"
Info about: /etc/default/MKINITCPIO
 Please run 'mkinitcpio -p linux515' :/boot/initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img <is older than> /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
 Please run 'mkinitcpio -p linux516' :/boot/initramfs-5.16-x86_64.img <is older than> /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
   MODULES               =""
   BINARIES              =()
   FILES                 =""
   HOOKS                 ="base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard keymap consolefont resume filesystems fsck"
 # COMPRESSION           ="gzip"
 # COMPRESSION           ="bzip2"
 # COMPRESSION           ="lzma"
 # COMPRESSION           ="xz"
 # COMPRESSION           ="lzop"
 # COMPRESSION           ="lz4"
 # COMPRESSION           ="zstd"
Info about: efi bootloaders
Info about: efi vars (needs efibootmgr)
 Boot0002* Manjaro            HD(1,GPT,fea99fcd-118f-d543-9931-8942a1f64f62,0x1000,0x96000) \EFI\MANJARO\GRUBX64.EFI
 Boot0009* Generic Usb Device VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)                                           
 Boot000A* CD/DVD Device      VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)                                           
 Boot0010* UEFI OS            HD(1,GPT,fea99fcd-118f-d543-9931-8942a1f64f62,0x1000,0x96000) \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI    ..BO

The stays the same even after running mkinitcpio and grub-mkconfig.

Because the files checked is depending on the configs then the new files will always be older than the configs. Maybe you meant it opposite?

1 Like

Maybe i forgot to mention that you need to make it executable first :man_facepalming: so that it can work as bash-script

  • I will try to change this

Maybe due to my use of fish shell - I get this message

➜  Downloads ./maxi                                                                                                                                1.915s 15:09
./maxi (line 5): Unsupported use of '='. In fish, please use 'set EC "$?"'.
warning: Error while reading file ./maxi

Running the jarfile produces no output if the -h switch is used.

Just confirmed - using zsh - the app produces the expected output.

➜  Downloads ./maxi -h
9 ==>
Maxi is made for manjaro linux only
This is version 0.6 from 23.1.2022

./maxi [OPTIONS]

 -h --help         help
 -c --color        colorize output unconditionally
 -k --kernel       installed kernels, initrd
 -l --list-all     all kernels (not only installed)  
 -v --kver         kernelversion 
 -m --modules      list modules and extramodules    
 -s --shasum       produce hash to compare kernel. modules
 -w --watch [100]  watch how everything changes with time 
 -g --grub         /boot/grub/grub.cfg, /etc/default/grub
 -i --mkinitcpio   /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
 -e --efi          efi bootloaders 
   default equals to: -km
1 Like

That is true, because -h is part of the bash-script inside the file. So running it with java -jar instead of bash does not provide -h :frowning:
I never used fish.
What may be the problem with line 5:

#!/bin/env -S ${SHELL}
# Β©2022 Andreas Kielkopf
# License: `GNU General Public License v3.0`
nice java -jar "$0" "$@"
[ "$EC" = 0 ] && exit;

EC=β€œ$?” do i have to write LET EC=β€œ$?” for fish ?

Some bash variables and their closest fish equivalent:
$*, $@, $1 and so on: $argv
$?: $status

So it seems $? is not supported in fish !

I think the issue is line 1 where you set the shell to ${SHELL}.

I would use

#!/usr/bin/env bash

I tried to stay in the provided shell :wink:
So if the program runs in zsh it would use β€œechoti” instead of β€œtput”

It seems i have access to zsh even if i use bash to start the program :wink:
Did change it to bash

#!/bin/env -S bash

I am not proficient in shell scripting so I don’t know.

But I think this is the very reason for defining the interpreter or shell used instead of just passing in the running shell.

1 Like

This is complicated. Because when NOT using -l --list-all , these files ARE missing and it indicates a problem.
Tip: when NOT using -s with -m the program is much faster :wink:

 Please update grub.cfg:/boot/grub/grub.cfg             <is older than> /etc/default/grub
 Please update grub.cfg:/boot/initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img <is older than> /etc/default/grub
 Please update grub.cfg:/boot/initramfs-5.16-x86_64.img <is older than> /etc/default/grub

This is possibly also because you use fish, and $SHELL ist used even inside java to call fish for the tests of these files
So i will change this to bash also

A new version 0.6.1 is available :wink:

This time I switched my shell and the comparison - the date thing - is not written here - so I think you are right about the shell

➜  ~ echo $SHELL
➜  ~ cd Downloads/
➜  Downloads ./maxi -klvmsgie
Currently running: 5.15.16-1-MANJARO (linux515)
 linux510    - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux514    - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux515      vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64βˆ‘19ae~b417 initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img=8,7M fallback=33M βˆ‘<sha?> kver:5.15.16-1-MANJARO
 linux516      vmlinuz-5.16-x86_64βˆ‘d1a5~8daa initramfs-5.16-x86_64.img=8,7M fallback=36M βˆ‘<sha?> kver:5.16.2-1-MANJARO
 linux54     - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux510-rt - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux515-rt - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux516-rt - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
Modules in: /lib/modules Checksumming all modules may take a while
 modules510    <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?>    <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules514    <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?>    <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules515    5.15.16-1-MANJARO=272Mβˆ‘b5cd~5309 extramodules-5.15-MANJARO=0Kβˆ‘4823~7cf8
 modules516    5.16.2-1-MANJARO =293Mβˆ‘4377~4494 extramodules-5.16-MANJARO=0Kβˆ‘11e0~78ba
 modules54     <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?>    <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules510-rt <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?>    <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules515-rt <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?>    <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules516-rt <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?>    <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
Info about: /etc/default/grub
   GRUB_DEFAULT          =saved
   GRUB_TIMEOUT          =5
   GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE    =hidden
   GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR      ="Manjaro"
   GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT      =true
   GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES  ="part_gpt part_msdos"
 # GRUB_THEME            ="/path/to/gfxtheme"
Info about: /etc/default/MKINITCPIO
   MODULES               =""
   BINARIES              =()
   FILES                 =""
   HOOKS                 ="base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard keymap consolefont resume filesystems fsck"
 # COMPRESSION           ="gzip"
 # COMPRESSION           ="bzip2"
 # COMPRESSION           ="lzma"
 # COMPRESSION           ="xz"
 # COMPRESSION           ="lzop"
 # COMPRESSION           ="lz4"
 # COMPRESSION           ="zstd"
Info about: efi bootloaders
 /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi 136K βˆ‘43a6~d103
 /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/grub.efi 136K βˆ‘e3db~047a
Info about: efi vars (needs efibootmgr)
 Boot0002* Manjaro            HD(1,GPT,fea99fcd-118f-d543-9931-8942a1f64f62,0x1000,0x96000) \EFI\MANJARO\GRUBX64.EFI
 Boot0009* Generic Usb Device VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)                                           
 Boot000A* CD/DVD Device      VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)                                           
 Boot0010* UEFI OS            HD(1,GPT,fea99fcd-118f-d543-9931-8942a1f64f62,0x1000,0x96000) \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI    ..BO
1 Like

A new version 0.6.2 is available

  • it should use bash as shell for the start-script and –help
  • it should use bash or zsh (if zsh is the default) for comparisons

Info from /etc/default/grub could include below info.

The reasoning would be to better suggest changes to the commandline if necessary.


The line points to a non-existing file

Info about: /etc/default/MKINITCPIO

These settings are found in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf

1 Like

A new version 0.6.3 is available

  • corrected infoline

with fish shell

➜  Downloads echo $SHELL
➜  Downloads ./maxi -klvmsgie
Currently running: 5.15.16-1-MANJARO (linux515)
 linux510    - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux514    - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux515      vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64βˆ‘19ae~b417 initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img=8,7M fallback=33M βˆ‘<sha?> kver:5.15.16-1-MANJARO
 linux516      vmlinuz-5.16-x86_64βˆ‘d1a5~8daa initramfs-5.16-x86_64.img=8,7M fallback=36M βˆ‘<sha?> kver:5.16.2-1-MANJARO
 linux54     - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux510-rt - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux515-rt - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
 linux516-rt - <vmlinuz missing>  βˆ‘<sha?>    <initrd missing>         =     fallback=<no>βˆ‘<sha?> kver:<kver missing>
Modules in: /lib/modules Checksumming all modules may take a while
 modules510    <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?> <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules514    <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?> <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules515    5.15.16-1-MANJARO=272Mβˆ‘<sha?> extramodules-5.15-MANJARO=0Kβˆ‘<sha?>
 modules516    5.16.2-1-MANJARO =293Mβˆ‘<sha?> extramodules-5.16-MANJARO=0Kβˆ‘<sha?>
 modules54     <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?> <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules510-rt <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?> <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules515-rt <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?> <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
 modules516-rt <missing>        =    βˆ‘<sha?> <missing>                =  βˆ‘<sha?>
Info about: /etc/default/grub
   GRUB_DEFAULT              =saved
   GRUB_TIMEOUT              =5
   GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE        =hidden
   GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR          ="Manjaro"
   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet resume=UUID=c8501960-7f88-40e9-8d10-57fd8d614909 udev.log_priority=3"
   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX        =""
   GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT          =true
   GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES      ="part_gpt part_msdos"
 # GRUB_THEME                ="/path/to/gfxtheme"
Info about: /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
   MODULES                   =""
   BINARIES                  =()
   FILES                     =""
   HOOKS                     ="base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard keymap consolefont resume filesystems fsck"
 # COMPRESSION               ="gzip"
 # COMPRESSION               ="bzip2"
 # COMPRESSION               ="lzma"
 # COMPRESSION               ="xz"
 # COMPRESSION               ="lzop"
 # COMPRESSION               ="lz4"
 # COMPRESSION               ="zstd"
Info about: efi bootloaders
Info about: efi vars (needs efibootmgr)
 Boot0002* Manjaro            HD(1,GPT,fea99fcd-118f-d543-9931-8942a1f64f62,0x1000,0x96000) \EFI\MANJARO\GRUBX64.EFI
 Boot0009* Generic Usb Device VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)                                           
 Boot000A* CD/DVD Device      VenHw(99e275e7-75a0-4b37-a2e6-c5385e6c00cb)                                           
 Boot0010* UEFI OS            HD(1,GPT,fea99fcd-118f-d543-9931-8942a1f64f62,0x1000,0x96000) \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI    ..BO

1 Like

Hi, this project is pretty cool, however, it’s too grub-centric and knows nothing about systemd-boot and doesn’t take unified kernels into account thus some valuable info like cmdline is missing:

./maxi -klvmgie                                                     0 (4.159s)
Currently running: 5.15.16-1-MANJARO (linux515)
linux510      <vmlinuz missing>   initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img=33M fallback=<no> kver
linux515      vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64 initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img=34M fallback=<no> kver
linux516      vmlinuz-5.16-x86_64 initramfs-5.16-x86_64.img=34M fallback=<no> kver
linux517      vmlinuz-5.17-x86_64 initramfs-5.17-x86_64.img=34M fallback=55M  kver
:<kver missing>                                                                     
linux54     - <vmlinuz missing>   <initrd missing>         =    fallback=<no> kver
:<kver missing>                                                                     
linux510-rt - <vmlinuz missing>   <initrd missing>         =    fallback=<no> kver
:<kver missing>                                                                     
linux515-rt - <vmlinuz missing>   <initrd missing>         =    fallback=<no> kver
:<kver missing>                                                                     
linux516-rt - <vmlinuz missing>   <initrd missing>         =    fallback=<no> kver
:<kver missing>                                                                     
Modules in: /lib/modules
modules510    5.10.93-1-MANJARO=249M extramodules-5.10-MANJARO=40M
modules515    5.15.16-1-MANJARO=272M extramodules-5.15-MANJARO=44M
modules516    5.16.2-1-MANJARO =293M extramodules-5.16-MANJARO=43M
modules517    <missing>        =     extramodules-5.17-MANJARO=0K
modules54     <missing>        =     <missing>                =
modules510-rt <missing>        =     <missing>                =
modules515-rt <missing>        =     <missing>                =
modules516-rt <missing>        =     <missing>                =
Info about: /etc/default/grub
Please update grub.cfg:/boot/grub/grub.cfg <is older than> /etc/default/grub
Info about: /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
  MODULES    =(i915 vfat exfat hid_apple tpm_crb tpm_tis)
  BINARIES   =()
  FILES      =()
  HOOKS      =(base udev keyboard consolefont autodetect plymouth modconf block pl
ymouth-tpm2-totp tpm2 plymouth-encrypt lvm2 resume filesystems)                     
# HOOKS      =(base systemd keyboard sd-vconsole autodetect sd-plymouth modconf bl
ock sd-plymouth-tpm2-totp sd-encrypt lvm2 filesystems)                              
Info about: efi bootloaders
/efi/EFI/manjaro/grubx64.efi         264K
/efi/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi 120K
/efi/EFI/BOOT/fbx64.efi              84K
/efi/EFI/BOOT/mmx64.efi              840K
/efi/EFI/tools/KeyTool.efi           136K
/efi/EFI/tools/fwupdx64.efi          64K
/efi/EFI/tools/Shell.efi             908K
/efi/EFI/tools/Shell_Full.efi        1008K
/efi/EFI/tools/H2OSDE-Sx64.efi       436K
/efi/EFI/tools/H2OUVE-Sx64.efi       964K
/efi/EFI/tools/H2OFFT-Sx64.efi       720K
/efi/EFI/ubuntu/shimx64.efi          936K
/efi/EFI/ubuntu/mmx64.efi            840K
/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi       260K
/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/grub.efi       260K
Info about: efi vars (needs efibootmgr)
Boot0000* ubuntu               HD(1,GPT,8a18a9ff-7d73-4fcf-ad75-32a832ab609e,0x800
,0xfa000) \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi                                                   
Boot0001* Linux Boot Manager   HD(1,GPT,8a18a9ff-7d73-4fcf-ad75-32a832ab609e,0x800
,0xfa000) \EFI\systemd\systemd-bootx64.efi                                          
Boot0006* Windows Boot Manager HD(1,GPT,44250ea5-b71a-4d43-bd15-15fdc7873103,0x800
,0x64800) \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi

I’m using :fish: :shell: btw…

PS: also note that it doesn’t detect initrds generated by modified presets in /etc/mkinitcpio.d, e.g.:

cat /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux510.preset                               0 (0.041s)
# mkinitcpio preset file for the 'linux510' package


PRESETS=('default' 'systemd')



fallback_options="-S autodetect"

which results in extra initrd as follows:

ll /boot |grep 5.10                                                 0 (0.011s)
.rw-------  33M root root 21 Jan 23:20 ο…› initramfs-5.10-x86_64-systemd.img
.rw-------  34M root root 21 Jan 23:20 ο…› initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img
.rw-r--r-- 9.4M root root 21 Jan 23:19 ο…› vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64
1 Like

Yes you are right. At the moment i do concentrate on EFI - GRUB - manjaro-kernels and manjaro initrd.
There are 2 reasons:

  1. These are things i know in detail, and can test myself
  2. Maxi should help to find problems in β€œstandard”-manjaro installations (so naturally this is the focus)
  3. The output bases on information from mhwd-kernel -(l)i and therefore can only list supported kernels

Maybe i will extend it to systemd-boot, refind … but i will have to read a lot about it beforehand

P.S. Also try the -kw option in a 2nd terminal (while running an update or installing/removing a kernel in the 1st terminal) and you will see what i mean.

1 Like

@andreas85 nice work.

Any similar I also got in mind … but still in mind only. :wink:

But there is a feature I would try to implement if I build it.

Switch β€œ-f --forum-format” which formats the output for the forum or much better copies the formatted output to clipboard so that the user only have to us ctrl+v to get the info in his forum post.

Perhaps a idea. :wink:

1 Like

This has been changed in version 0.6.4 :sunglasses:

After an Update you can check if everything may work when booting, with

maxi -km

Lets think about it:

  • How many characters are allowed with the -f option ?
  • What part of the filenames can be shortened ?
  • Is this only a problem with -kv ?

with -km

Currently running: 5.10.93-1-MANJARO (linux510)
 linux419 vmlinuz-4.19-x86_64 initramfs-4.19-x86_64.img=12M fallback=29M
 linux510 vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64 initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img=12M fallback=30M
 linux515 vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64 initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img=11M fallback=35M
Modules in: /lib/modules
 modules419 4.19.225-1-MANJARO=80M  extramodules-4.19-MANJARO=160K
 modules510 5.10.93-1-MANJARO =88M  extramodules-5.10-MANJARO=164K
 modules515 5.15.16-1-MANJARO =115M extramodules-5.15-MANJARO=252K

with -kv

Currently running: 5.10.93-1-MANJARO (linux510)
 linux419 vmlinuz-4.19-x86_64 initramfs-4.19-x86_64.img=12M fallback=29M kver:4.19.225-1-MANJARO
 linux510 vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64 initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img=12M fallback=30M kver:5.10.93-1-MANJARO
 linux515 vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64 initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img=11M fallback=35M kver:5.15.16-1-MANJARO

How did you β€œproduce” :wink: the problem ? I can’t reproduce it.
with -klvmgie

Currently running: 5.10.93-1-MANJARO (linux510)
 linux414    -- --                  --                       =    --      =    kver:<kver missing>
 linux419       vmlinuz-4.19-x86_64 initramfs-4.19-x86_64.img=12M fallback=29M kver:4.19.225-1-MANJARO
 linux44     -- --                  --                       =    --      =    kver:<kver missing>
 linux49     -- --                  --                       =    --      =    kver:<kver missing>
 linux510       vmlinuz-5.10-x86_64 initramfs-5.10-x86_64.img=12M fallback=30M kver:5.10.93-1-MANJARO
 linux514    -- --                  --                       =    --      =    kver:<kver missing>
 linux515       vmlinuz-5.15-x86_64 initramfs-5.15-x86_64.img=11M fallback=35M kver:5.15.16-1-MANJARO
 linux516    -- --                  --                       =    --      =    kver:<kver missing>
 linux54     -- --                  --                       =    --      =    kver:<kver missing>
 linux510-rt -- --                  --                       =    --      =    kver:<kver missing>
 linux515-rt -- --                  --                       =    --      =    kver:<kver missing>
Modules in: /lib/modules
 modules414    <missing>         =     <missing>                =
 modules419    4.19.225-1-MANJARO=80M  extramodules-4.19-MANJARO=160K
 modules44     <missing>         =     <missing>                =
 modules49     <missing>         =     <missing>                =
 modules510    5.10.93-1-MANJARO =88M  extramodules-5.10-MANJARO=164K
 modules514    <missing>         =     <missing>                =
 modules515    5.15.16-1-MANJARO =115M extramodules-5.15-MANJARO=252K
 modules516    <missing>         =     <missing>                =
 modules54     <missing>         =     <missing>                =
 modules510-rt <missing>         =     <missing>                =
 modules515-rt <missing>         =     <missing>                =
Info about: /etc/default/grub
   GRUB_DEFAULT              =saved
   GRUB_TIMEOUT              =3
   GRUB_TIMEOUT_STYLE        =menu
   GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR          ="Manjaro"
   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="bootsplash.bootfile=bootsplash-themes/manjaro/bootsplash modprobe.blacklist=ccp udev.log_priority=3 audit=0 sysrq_always_enabled=1"
   GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX        =""
 # GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT          =true
   GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT          =false
   GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES      ="part_gpt part_msdos"
   GRUB_THEME                ="/usr/share/grub/themes/manjaro/theme.txt"
Info about: /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
   MODULES                   =(btrfs nouveau)
 # MODULES                   =(btrfs)
   BINARIES                  =()
   FILES                     =()
   HOOKS                     =(base udev systemd autodetect modconf block keyboard sd-vconsole filesystems bootsplash-manjaro)
 # HOOKS                     =(base systemd autodetect modconf block keyboard sd-vconsole filesystems bootsplash-manjaro)
 # COMPRESSION               ="gzip"
 # COMPRESSION               ="bzip2"
 # COMPRESSION               ="lzma"
 # COMPRESSION               ="xz"
 # COMPRESSION               ="lzop"
 # COMPRESSION               ="lz4"
   COMPRESSION               ="zstd"
Info about: efi bootloaders
 /boot/efi/EFI/manjaro/grubx64.efi              276K
 /boot/efi/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi                 272K
 /boot/efi/EFI/refind/refind_x64.efi            312K
 /boot/efi/EFI/refind/drivers_x64/btrfs_x64.efi 116K
 /boot/efi/EFI/tools/Shell.efi                  908K
 /boot/efi/EFI/tools/Shell_Full.efi             1008K
 /boot/efi/EFI/tools/shellx64.efi               1,4M
 /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi                 276K
 /boot/grub/x86_64-efi/grub.efi                 276K
 /boot/efi_backup/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi          164K
 /boot/efi_backup/EFI/manjaro/grubx64.efi       164K
Info about: efi vars (needs efibootmgr)
 Boot0000* manjaro                  HD(1,GPT,b1d3d562-88ff-4ac2-8326-9c5d82892379,0x800,0x1dc800) \EFI\MANJARO\GRUBX64.EFI
 Boot0003* UEFI: Built-in EFI Shell VenMedia(5023b95c-db26-429b-a648-bd47664c8012)                                         ..BO
 Boot0004* UEFI OS                  HD(1,GPT,b1d3d562-88ff-4ac2-8326-9c5d82892379,0x800,0x1dc800) \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI    ..BO
 Boot001A* UEFI OS                  HD(1,GPT,99e0488b-1204-4acc-83a6-30d2c839b094,0x800,0x100000) \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI    ..BO
 Boot0020* UEFI OS                  HD(1,GPT,4f943c21-f008-4448-aaf4-ff8be3fd2a28,0x800,0x200000) \EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI    ..BO
 Boot0022* Hard Drive               BBS(HD,,0x0)                                                                           ..GO
 Boot0023* CD/DVD Drive             BBS(CDROM,,0x0)                                                                        ..GO
