Manjaro on boot stuck on clean...files

The result from systemctl status sddm.service

Also the code at the top of the screen. You see I need to control-c out of it because if not, it will blink there and not do anything. You can find the ^C part.

reinstall everything related to the xkb:

sudo pacman -S libxkbcommon libxkbcommon-x11 libxkbfile xkeyboard-config xorg-setxkbmap xorg-xkbcomp


There is some problem. When I tried installing there is this message xkeyboard-config: /usr/share/pkgconfig/xkeyboard-config.pc exists in filesystem or something like this.
Then the code spit out a Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded. and then exit.

i see, so that is probably the issue … when you were running previously update did it give you any errors, or it was up to date:
sudo pacman -Syyu
if there are no errors from this syyu command, run this again but with overwrite:

sudo pacman -S libxkbcommon libxkbcommon-x11 libxkbfile xkeyboard-config xorg-setxkbmap xorg-xkbcomp --overwrite '*'

if there are no more errors from this, reboot!

Yes it worked. Oh my gosh you are so good.
Is there any website or book you recommand for studying linux.

finally haha …
you can check these if you are interested in linux:

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Thanks For all the help.

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