When I open Libre Office Writer, the splash screen appears but the window doesn’t. The only sign it’s open is an entry on the panel. When hovering over the icon in the panel, instead of showing a preview of the window it shows a thin black bar, like the window failed to load.
I tried running it from the command line via libreoffice --writer and the same thing happened with no error output. I’ve run the most recent Stable update and am on KDE. I’m using Libre Office Fresh from the repos.
If I run libreoffice without any flags, I get the Start Center window. In this case though, only the side menu is visible and I have to maximize the window to see the panel with recent files in it. I don’t get any errors opening it like this either, but if I click on “Writer Document”, a new document opens in the same size window.
What happens is Writer starts running but no window appears on the desktop. I don’t even get any tiny thing in the upper corner. The window preview from hovering Writer’s entry in the taskbar looks just like it does in the attachment, that weird line going down the middle.
I went to the link on Arch’s bbs and that’s virtually identical to my problem. I tried opening Writer from the Start Center and it opened properly. I then unmaximized the window, quit the program, and was able to re-open it straight from the Writer shortcut, but when I maximized the window again, I got the same window problem as before when I re-opened the program from the Writer shortcut. I also noticed I’m running version 7.4.1, which looks like the version that’s been having issues.
Looks like you’re right. I moved the cursor to the upper left corner of the desktop and when it turned into that double-ended arrow that shows up when it lands on a window corner, I started dragging. Sure enough, the window started expanding. Weird.