[HowTo] Provide System Information

Just so folks know … I am not ignoring this … I am just leaving it up for a while to try and get a better sample. As of this posting there are only 9 voters.


To be honest, as long as it is pinned on top and easy to find, I don’t care what it is named .

OK. Well The change is made.

@banjo - it is still pinned.
Though we used to have this in the Support section, pinned (also maybe explains the missing ‘howto’ piece) … and while it is technically better placed in tutorials … I kind of wish it were more obvious when folks were first beginning to write a new help request like in the past… :woman_shrugging:


I kind of wish it were more obvious when folks were first beginning to write a new help request

When I look at Manjaro Linux Forum , just below “rules & notices” there is “introduce yourself”, a more or less useless category, which can simply be replaced/complemented with something like “useful tips,tricks and links for new manjaro users” , filled up with all useful things that are spread all over the forum and wiki.
“Generation smartphone” must have successfully completed its search within 60sec, the attention span is limited.

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I tend to agree with your sentiment that a “Newbies Section” or “Beginners Guide” would be a good idea for forum specific question. I tried using the search tool for “Beginners Guide” and “New User” and got no results. A small section with pinned posts that would give some useful tips on how to use the forum. Perhaps things like:

[HowTo] Post a question
[HowTo] Search the forum
[HowTo] Find error messages
[HowTo] Provide system information
[HowTo] Increase your chances of solving your issue

All of these already exist in the tutorials but are buried under many other [HowTo] tutorials.

Information about using Manjaro seems to get lost in the fog too, things like ‘[HowTo] become a manjaro power user when you’re a wizard at windows but a n00b at manjaro linux’

This is just someone own spin on the Manjaro Wiki “Using Manjaro for Windows users” they could have just redirected to Manjaro Wiki and saved the confusion. Redirects like this to Manjaro Wiki and Arch Wiki could help a new user enormously with basic questions.

The argument could be made that people should look there anyway, but like you say, most want an instant no thinking answer. LOL… maybe just one pinned message [HowTo] Use Manjaro.

It would be a big job but could make a good project if someone was willing.


How are they buried? They’re currently pinned to the top of Tutorials

Hello @Yochanan,

I agree easily with @_0din. There are lots of good tutorials in these section but sometimes it takes very long to find the right one.

Any subsection could be helpful I think.
For example

  • manjaro related - mirrors, pamac, pacman …
  • linux related - mount, permissions …
  • 3rd party programms related …
  • troubleshooting



There are 3 pinned HowTo in #contributions:tutorials:

But I also agree with @_0din and @kisun that it’s still very easy to miss these sections.

The better UI/UX I think is that the moment user enters https://forum.manjaro.org/, the user should somehow easily notice these information and should be enticed to read these first.

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I’d have to agree that this info - especially relevant to newcomers - is hard to find and stashed away in a section with a name (contributions) that doesn’t sound like it’s where you’d find introductory tutorial info.

Perhaps a better location would be under “Rules & Notices” or perhaps somewhere near the top of the “Support” category?

In short, noobs (like myself) are the forum users who are least familiar with the layout of topics, so anything closer to the top of the stack and/or more descriptive in category would help.

Regardless, overall this forum is incredibly well-constructed and head and shoulders above most of what’s seen in the broader Linux community. :+1:

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Thanks for the feedback Yochanan :slight_smile:

Yes, it does appear that they are currently pinned to the top of the #contributions:tutorials.

Though I and a few others, very nearly did not find any of it because, as a new user, I wasn’t going to even look at the Contributions section yet because I didn’t think myself ready to contribute. Some might think it unnecessary, but I think that a Beginners Guide/Section covering basics of forum use and etiquette could be very useful as well as make new users feel welcome and create an environment to learn the skill to better engage.

After all, posting to an established community for the first time can be fraught and intimidating especially for new users that are in unfamiliar territory.


Again, this platform is outstanding. Just a wee bit of constructive-spirited feedback in hopes of helping to further grow this user community.

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Can add to tutorial how to export system info if you loggin in terminal mode?

There is still such a tutorial there:


Possible newb question, but after reviewing verbosity levels 0-8 as listed in

$ inxi -h

is it ALWAYS necessary for us to give --admin -v 7 --filter information when trying to track down issues?

Won’t it often times just depend on what you’re trying to get diagnosed? I’m just wondering if -v 7 is ever giving out too much information, even with the --filter on? Do you even need to set --admin every time? $ inxi -v 2 -z seems to be a good amount of baseline information.

I’m just trying to understand the privacy aspect of handing out system information is all, as I’m sure many of us migrated to Linux for privacy reasons. :v:

It’s a one size fits none tutorial, :wink: so if you know what you’re doing: provide what you want; however, if you don’t know what you’re doing, please provide as above as that will allow most of us to answer your question…

E.G. one of the things --verbosity=7 does is also provide swap usage and if you have no swap and you’re running OoM, the oomkiller assumes a non-0 swap file…



SWAP was always provided by the original suggestion Fazy.
As was memory. And boot options.
What v7 does additionally provide is:

  • Processor Flags
  • IP, Bluetooth, Logical, RAID, Optical/Floppy sections
  • UUIDs for mounted partitions
  • USB, Unmounted device sections

These are very rarely required, and arguably do have anonymity implications.

Im reverting the change, which I did not apply in the first place :wink:

I’d like to suggest using a common icon to preface each Tutorial rather than using ‘[HowTo]’ – having ‘How To’ perhaps in the [html] title of the link would then be sufficient, if still desired.

There is reasoning behind using an icon:

  • Extra space is made available for the Tutorial title. However minor, every amount of space reserved for the title has the effect of increasing readability.
  • As evidenced in forums globally, usage of “HowTo” is frequently misunderstood, especially by non-fluent-English-speakers who seem to interpret the term as a preface to a question.
    This quickly becomes an annoyance when results of a web search include, for example: “[HowTo] The Topic I’m Looking For”; and the opened page content is basically “How do I do this thing??? Pls Halp!!!”.
  • A carefully selected icon ideally will be instantly recognisable as a Tutorial or similar set of instructions; as opposed to being a standard forum post. Also, being human, we tend to react more favourably to visual stimulus; from a psychological perspective.


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This tutorial is superseded by this one. Remember all Tutorials are wiki posts that can be edited by TL2 (Trust Level 2) members and above.