How to report a bug?

My understanding is that I should report a bug in the development section.
Specifically I want to report a bug with the fpc package.
I thought that developement/other was probably the right place.
However when I try to create a topic in there I get a kind of “no entry” sign.
It seems that I don’t have the privileges or have misunderstood something.
What can I do please?

File a bug report on

done here

ok that didn’t work

" Closed by Antonio Rojas (arojas)
Wednesday, 30 March 2022, 16:54 GMT
Reason for closing: Not a bug
Additional comments about closing: This is not the Manjaro bug tracker"

As hinted by the category description, the Manjaro-Development category is not for support:

This section is for developers only, join in and get involved.

The entry category for support is, well, Support.

I am only going by what it said here

My system is working now. I have fixed it. I don’t need support.
What I want to do is to report what I found as a bug so that other people won’t need to do what I did to make it work.

Manjaro does have a bug tracker, though (logically) only for the tools they develop. fpc not being developed by Manjaro – nor Arch – it is at the original developers’ you need to report.

Reading the issue you opened at Arch, the forum where you found your workaround seems like the right place. The post even contains a link to the associated bug tracker.

I checkout this information:

pacman -Sii fpc | egrep '^URL|^Package'

If a user is using the Manjaro distribution, imho, it is always okay to report it in the Manjaro forum. Use the Category: Support. You may be directed to report an Issue on Manjaro’s gitlab or on the software’s website.

Some issues are clearly the software’s problem, and not related to the distribution. I list the software and visit the URL, and then checkout their support, bug database/issues, and forum. This way you can come back to the Manjaro forum and use this information to describe the problem. I see that is exactly what you did. :+1:

If you want to let Manjaro users know of a solution to a problem, I believe that could go in one of two places.

  1. Category: Support
    Use a good title.
    Mark it solved

  2. Although, the better spot would be, Category: Contribution > Tutorials

    The first line of the “About the Tutorials category” is:

    Tutorials are member-contributed posts that describe how to achieve something with Manjaro.

This is a question I’ve had as well. I was hoping to find something similar to Debian’s reportbug tool. There seems to be no such equivalent script for Manjaro users. And the site just appears to be full of advertisements (in contrast to Debian’s site which actually lists bugs).

Well, I guess that is what it is. Seems I’ll have to fish around for various locations to make bug reports. The reason I was interested is that I’m not a programmer myself, but I do wish to contribute to the effort to create a usable Linux phone. And thus, I bought a Pinephone Pro with the intent of giving feedback (via bug reports and whatnot) to the heroic developers of the Manjaro-ARM KDE Plasma OS (going with this since it seems to be the default that Pine64 settled on).