Freecad UI broken

I have this issue on quite a few of my systems, Freecad’s UI is broken:

Version: FreeCAD 0.19, Libs: 0.19R24415 (Git)
Qt 5.15.5+kde+r167-1
Python 3.10.5-1
Coin 4.0.0.f4e446-3
Branch: unstable

Freecad is completely unusable. Any hints what could cause this?

Few issues with the Freecad UI that are known is due the way you set the theme.

Unless is something else, you should be specific, on my end all looks fine.

Thanks for the pointer. Indeed my other workstations did not have kvantum so i ran ‘pacman -Rcs kvantum’ resulting in:

[2022-07-06T05:26:25+0200] [ALPM] removed kvantum-theme-matchama (20191118-1)
[2022-07-06T05:26:25+0200] [ALPM] removed kvantum-theme-matcha (20190810-1)
[2022-07-06T05:26:25+0200] [ALPM] removed kvantum-manjaro (0.13.5+1+g333aa00-1)
[2022-07-06T05:26:25+0200] [ALPM] removed kvantum (1.0.0-1)
[2022-07-06T05:26:25+0200] [ALPM] removed kwindowsystem (5.91.0-1)

I rebooted after that but the problem remained unchanged, any leftovers i might have missed? or should i assume for now that kvantum was not responsible?

you should be specific

Would love to share a screenshot, but I’m not allowed to do that yet. I’ll try to describe as best i can. 3D view and controls works fine, menu’s appear, but hovering them results in glitched text. Menu’s are also drawn in the wrong place and icons are chopped or missing.

I’m running Manjaro XFCE, i believe originally a spin from 2017 as base install.

This will help you do that [HowTo] Post screenshots and links

You need to check what are you using for Qt applications and if you have an environment variable.
Personally i prefer qt5ct.

If you took care of the updates so far and also followed the changes that came with, as for example this

then that should be an easy fix.
Otherwise maybe this will help

I’m aware of the problems with qt5-styleplugins, but since Freecad was running without crashing i found it difficult to blame it on styleplugins.

While overthinking the issue i concluded the rendering of the fonts was the only problem. And then it dawned on me, the affected systems have low DPI monitors.

I then ran Freecad using the following line:
QT_FONT_DPI=96 freecad

This turned out to be the fix. Apparently display DPI isn’t properly applied or detected by QT?

Seems to be a known issue:

Best solution is to run freecad like this:


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