[Solved] Dropdown menu in Freecad has no background

Hello, I have a problem with Freecad 0.19. I’m not sure if it a problem from OS or software itself, so I think I will ask here and Freecad forum too. I have tried searching but did not see anyone ask about it.

When I use Freecad and click on every Dropdown menu it has no background, only text floating on the list, make it hard to read.

I have tried change Gnome’s theme but it not solved the problem. Never happen before when I use Freecad 0.18.



How did you installed it? Is it the 19_pre appimage? Well, is a development version.

FreeCAD uses Qt5 decoration, not GTK+
Maybe do some changes in Kvantum Manager and/or in Qt5Settings and see a different style/theme, or see if you have some settings that are off in one of them.

In Gnome i prefer to use adwaita-qt and use only Qt5Settings to make it use the Maia Colors and accents.

Thank you for your respond.

How did you installed it? Is it the 19_pre appimage? Well, is a development version.

I install it from AUR, I cannot remember why but after I have new PC 0.18 not working properly on it so I have to install 0.19

FreeCAD uses Qt5 decoration, not GTK+
Maybe do some changes in Kvantum Manager and/or in Qt5Settings and see a different style/theme, or see if you have some settings that are off in one of them.
In Gnome i prefer to use adwaita-qt and use only Qt5Settings to make it use the Maia Colors and accents.

I have tried everything you say but it did not work. Kvantum only effect other part of window but not toolbar, QT5 setting still not help. Then I realized it’s about toolbar so I tried change option in Freecad again by uncheck “Enable tiled backgroud” and it’s work now :smiley:

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