Conky Showcase 2024

This thread is the continuation of the annual Conky Showcase thread.

Previous years:

The same rules apply:

Share your conky thread

Share what ever you use for conky - just remember - credit where credit is due.

Basic guidelines

If your conky script is based on another conky - your header should use something like this

conky.config = {
-- original author
-- modified by linux-aarhus

When you post large amounts of code

  1. Use code fence - select your code and click the </> in the post toolbar
  2. Use the details tag - select your fenced code and click :gear:Hide details

Below screenshot credit @rvc:




This Conky config is:

  • Far from being beautiful.
  • Ultra-compact by using both left and righ-alinment to cram as much info into one line.
  • Grows organically larger due to bunches of IF statements:
    • Shows the number of updates to install if the number of updates > 1.
    • Shows WiFi, LAN speed (or both if both are active or none if in air plane mode).
    • Shows which mount points are mounted, what their size, utilisation, activity is.
  • Uses the Manjaro theme colours.
  • etc.


conky.config =
  console_bar_fill   = '»',
  console_bar_unfill = ' ',

  alignment = 'top_left',
  background = false,
  border_width = 2,
  cpu_avg_samples = 2,
  -- define Manjaro colours:
  default_color = '#1abc9c',  -- Same HTML as current terminal
  color1 = '#709080',         -- Kakhi
  color2 = '#dca3a3',         -- Salmon
  color3 = '#72d5a3',         -- Light Green
  color4 = '#f0dfaf',         -- Yellow
  color5 = '#7eb2e6',         -- Metal blue
  color6 = '#a45ec1',         -- Light aubergine
  font   = 'Envy Code R:bold:size=8',
  default_outline_color = '#1abc9c',  -- Same HTML as current terminal
  default_shade_color = '#1abc9c',  -- Same HTML as current terminal
  double_buffer = true,
  draw_borders = false,
  draw_graph_borders = true,
  draw_outline = false,
  draw_shades = false,
  extra_newline = false,
  gap_x = 25,
  gap_y = 25,
  minimum_height = 200,
  minimum_width = 200,
  net_avg_samples = 2,
  no_buffers = true, -- 2023-02-01: set to true to subtract buffer usage from RAM usage
  out_to_console = false,
  out_to_ncurses = false,
  out_to_stderr = false,
  out_to_x = true,
  own_window = true,
  own_window_class = 'Conky',
  own_window_type = 'normal',
  own_window_transparent = false,
  -- set transparency:
  own_window_argb_visual = true, own_window_argb_value = 192,
  show_graph_range = false,
  show_graph_scale = false,
  stippled_borders = 0,
  update_interval = 2.0,
  uppercase = false,
  use_spacer = 'none',
  use_xft = true,
  lua_load = '~/.config/conky/MyFunctions.lua',
  lua_draw_hook_post = "main",
conky.text = [[
${color}Info:${color1} ${scroll 32 $nodename $kernel}${alignr}${color} Uptime:${color1} $uptime
${color}Battery:${color1} $battery_percent%${color}${if_match ${execpi 3600 checkupdates | wc -l} > 1}${color}Updates:${color2} ${execpi 3600 checkupdates | wc -l}${color} ready to install!${endif}
${color}RAM Used / Buffers / Max:${alignr}Swap Used / Max:
${color1}${mem} / ${buffers} / ${memmax}${alignr}${swap} / ${swapmax}
${color}CPU %:${color1} $cpu% ${cpubar cpu0 5,125}${alignr}${color}CPU Frequency:${color1} $freq${color} MHz
${color}Processes:${color1} $processes       ${color}Load:${color1} $loadavg
${color}Name                 CPU%   MEM%   PID
${color1} ${top name 1} ${color4} ${top cpu 1} ${top mem 1} ${top pid 1}
${color1} ${top name 2} ${color4} ${top cpu 2} ${top mem 2} ${top pid 2}
${color1} ${top name 3} ${color4} ${top cpu 3} ${top mem 3} ${top pid 3}
${color}File systems: Used / Free / Max / IO
${color} /       ${color1}${fs_used /} / ${fs_free /} / ${fs_size /} / ${diskio /dev/sda}
${fs_bar 5 /}
${color} home    ${color1}${fs_used /home} / ${fs_free /home} / ${fs_size /home} /  ${diskio /dev/sdb}
${fs_bar 5 /home}
${color} Data    ${color1}${fs_used /media/Data} / ${fs_free /media/Data} / ${fs_size /media/Data} / ${diskio /dev/sdc}
${fs_bar 5 /media/Data}\
# Don't show NAS if not mounted
${if_existing /media/NAS/bck/}
${color} NAS     ${color1}${fs_used /media/NAS} / ${fs_free /media/NAS} / ${fs_size /media/NAS}
${fs_bar 5 /media/NAS}${endif}\
# Don't show hdd1 if not mounted
${if_existing /media/hdd1/Chapters.txt}
${color} Videos  ${color1}${fs_used /media/hdd1} / ${fs_free /media/hdd} / ${fs_size /media/hdd1}
${fs_bar 5 /media/hdd1}${endif}
# Networking section will not show anything if no NICS are up
# Will show speed and graph per NIC if they are up
${if_existing /sys/class/net/enp3s0/operstate up}${color}Ethernet
${color}Down: ${color1}${downspeed enp3s0}s ${alignr}${color}Up: ${color1}${upspeed enp3s0}/s
${downspeedgraph enp3s0 50,200 dca3a3 ffffff -l -t} ${alignr}${color1}${upspeedgraph enp3s0 50,200 dca3a3 ffffff -l -t}
${color}Total: ${color1}${totaldown enp3s0} ${alignr}${color}Total: ${color1}${totalup enp3s0}
${endif}${if_existing /sys/class/net/wlp2s0/operstate up}${color}WiFi
${color}Down: ${color1}${downspeed wlp2s0}/s ${alignr}${color}${color}Up: ${color1}${upspeed wlp2s0}/s
${downspeedgraph wlp2s0 50,200 dddddd ffffff -l -t} ${alignr}${color1}${upspeedgraph wlp2s0 50,200 dddddd ffffff -l -t}
${color}Total: ${color1}${totaldown wlp2s0} ${alignr}${color}Total: ${color1}${totalup wlp2s0}${endif}
${color} ISA     ${color1}${exec sensors | awk ' /Package/ {print $4}'}${alignr}${alignr}${color}CPU     ${color1}${exec sensors | grep 'Core 0' | awk '{print $3}'}
${color} ACPI    ${color1}${exec sensors | grep --after-context=2 'acpitz' | awk 'FNR ==3 {print $2}'}${alignr}${color}WiFi    ${color1}${exec sensors | grep --after-context=2 'ath10k' | awk 'FNR ==3 {print $2}'}
${color} GPU     ${color1}+${exec nvidia-settings --query=gpucoretemp 2>/dev/null | grep 'GPUCoreTemp' | grep "\[gpu:0\]" | awk '{print $4}'}0°C
${color} SSD     ${color1}+${hddtemp /dev/sda}.0°C${alignr}${color}HDD     ${color1}+${hddtemp /dev/sdc}.0°C
${color2}${execgraph "sensors | grep 'Core 0' | awk '{print $3}' | cut -b2,3"}

Note: Needs extra/pacman-contrib with option 1 installed to show updates.


Some recent changes demanded some edits…

My Date/timezone conky (below, on desktop) and time (on top of anything maximised, but not fullscreen):


Conky Clock
conky.config = {
-- Conky settings
	background = true,
	update_interval = 5,
	double_buffer = true,
	no_buffers = true,

-- Window specifications
	gap_x = -670,
	gap_y = 5,
	alignment = 'top_middle',
	own_window = true,
	own_window_type = 'dock',
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_argb_visual = true,
	own_window_argb_value = 50,
	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,above,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
	own_window_class = 'conkyclock',

-- Text
	use_xft = true,
	xftalpha = 0.1,
	font = 'Arial Rounded MT bold :size=24',
	default_color = '#646464',

conky.text = [[${time %H:%M}]];

Then the DATE conky:

conky.config = {
-- Conky settings
out_to_x = false,
out_to_wayland = true,
    background = true,
	update_interval = 300,
	double_buffer = true,
	no_buffers = true,

	-- Window specifications
	gap_x = 350,
	gap_y = 5,
	alignment = 'top_right',
	own_window = true,
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_argb_visual = true,
	own_window_argb_value = 50,
	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
	own_window_class = 'conky',

-- Text
	use_xft = true,
	xftalpha = 0.1,
	font = 'Sarabun :bold:size=13',
	default_color = '#8b8b8b',
    color1 = '#E7E7E6', -- Lite
    color2 = '#1e90ff', -- Blue
    color3 = '#ffa500', -- Orange
    color4 = '#9a9d9f', -- Light Gray
    color5 = '#ff0000', -- Red

conky.text = [[${color1} ${time  %A %d %B %Y} ${font :size=10}
${tztime Europe/London %H:%M %Z}
${tztime Europe/Kyiv %H:%M} Kyiv				${goto 105}${tztime America/Chicago %H:%M %Z} US


The Disk monitor also needed tweaking for Wayland - now the ‘alignr’ is working, but ‘goto’ still does not:

conky.config = {
-- Conky settings
	out_to_x = false,
	out_to_wayland = true,
	background = true,
	update_interval = 30,
	double_buffer = true,
	no_buffers = true,

-- Window specifications
	alignment = 'br',
	gap_x = 20,
	gap_y = 42,
	own_window = true,
	own_window_transparent = true,
	own_window_argb_visual = true,
	own_window_argb_value = 70,
	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
	own_window_class = 'conky',

-- Text
	use_xft = true,
	xftalpha = 0.1,
	font = 'firacode nerd font :bold:size=9',

	draw_shades = true,
	default_color = '#666666',

conky.text = [[${fs_bar 5,55 /} Evo ${alignr}${fs_free /}
${if_existing /dev/sdd}${fs_bar 5,55 /mnt/T3}${font }${color } T3 $alignr ${fs_free /mnt/T3}${endif}
${if_existing /dev/sdc}${fs_bar 5,55 /mnt/T4}${font }${color } T4 $alignr ${fs_free /mnt/T4}${endif}
${if_existing /dev/sdd}${fs_bar 5,55 /mnt/W2}${font }${color } W2 $alignr ${fs_free /mnt/W2}${endif}]];

Launchers: some control - some conkies have timeout and some are for permanent display.


if pgrep -x "conky"
        then killall conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c0-time.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c0-date.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c2-network.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c3-proc.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c4-disk.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c1-information.conky

The full monty, kills any existing and launches this set.

For startup the basic 5:


if pgrep -x "conky"
        then killall conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c0-time.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c0-date.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c2-network.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c4-disk.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c1-information.conky

And another to include some extra notes and stuff (currently some new keybindings for desktop and for MPV subtitles):


if pgrep -x "conky"
        then killall conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c0-time.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c0-date.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c2-network.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c3-proc.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c4-disk.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c5-notes.conky
        conky -d -c ~/Dropbox/Admin/conky/c1-information.conky

Deleted previous line for updates, Thanks to @Fabby line:
${if_match ${execpi 3600 checkupdates | wc -l} > 1}${color}Updates:${color2} ${execpi 3600 checkupdates | wc -l}${color} ready to install!${endif}

Not yet updated, the PROC window (timeout, below):
I like the fading brightness/saturation effect on this one.

Activity/Proc checker
conky.config = {
-- Conky settings
	background = true,
	update_interval = 0.95,
	double_buffer = true,
	no_buffers = true,
	imlib_cache_size = 10,
	format_human_readable = yes,
	temperature_unit = celsius,

-- Window specifications #
	alignment = 'top_right',
	gap_x = 12,
	gap_y = 160,
	minimum_width = 160, minimum_height = 0,
	maximum_width = 160,
	own_window = true,
	own_window_transparent = false,
	own_window_argb_visual = true,
	own_window_argb_value = 210,
	own_window_hints = 'below,undecorated,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',

-- Graphics settings #
	draw_shades = false,
	default_shade_color = '#484848',
	draw_outline = false,
	default_outline_color = '#AAAAAA',
	draw_borders = false,
	draw_graph_borders = true,
	default_graph_width = 40, default_graph_height = 80,
	show_graph_scale = false,
	show_graph_range = false,

-- Text settings #
	use_xft = true,
	xftalpha = 0.1,
	font = 'Arial Rounded MT Bold :size=9',
	text_buffer_size = 256,
	override_utf8_locale = true,

-- Useful shortenings #
	short_units = true,
	pad_percents = 2,
	top_name_width = 30,

-- Color scheme #
	default_color = '#999999',

-- iphone wlp0s20u12
	total_run_times = 960,

conky.text = [[${if_running audacious}${alignc }${exec audtool current-song-tuple-data title}
${alignc }by ${exec audtool current-song-tuple-data artist}
$hr ${endif}
${diskiograph /dev/sda 16,38 -t -l}-${diskiograph /dev/sdb 16,38 -t -l}-${diskiograph /dev/sdc 16,37 -t -l}-${diskiograph /dev/sdd 16,37 -t -l}
${color #ff732d}CPU ${if_match ${cpu}<=15}${color #444444}${endif}${if_match ${cpu}>=75}${color #DD2522}${endif}${alignr}${cpu cpu}% ${alignr}${cpubar 8,90}
${color #f77234}${top name 1} 	${goto 120}${top cpu 1}
${color #ae6540}${top name 2} 	${goto 120}${top cpu 2}
${color #8c7860}${top name 3} 	${goto 120}${top cpu 3}
${color #5f5549}${top name 4} 	${goto 120}${top cpu 4}
${color #5f5549}${top name 5} 	${goto 120}${top cpu 5}
${color #5f5549}${top name 6} 	${goto 120}${top cpu 6}
${color #5f5549}${top name 7} 	${goto 120}${top cpu 7}
${color #5f5549}${top name 8} 	${goto 120}${top cpu 8}
${color #68964f}$hr
RAM:$memperc% ${alignr}${membar 8,90}${color }
${color #5a9638}${top_mem name 1} ${goto 120} ${top_mem mem_res 1}
${color #527840}${top_mem name 2} ${goto 120} ${top_mem mem_res 2}
${color #55644c}${top_mem name 3} ${goto 120} ${top_mem mem_res 3}
${color #434b3f}${top_mem name 4} ${goto 120} ${top_mem mem_res 4}
${color #434b3f}${top_mem name 5} ${goto 120} ${top_mem mem_res 5}
${color #434b3f}${top_mem name 6} ${goto 120} ${top_mem mem_res 6}
${color #434b3f}${top_mem name 7} ${goto 120} ${top_mem mem_res 7}
${color #434b3f}${top_mem name 8} ${goto 120} ${top_mem mem_res 8}



Consider some Colour highlighting on those bars to make them show up when memory and CPU get used, or fade away a little:

${freq_g}GHz ${cpu cpu}% ${if_match ${cpu}<=15}${color #4b646362}${if_match ${cpu}>=15}${color #835c5c}${endif}${if_match ${cpu}>=75}${color #af3737}${endif} ${alignr}${cpubar 8,80}${color }
$mem ($memperc%) ${alignr}${if_match $memperc >=95}${color #aa2522} ${color #aaaa77} ${if_match $memperc <60}${color #698369} ${endif} ${alignr}${membar 8,80} ${color #b7c1ad}

… i love it !!!

The asthetic bird is from Kali Linux and the conky theme is gotham. Don’t remember where i downloaded it !

The conky script:

use_xft yes
xftfont 123:size=8
xftalpha 0.1
update_interval 1
total_run_times 0

own_window yes
own_window_type normal
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_colour 000000
own_window_argb_visual yes
own_window_argb_value 0

double_buffer yes
#minimum_size 250 5
#maximum_width 500
draw_shades no
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders no
default_color white
default_shade_color red
default_outline_color green
alignment top_right
gap_x 200
gap_y 30
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 1
override_utf8_locale yes
use_spacer yes

minimum_size 0 0
${voffset 10}${color EAEAEA}${font GE Inspira:pixelsize=120}${time %H:%M}${font}${voffset -84}${offset 10}${color FFA300}${font GE Inspira:pixelsize=42}${time %d} ${voffset -15}${color EAEAEA}${font GE Inspira:pixelsize=22}${time  %B} ${time %Y}${font}${voffset 24}${font GE Inspira:pixelsize=58}${offset -148}${time %A}${font}
${voffset 1}${offset 12}${font Ubuntu:pixelsize=12}${color FFA300}HD ${offset 9}$color${fs_free /} / ${fs_size /}${offset 30}${color FFA300}RAM ${offset 9}$color$mem / $memmax${offset 30}${color FFA300}CPU ${offset 9}$color${cpu cpu0}%


MPD cover art and progress.

Kunst extracts local cover art or downloads it if missing. Here, I use the ‘silent’ option and load the image with conky.