Welcome and introduce yourself - 2023

HEY, howdy -
I be eddacker, returned to Linux a month ago and now I am shutting down my windows machine and joining the Manjaro crowd. Back a few years ago I was a Debian guy and Manjaro looks a little too much like windows. But I’ll get over it. :slight_smile:

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I from Vietnam, i using BlissOS ( waydroid on Ubuntu ) for my daily use , but i found manjaro lighter than Ubuntu . So , i install manjaro and waydroid on it for Android compatible . I hope manjaro also support apptainer soon

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Hello, I’ve been a long-time Manjaro user, and I recently decided to start using the Cinnamon Desktop - what a pleasant surprise! The goodness of Cinnamon, combined with Manjaro. Thanks to the folks who maintain this DE - it’s great!


I’m Roi.
Trying to learn Rust and working with Embedded tool chains under Linux.


Hey! Nova is my dogs name, and she’s pretty cute, hence the name :slight_smile:
Been using linux on and off for many years, mostly experimenting with selfhosted stuffs. 2 years ago I started a new job where my self hosted labbing actually came in very handy in the recruitment process, and since then I made the switch on my home PC to use Manjaro. Could not be more satisfied! I also just bought a kick-ass custom hoodie from the shop to show some support :)) Happy to be here


Hey folks. This is my first foray into Manjaro. I’ve been a Debian/Siduction user for many years. There is lots to learn here. pac what? Questions are coming.


Hey guys
I’m an old Dane. Been running Linux for a couple of years.
I just jumped from Mint to Manjaro Cinnamon, hoping to make it my daily driver … just because I wanted new shiny things.
Cheers :grinning:


I’m using Manjaro KDE for more than a month now, and a) I like it a lot, b) it’s stable, c) I’ve set it up the way I want it, d) it’s fast, e) the updates keep rolling in without breaking anything, f) jumping from Xubuntu to Manjrao proves to be not a big jump, g) I like pamac a lot and h) thanks to all involved.


I’ve been running Linux for a long time, using macOS on the desktop for a decade, and Ubuntu for servers. However, I decided to switch to Linux last year, and run OSS wherever possible.

Until yesterday, I was running Ubuntu 22.04 on my laptop, but in an attempt to get around an issue running a program on Wine, I tried several distributions. Manjaro grabbed my attention because of its high standards of polish and finish, and the fact that it is a rolling release. Incidently, I’m a fan of GNOME.

After a few hours tinkering, I’m almost back to some resemblance of my daily driver with a few straightforward tasks outstanding, and making sure suspend and hibernate, and a few other tweaks work as intended.

I look forward to getting to know some of you, and contributing wherever I can. No doubt I’ll ask for assistance, too!


Hi, Milan is my name. I am a Linux newbie. For too long I was trapped in the win environment because AutoCAD was my main tool as a civil engineer for Roads. In the last two months, I have tried several distros from the top of the Distrowatch list, and Manjaro “fits” me the most. Arch is great for learning. For the last two weeks I have been preparing my workflow on Manjaro. During that period, the system slowed down so much that I almost gave up today. I followed the logic when such situations happen on win os and I saw that search takes up almost 70GB of disk space, so I emptied the cache and turned off search for now. The system is currently working like day one, perfectly, and I can finally start my month of using only Manjaro (Linux) as my primary and only OS in my daily life. Greetings to everyone on the forum.


Hi everyone, I am glad to meet everyone and start communicating! :innocent:


Hi, I’m Nik. I’m sick of Windows nonsense and somewhat new to Arch-based distros. I live in Florida – not my first choice – with my partner of about five and a half years, and our cat, Snippet. I got my BA in philosophy at FSU back in 2009 and am hoping to go back to school in the near-ish future. Possibly law school, but I’m not sure yet.

While researching my options, I’ve only found myself certain of one thing: finding a college or university involves wading through a crapload of ads shoehorned into sites that, on the surface, are meant to be helpful but are, instead, manufactured to push people towards for-profit diploma mills. So I’m working on a project that will hopefully help people find what they need to make informed decisions to suit their needs. Linux fits me best in terms of computing, and in some ways, it’s inspired me to work on projects that are important to me, even if they’re not particularly easy or have a learning curve.

I did a lot of distro-hopping several years ago and started messing with Linux again after getting a new computer last year and being reminded all over again of how much Windows annoys me. I’ve checked out KDE Neon, various Ubuntu flavors, and a handful of other options in the last few months. Manjaro has been the best experience I’ve had in recent years, and I want to try to contribute in whatever ways I can.


New to manjaro and Arch Linux. Used Debian so far. As a freelancing software architect for embedded systems I am always keen to find technically innovative environments.


I’m from the Seattle, USA area. I’ve been using Linux distros on and off since 2005, mostly on Ubuntu-based ones. Although I have a degree in Information Systems from the University of Washington, my department never mentioned/pushed FOSS probably because Microsoft had an overwhelming influence via donations; I remember as as student, we had a special program with MSDN in which we could get over $10k USD worth of licenses for free on stuff like Windows XP Pro, Windows Server 2008, SQL Server, Visio, Project, etc.

I wanted to daily-drive a rolling-release/bleeding-edge Linux distro like Arch without that much user-setup/constant-fixing; so far, I’ve found Manjaro KDE to be very polished and stellar for my use-cases. Moreover, I’m really impressed how well Manjaro is with its performance on modern Windows-based PC games via Proton.


Me too. I lived in the U-District for awhile among several other areas. Welcome :wave:

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Hi everyone! I’ve been an Arch Linux user going on about 14 years but started using Manjaro for one of my computers for about two years. I’m really liking it so far!

Just a very enjoyable distro!


LOL, u gangsta, RESPECT! U-District was and still is a pretty high crime area; I recall getting almost daily emails from UW admin about crime in the area, heck one of my buddies was even robbed at gunpoint at night. Last time I was back there was about 1.5 yr ago and I had to avoid stepping on some dirty syringes on the Ave. Still, the place has pretty cheap tasty restaurants and a bubble tea scene.

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Hi everyone. 44 year old software developer from Denmark here.

I’m still relative new to the Linux world. I’ve installed Manjaro alongside my Windows, because I want to make a macOS KVM setup to learn iOS development without having to shell out for a mac. I’ve recently replaced my nVidia 970 GPU for an AMD RX 580 GPU for that very reason, as macOS doesn’t support nVidia.

I want to run it with single GPU passthrough, and actually got this to work in Ubuntu 20.04 with my nVidia card. But I could not in any way get this to work in Ubuntu with the AMD card, no matter what I tried. I saw quite a few demo video in YouTube on this very topic, and a lot of them seemed to have one thing in common: Arch Linux. Until now, for me, “Desktop Linux” has equalled “Ubuntu”, but since I couldn’t get Ubuntu to do what I wanted, I decided to look into this “Arch Linux” thing, as most YouTubers seemed to use this. Having tried 3 different versions of Ubuntu, where I each time had to make a new install media, I actually really liked the idea of a “rolling release” instead of these big updates, where something can easily break.

However, I quickly realized, that Arch Linux most likely was not for me. Having to setup everything from a command line, especially the partitioning of my hard drive, really threw me off. I’ve already spent too much time reinstalling various Ubuntu flavors, so … no thanks. Too big a risk of making a big mistake. A partitioning tool has to be graphical in my world. Then, the next question: “Isn’t there a distribution based on Arch Linux without this dreadful text based installer?”

Manjaro quickly appeared as the answer to this question, so I decided to give it a go, made the install media and replaced Ubuntu with it. Partitioning the hard drive in the process was very easy with the installer and likely saved me tons of time instead of doing the (IMO) high-risk command line install with Arch Linux. Likely once and for all, since it was like immediately, something was different. Things actually started working. After following the guides for setting up single GPU passthrough on my AMD card with a Windows 10 vm, this actually worked the first time - instead of countless of frustrated hours trying to get this to work without any luck on Ubuntu!

As a side note, my Asus Xonar DX sound card also just worked out of the box on Manjaro. Choose the right digital output, even with AC3 support, and go. I never managed to get this particular setup working on Ubuntu neither.

Right now, I’ve managed to make a macOS KVM with Ventura, where single GPU passthrough actually seems to work, exactly like it did with my nVidia card earlier. Ventura gets stuck in the boot process though, but I don’t think that’s a fault of Manjaro or QEMU/KVM. Windows 10 in QEMU/KVM works, and there has to be a way to get either macOS Monterey or Ventura to work under QEMU/KVM. I’m so close to this, that I refuse to give up at this point.

Sorry for writing this rather lengthy introduction, but I just somehow had to let out this entire process so far somewhere to get it out of my system. I’ve learned so much during this process a lot of things related to both Linux and macOS, especially realizing the fact that … “Okay. Ubuntu just doesn’t work for this purpose. Let me try something else that seem to work to other people” and then actually see things actually work! What makes Linux stand out from macOS and Windows. That you can try switching to another distribution, if everything else fails.

I hope you fine people of this forum eventually can help me getting my macOS QEMU/KVM setup to work right, if I fail at this on my own. Also, I’m actually a bit excited to see what else I can do in Manjaro Linux apart from everything I wrote above :slight_smile:



I have installed Manjaro Plasma on an old laptop as a test and like it so much I’m going to put it on my main laptop this weekend.

Linux forummy people might have seen me getting hopelessly lost in the Nextcloud and Open Media Vault forums. Brace yourselves!

I’ve been a Linux user since Ubuntu 07:04. I have used Bodhi, Zorin and Fedora as my main machines over the years and played with lots of others on old machines or virtual machines. I’ve learnt surprisingly little in that time, but my Nextcloud server creaks on and I use a degoogled phone, so at least I’m persistent.


After many years with several distros (red hat, mandrake, suse…) I bumped into manjaro, and although it is not perfect (yet), I can say that it is the best I have worked with :slight_smile:
@developers: go on :muscle:, thanks!