Welcome and introduce yourself - 2021

Hi everyone,

Joining the forum for my reading and in case I happen to have an issue that isn’t dealt with by the posts that already are here. I expect I won’t be posting very much as almost all the issues I have will be ones that many have had before me and gotten resolved.

I’m from Toronto, Canada. I’m old enough to remember the days of DOS and Windows PCs, but young enough to still want to do this stuff for fun.

Had two laptops get left behind by their original operating systems this year – a 2015 Chromebook Pixel LS and a 2013 Macbook Air. I flashed new firmware on the Pixel and after a brief time running Mint, it now runs vanilla Arch, and is doing very well.

After that success, I did a full install of Pop!_OS on the 2013 Macbook Air, which ran pretty well, but it wasn’t nearly as nice as I found Arch on the Pixel. So I’ve moved it over to Manjaro. Got all the hardware working, and have Budgie and Enlightenment as my two main desktop environments. Very happy with what I’ve seen so far, and so I think this’ll be its home distro – all the flexibility of Arch, but a tiny bit less bleeding-edge (on the stable channel) and slightly more GUI-focused development. It’s a great balance for a tricky device.

Looking forward to benefiting from the community’s struggles with the OS, and helping where I can.


Total Noob Alert
Hey, old Windows user who jumped to Parrot and Kali and Ubuntu as a daily machine only 2 years ago due to CyberSec degree. Recently got an RPi 4 and Manjaro KDE is awesome on it. Really enjoy using it to expand my Linux knowledge. One Noob question I cant remove a side panel I put on the left side.

Thanks Manjaro

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Oh also any customisation tips are welcome :smiley:

Manjaro is my first linux distro and i love it so far. I always wanted to use linux and finally done it. Wish me luck!

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Welcome … please search for your issues first, then post about them if necessary.
This is just for greetings. Cheers!

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Hi, I go back to the days of FreeBSD when I first used it to serve local Internet customers (an early ISP by taking an ISDN feed and reselling it. For the past 17 years I have been on Mac and use for web development, but my wife has an Acer laptop which ran Windows 10. One evening, M$ decided to upgrade her OS even though we had updates turned off. The next thing we know Edge is baked in, I said Windows has to go.

I had played around with Knoppix, Arch, Ubuntu and Kali on VirtualBox for years, so I decided to set her computer up for dual boot and see which one is easiest for her. So which distro would my wife be most comfortable with? She liked Ubuntu, and was happy getting used to it. But for me Canonical is a nightmare and too much is baked in, and they take too much liberties.

So we deleted the NTFS partition and probably screwed up the grub efi bootloader, but that’s another story, and we have said goodbye to Windows and M$ forever.

Manjaro is the only Arch distro I could get to run properly on this aging laptop. The moment I saw it, I fell in love with it, and I am a Big Sur user with Homebrew, but tapping into the awesome AUR, having the latest kernels to switch around, rolling updates of the bleeding edge software, this is a dream come true. This is why I am so in love with Manjaro. It has all the benefits of Arch without the stress of manually configuring a Vanilla Arch, but in a highly configurable build. This is what computing should be all about.

I asked a question on switching DE to KDE Plasma and got immediate helpful answers. I would still be waiting for a Ubuntu reply or they would be terse and patronising. This forum is very helpful and and I hope some of my knowledge can be of benefit to others in their Manjaro journey.


I was just thinking about PinePhone too
Tell me more please!!!

I actually own the manjaro edition pinephone from late last year, which is what initially sparked my interest in manjaro distribution. (cant believe it took me so long to install on my desktops since then) anyway the pinephone is ridiculously cool but I can’t quite justify it as a daily driver at the moment. I encourage you to get one, just don’t have too high of expectations as of yet.

Hello everyone, I’m new to this forum but I use GNU/Linux since 17 years ago, I’m in fond of Python programming.

I hope I’ll learn some new tricks and have some help when I face rare issues.


Hi there !

I’m Nicolas, I used or tried debian, ubuntu, fedora a few years back. Tried Arch last year but I got some serious over-heating problems after a few months and failed to correct them.

I decided to get back to a fresh Arch install to see if the problem was resolved, but I was a bit annoyed by the idea of getting through the arch install process again. Eventually I did try but got some Network Manager issue. Then I discovered Manjaro while looking for a distro, possibly arch Distro.

Changed my life ! Okay I’m a bit exagerating here, but I’d like to send warm thanks the team because Manjaro is amazingly easy to install, and everything works out of the box, it’s just pure pleasure !

Thanks to every one ! Great work ! I’m going to the donate page to support this further :wink:

PS: I’m french



My name is Matt, I am new to linux. I tried Ubuntu and some other derivatives and finally settled on learning Manjaro.

I only have about a day of use on each distro I tried but something just keeps me wanting to learn Manjaro / Arch.

I mostly game and am learning some coding. Other than that just a general laptop use.

I look forward to learning what everyone has to give.



Hi, just installed in Germany today, after 10 years of Ubuntu. As I had to replace my main hard drive, I thought why not try something else instead of having to reinstall everything again for the next LTS. I once tried SUSE Tumbleweed, and that seemed to break a lot, so looked around and took a chance with the Arch approach this time around. This is my daily driver, and use it for internet, audio (primarily Mixxx), office, various CAD stuff, and visual stuff.

So far, everything basically works and looks good, after an initial login loop start which could be corrected with the boot stick. Still installing some things, but liking pamac!

Hopefully, I won’t need to post too much, but thankful for the community and software!


Hello everyone!

I’m X4X5 (generic name, I know), but most people call me X or X4 to shorten things up. I have long been a Linux enthusiast since last year, exploring crouton on the Chromebook.

I’m 18 years old, and have switched Linux distros quite a bit, having started with Ubuntu (like most other people, I suppose). I’m in my senior year of high school (well, online school), and I’m a game modder, mostly retro Nintendo games. Using Manjaro has made my work a lot easier, and I’ve been able to get a lot more done than I did with Windows. Plus, Windows on my current computer crashed it a lot, and even just normal Ubuntu fixed all of the initial problems I had with my computer when I started out. I hope to learn more about how Manjaro and other distros are constructed, and maybe help contribute to a project sometime


Hi folks!
in the last 25+ years I used a lot of operationsystems. On the linux-side, I came from SuSE Linux, with a short stop at Ubuntu & Linux Mint, finally landing @ Debian. Beside of serverinstallations I use “linux” at home also. These days I am trying to get rid of MS Windows and started a little project named “Gaming on Linux - out of the box”. Manjaro did well here. So I am a completly new Manjaro-user, with average “linux-skills”.

It is not that easy, if you are used to debian and use a completly different distribution, but I like to learn new things.

You did a great job on that distribution.

See ya! :wink:


Hello, everyone,
I come from Windows, but have been using Ubuntu LTS 18.04 with Gnome Desktop on my productive notebook for about 2 years.
I’m very dissatisfied with Ubuntu and Gnome in particular. It’s pretty stable, but Gnome isn’t really usable for me and the software in the packages is relatively old.
For about a year now I’ve been testing a number of alternative distributions on my two old notebooks, most recently Arco, Garuda and now Manjaro. At the moment I am wavering between Plasma and XFCE.
If I can get the few problems with Manjaro resolved, I could envision Manjaro as a productive system for my wife and myself.

Greetings from Germany


Welcome :vulcan_salute:

Hi guys ! :upside_down_face:

Excuse my english, I’m from Belgium and usually speak french.

I’m a GNU/Linux user for about 10 years. I tried a few distros : Ubuntu (mainly), Debian, ElemantaryOS, OpenSuse, and Arch (a little bit but I find more comfort in Manjaro).

So, I’m a Manjaro user for just a month, and I can read here that we are a few people to leave Ubuntu for now, as it sometimes begins to be hard to understand where they go… It’s great to have acces to the last versions of the softwares I’m using daily (main reason of my decision), and stop being forced to use App images and stuff like that.

At work, a part of my missions is to promote free software, mainly for low level users. We make between 50 and 150 installs per year. As I discover Manjaro, I find it very simple to use and very stable so we will switch from Ubuntu to Manjaro for beginners as I think it will be easier for them.
Last year, we start a project for schools and associations. We are collecting old computers from big industries, cleaning them, installing a GNU/Linux distro and giving to them for free. So, I potentially have about 120 computers in stock that will run Manjaro in a few days :yum:

So, see you on the forum, thanks for sharing all these great infos and have a great day :sunglasses:


Hi la Belgique une fois :slight_smile:

Ca fait des années que je n’ai plus touché à Ubuntu et ses dérivés, je tournais sous Kubuntu 16.04 à ce moment là et restons honnête c’etait vraiment une excellente distro, tout marchait nickel et très stable c’était la distro parfaite pour s’évader de Windows et découvrir Linux
Mais ça devient de plus en plus récurrent d’entendre qu’elle part en couille, tu veux dire qu’actuellement Manjaro est plus facile que nUbuntu et serait plus à conseiller à un débutant??

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Pour moi, clairement. “Nos” débutants découvrent Linux pour la première fois et n’ont pas de grands besoins. En gros : regarder un film, aller sur Internet, les mails, les réseaux sociaux… Tout cela fonctionne nativement sur Manjaro, donc pas de difficulté pour eux.
Ca marchait aussi avec Ubuntu, mais…la logithèque est désastreuse, certains logiciels tournent sous de vieilles versions et ça pose des problèmes. Par exemple, quand des gens qui viennent de Windows veulent faire une présentation avec Impress et que la vieille version ne gère pas (de manière simple) les vidéos alors que PowerPoint le fait ? Dur de leur expliquer. Les gens veulent que ça marche et point.

Pour ma part, il fallait que je télécharge des App images pour avoir les dernières versions (ce qui est crucial avec KDEnLive par exemple, qui a très fort évolué, ou MuseScore pour l’écriture de partitions musicales). Mais les App images ne se mettent pas à jour seule, sont lentes à démarrer, ne s’intègrent pas bien dans le système sans bidouilles, etc…
Et puis…Gnome…par défaut. Pas très configurable, un peu foutoir, bref, je n’aime pas :thinking: On peut utiliser Kubuntu mais il faut exliquer au gens, pour un éventuel support derrière par eux-mêmes…pas toujours simple :yum:

Enfin, au boulot on fait entre 50 et 150 installs par an sur des PC reconditionnés que l’on donne à des écoles et des associations. Avec Ubuntu, je dois faire tourner un script derrière l’install pour ajouter les codecs utiles, la prise en charge des DVD commerciaux, la prise en charge des cartes SD de + de 64 Gio, les packs de langues, etc. Avec Manjaro, je n’ai pas encore tout testé mais à priori tout fonctionne dès l’install, et donc gain de temps considérable.

Au final, je ne crache pas sur Ubuntu qui, comme tu dis, est une bonne porte d’entrée pour Linux, mais je ne vois pas bien où ils vont. Les tests de la prochaine version m’ont un peu effrayé je dois dire…

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Ok merci pour ta réponse je demandais ça car j’ai proposé à un collègue de boulot de lui prêter une clef live-USB pour qu’il essaye il en a marre de Windows mais a encore cette image en tête que Linux c’est uniquement pour les gros geeks et les programmeurs, j’hésite entre lui mettre Manjaro ou MX dessus mais je pensais aussi à un xBuntu tellement c’était facile à une période passée, donc exit xBuntu finalement