Welcome and introduce yourself - 2021

Hey there, the name is Josh aka pookito. I’ve been using Linux since 1997 when redhad was not yet fedora. I am still using it, and currently all I have to say is that I am a distro hopper. For some reason I’d like to give Manjaro a try. Good to be here. :smile:


Welcome in. I am also new to the forum. Wish you well.

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How is that working for you @halimkun? What is your experience about Manjaro?

Hello everyone! I’m currently in a bootcamp for coding and am currently using a macbook to do my coding, but I was looking at other OS options and have always been interested in, but also intimidated by Linux. After doing a good bit of research Manjaro seems like it’s what I’m looking for so I decided to join the forum.

I don’t plan on switching OS’s until after my bootcamp because I have quite a lot of work as it is and I would rather dedicate the time to really learning the OS before diving in, since it seems that preparation and understanding are super important for first time users (or at least that’s my impression), but I’m super exited to try and figure it out.


Greetings from Finland to all. Hope you are having a great week.

I have been a long time distro hopper with having used almost all major and some a little more obscure distribution alternatives available to the community. I started my Linux journey back in 1995 and I was actually an Arch user from which I tried for a while to go to something simpler with Ubuntu (again, last time was after a long Gentoo period) but I did not feel at home there.

So, now I’m close by to my earlier favourite but with the refinements that I must say that I enjoy much in Manjaro. Perhaps this could be finally the distribution where I could find a portion to help assist it with unlike with all my previous choices. I still run Raspbian, Fedora Server and Ubuntu server also for other needs but I do prefer Manjaro now on my desktop.



Windows user from when it was named MsDOS :slight_smile:
Programmer in the last 20 years

I have played with Linux (mainly Fedora/CentOs) in the last 10 but always as server mgmt
Stuck on Win 7, didnt want to go with Win 10 or 11 and decided to try some distros
Manjaro seems to collect all the things I wanted, will be dedicating the next weekend to a full immersion + installation + conversion of all the tools I have been using in Windows to Manjaro…

If still alive :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: will be sharing all the bumps and dumps of it


Hi All, nice to be here

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Hi, I’m Martin and a longtime Linux user, > 20 years. My machines:

Sinclair ZX81 … Atari ST … Manjaro Linux

I tried Gnome, KDE and XFCE and the latter is my desktop environment of choice, for now. So long…


Hi all!
New to MJ.

What drives me “nuts-est” about Linux:

  • Snap
  • Secure Boot
  • Grub with the above
  • Slow mirror sites

And to be fair, a certain amount of quibbles as a long term Windows (first used 1.0 in 1986) user:

  • Interop/dual-boot with x-nixes (first used FreeBSD ca. 1990) although I like WSL2 somewhat, still playing w WSLg
  • High hardware requirements each new integer release, witness 11 where I can’t use a Surface Pro4 even though there is GPU and TPM support
  • Whole lotta big brother, too much even though it’s everywhere in the ApGooAmaSoftBook space

welcome! just joined the forum myself, and I’m a little more hesitant to cut the cord. Thererfore, I’ve been doing a lot of dabbling with USB external drives, as they get faster and cheaper, and the interfaces, i.e., USB 3.2/C/Thunderbolt 3/4.

So, no harm done trying out 5-8 different flavors; that way I get to keep Windows alive, play with WSL and the like, and keep my MS-DOS skills sharp! Let’s face it, powershell and BASH aren’t that far apart!

Hi guys; I’m Roberto from Italy,
I’ve downloaded manjaro xfce for my old compaq 6720s.
I’m going to try it next days, and I will surely have a lot of questions for more experienced guys than me…



Hi Everybody!

I’m fairly new to Linux, been using it since win7 support was dropped and enjoying the experience and freedom!
I’ve been using Manjaro on laptop for the last 12 months and am really happy with it. I also have a Pinephone running Manjaro Phosh which is fun for tinkering with Linux Mobile!
Thanks for everyones hard work!


hello im new to this community
and to linux also Hai Friends …



been an Linux user for 20+ odd years now, IT professional for a living - switched to manjaro on my home desktop and my mind was blown. arch, that just… works? wait, what? cool beans. count me in. pacman is yummier and much more fun than apt-get :rofl:


This is true.
But extra yummy if you uncomment #ILoveCandy in /etc/pacman.conf :yum:


@jpalko: Nice. I have been using Linux since 1997. Also a distro hopper like yourself. I think I might finally find a distro to stay with #Manjaro. Good to have you. Also new here and welcome in. :smiley:


Hey guys! Took a short break from Manjaro after building a new gaming rig for about a year. I’ve toyed with various distros dating back to the early 2000’s. I was about 12 or 13 I think? Always had to come back to Windows for various reasons. I’m committed now. I’ve completely wiped my win10 drives and I am not looking back!


Don’t mind me if I like your post. :slight_smile:

I am really proud of #Manjaro. The only thing I can say is that this works. Of course there are a few minute details, but I believe that even a noob can start using this. :v: Besides, I am also sure that the team is working on those things.


please do, i’m interested in your experience!

sudo pacman -Syu && echo -e "I \vLove \vCandy"
