Update requests for packages built by Manjaro developers

kaidan is currently only maintained in our ARM64 repo. I’ve dropped it from the x86-64 repos. You may install the current version as a Flatpak or from the AUR (Arch User Repository).

Qxmpp is also outdated.

Newest upstream version is 1.4.0.
AUR version is up to date, but pamac somehow does not show the AUR version…so I needed to build and install it manually.

qxmpp is a dependency of kaidain. I’ve also dropped it from the repos.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Update requests for packages imported from Arch Linux

ledger-live-bin is sitting at version 2.43.1-1, the current version is 2.48.0.


The unstable branch has kernel of 6.1.0rc2, while kernel.org reports 6.1-rc3 as latest a few days ago.

Please update. Thanks!

Thanks. It’s coming:

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the started job reports: failed 30 minutes ago in 2h 23m 54s,
please check.

That was because of failed broadcom-wl module. Updated kernel is now in unstable repo.
Remember: This is just a release candidate kernel!


@Yochanan Mesa 22.2.5 is out

And I noticed it’s missing who maintains the Mesa package on Manjaro :wink: needs still to be added on PKGBUILD file.

Yes, and 22.3.0 is also available.

That should be obvious by now.

@philm takes the weekend off, by the way. :wink:


@philm @oberon linux61-broadcom-wl is missing, I don’t need it but other will do. :wink:

@pheiduck , not only it, but the

❯ pacman -Si linux61-zfs                     
error: package 'linux61-zfs' was not found


But me too: do not need them both :slight_smile:

Looks like somehow the released version of linux61 can’t be shipped for now (Actions · manjaro-kernels/linux61 · GitHub)

6.1 was barely released and you are already expecting built zfs modules? Feel free to ask openzfs project what is taking them so long.

@zbe, the zfs modules was added into Manjaro repos during 6.0-rc6 or rc7 stage, so a long before the 6.0 release.

The 6.1 extra modules are being worked on.

6.0 is supported for 11 days, but ok…


Supported Platforms

  • Linux: compatible with 3.10 - 6.0 kernels
  • FreeBSD: compatible with releases starting from 12.2-RELEASE

Brave-browser got updated to v1.46.144 new stable.

Just a suggestion for linux-firmware:

# Maintainer: Philip Müller <philm@manjaro.org>
# Maintainer: Mark Wagie <mark at manjaro dot org>
# Contributor: Thomas Bächler <thomas@archlinux.org>

-pkgname=(linux-firmware-whence linux-firmware amd-ucode
+pkgname=(linux-firmware amd-ucode
+         linux-firmware-{whence,nfp,mellanox,marvell,qcom,liquidio,qlogic,bnx2x}
pkgdesc="Firmware files for Linux"
license=('GPL2' 'GPL3' 'custom')
validpgpkeys=('4CDE8575E547BF835FE15807A31B6BD72486CFD6') # Josh Boyer <jwboyer@fedoraproject.org>


prepare() {
  cd ${pkgbase}

  local _c
  for _c in "${_backports[@]}"; do
    git log --oneline -1 "${_c}"
    git cherry-pick -n "${_c}"

pkgver() {
  cd ${pkgbase}

  # Commit date + short rev
  echo $(TZ=UTC git show -s --pretty=%cd --date=format-local:%Y%m%d HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)

build() {
  mkdir -p kernel/x86/microcode
  cat ${pkgbase}/amd-ucode/microcode_amd*.bin > kernel/x86/microcode/AuthenticAMD.bin

  # Reproducibility: set the timestamp on the bin file
  if [[ -n ${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} ]]; then
    touch -d @${SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH} kernel/x86/microcode/AuthenticAMD.bin

  # Reproducibility: strip the inode and device numbers from the cpio archive
  echo kernel/x86/microcode/AuthenticAMD.bin |
    bsdtar --uid 0 --gid 0 -cnf - -T - |
    bsdtar --null -cf - --format=newc @- > amd-ucode.img

_pick() {
  local p="$1" f d; shift
  for f; do
    mkdir -p "$(dirname "$d")"
    mv "$f" "$d"
    rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty "$(dirname "$f")"

package_linux-firmware-whence() {
  pkgdesc+=" - contains the WHENCE license file which documents the vendor license details"

  install -Dt "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" -m644 ${pkgbase}/WHENCE

package_linux-firmware() {

  cd ${pkgbase}

  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" FIRMWAREDIR=/usr/lib/firmware install

  # Trigger a microcode reload for configurations not using early updates
  echo 'w /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload - - - - 1' |
    install -Dm644 /dev/stdin "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/${pkgname}.conf"

  install -Dt "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" -m644 LICEN*

  # split
  cd "${pkgdir}"

  _pick linux-firmware-nfp usr/lib/firmware/netronome
  _pick linux-firmware-nfp usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENCE.Netronome

  _pick linux-firmware-mellanox usr/lib/firmware/mellanox

  _pick linux-firmware-marvell usr/lib/firmware/{libertas,mwl8k,mwlwifi,mrvl}
  _pick linux-firmware-marvell usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENCE.{Marvell,NXP}

  _pick linux-firmware-qcom usr/lib/firmware/{qcom,a300_*}
  _pick linux-firmware-qcom usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE.qcom

  _pick linux-firmware-liquidio usr/lib/firmware/liquidio
  _pick linux-firmware-liquidio usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENCE.cavium_liquidio

  _pick linux-firmware-qlogic usr/lib/firmware/{qlogic,qed,ql2???_*,c{b,t,t2}fw-*}
  _pick linux-firmware-qlogic usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENCE.{qla1280,qla2xxx}

  _pick linux-firmware-bnx2x usr/lib/firmware/bnx2x*

package_amd-ucode() {
  pkgdesc="Microcode update image for AMD CPUs"

  install -Dt "${pkgdir}/boot" -m644 amd-ucode.img

  install -Dt "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" -m644 ${pkgbase}/LICENSE.amd-ucode

package_linux-firmware-nfp() {
  pkgdesc+=" - nfp / Firmware for Netronome Flow Processors"

  mv -v linux-firmware-nfp/* "${pkgdir}"

package_linux-firmware-mellanox() {
  pkgdesc+=" - mellanox / Firmware for Mellanox Spectrum switches"

  mv -v linux-firmware-mellanox/* "${pkgdir}"

package_linux-firmware-marvell() {
  pkgdesc+=" - marvell / Firmware for Marvell devices"

  mv -v linux-firmware-marvell/* "${pkgdir}"
  # remove arm64 firmware #76583
  rm "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/firmware/mrvl/prestera/mvsw_prestera_fw_arm64-v4.1.img

package_linux-firmware-qcom() {
  pkgdesc+=" - qcom / Firmware for Qualcomm SoCs"

  mv -v linux-firmware-qcom/* "${pkgdir}"

package_linux-firmware-liquidio() {
  pkgdesc+=" - liquidio / Firmware for Cavium LiquidIO server adapters"

  mv -v linux-firmware-liquidio/* "${pkgdir}"

package_linux-firmware-qlogic() {
  pkgdesc+=" - qlogic / Firmware for QLogic devices"

  mv -v linux-firmware-qlogic/* "${pkgdir}"

package_linux-firmware-bnx2x() {
  pkgdesc+=" - bnx2x / Firmware for Broadcom NetXtreme II 10Gb ethernet adapters"

  mv -v linux-firmware-bnx2x/* "${pkgdir}"

# vim:set sw=2 et:

@Yochanan Etcher update was 8m ago: