Update requests for packages built by Manjaro developers

Pushed to the stable branch.

Pushed to the testing and unstable branches.


@Ste74 I’ve updated gnome-control-center-x11-scaling. Mutter on the other hand is currently stuck on 3.38.3 as the upstream patch needs to be re-based for 3.38.4.

done :slightly_smiling_face:

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mutter-x11-scaling 3.38.4-1 is now also ready for building :slight_smile:

Mesa-git still not updated since January. And since it’s in repo i can’t use custom arch repository for mesa-git, i have to build from aur which takes like 20 minutes. Why do you even add crucial packages to repo and not update it? Can you please remove mesa-git from repo?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Update requests for packages imported from Arch Linux

@Ste74 - another mutter update/rebuild without sysprof

xfce4-indicator-plugin has been updated to version 2.4.0.
in manjaro there are xfce4-indicator-plugin-gtk3-git and xfce4-indicator-plugin-git both at version 2.3.3.r148.gc99ecc8 and i imagine that they can also become a single package.
current packager is @philm

gtk3-classic has been updated from 3.24.27 to 3.24.28.
I’m seen that the last packager (of 3.24.27) is Mark Wagie (@Yochanan )

@philm removed them. @oberon maintains xfce4-indicator-plugin in the AUR.

Pushed to unstable.

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spectre-meltdown-checker has been updated to version 0.44
current packager is @philm

Pushed to all branches.

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Thanx for the hint. Was wondering why I couldn’t get it to work for the life of me. Installed the git version from aur and violà :+1:

@Go4a @anon88624618 wob 0.11-1 is pushed to unstable.

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I think it’s time to update plymouth package rebasing it on the latest git commits. It is insanely fast for a service like that. Maybe it could also help to elude of issues observed when using a new GDM version.

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@Yochanan gtk3-classic has been updated again as on AUR:


Yes, I have notifications enabled as well, thanks. :wink:

Updates are pushed for the unstable and testing branches.

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Brave and Brave-beta needs to be updated,hasn’t been updated since february (AUR is more up to date).

A suggestion for gtk themes that provide both gtk2 and gtk3 themes: Move the dependency on gtk2 theme engines to optdepends. This is how other themes like de adapta-gtk-theme does it.

Currently the only thing on my system keeping gtk2 installed was the matcha-gtk-theme.


Just did that with all the themes I maintain in the Manjaro community repo and the AUR.