Unable to satisfy dependencies updating budgie-desktop

same problem, get the same mutter/mutter43 conflict, or mutter/x11 conflict, or unable to satisfy dependancy mutter43 by budgie-desktop, after removing mutter. any solutions without gambling botching the DE?

Welcome to the forum! :wave:

I’ve moved your post to a new thread as the last user was able to solve his issue.

Try the following which will yank out what you don’t need, update the system and install what you do need:

sudo pacman -Rdd gnome-control-center mutter
sudo pacman -Syu --asdeps budgie-control-center mutter43

[david@AsusQ570M ~]$ sudo pacman -Rdd gnome-control-center mutter
error: target not found: mutter

forgive me, i’m not savvy on arch distros, started out on debian distros. i’d consider myself as a "
seasoned novice" with linux in general. just a windows hater that knows there are better options

solved. @Yochanan

I’ve moved your post to a new thread as the last user was able to solve his issue.

Try the following which will yank out what you don’t need, update the system and install what you do need:

sudo pacman -Rdd gnome-control-center mutter
sudo pacman -Syu --as-deps budgie-control-center mutter43

I was able to update/upgrade after issuing the following command in terminal: sudo pacman -Rdd gnome-control-center mutter43 and then upgrading via GUI pamac/pacman or whatever. 2nd command in terminal resulted in eror:
[david@AsusQ570M ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu --as-deps budgie-control-center mutter43
pacman: unrecognized option ‘–as-deps’
so at that point I crossed my fingers and tried the GUI manager and it worked.

forgive me again, I don’t know how to properly quote and link and whatever.

Oops, typo. I fixed it above, it’s --asdeps.

It still would be a good idea to set those two programs as dependencies:

sudo pacman -D --asdeps budgie-control-center mutter43

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