[Testing Update] 2023-10-11 - Pipewire, Mattermost, Qt5, Haskell, Python

Hello community,

Another testing branch update with some usual package updates for you.

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  • Manjaro, like many other open-source projects, relies on the generosity of its community through donations and corporate sponsorships to support its growth and development. These donations are essential in covering the various expenses incurred in the operations of the project such as server costs, software development tools, infrastructure expenses, training, flying people to events or conferences and the salaries of key developers. With the help of these donations, Manjaro is able to secure the necessary financial stability that allows the project to continuously improve and remain active. If you love Manjaro, consider to donate!
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Finding information easier about Manjaro always has been a topic that needed to be solved. With our new search we have put all Manjaro data accessible in one place and divided by sections so it makes it easier to digest: New Manjaro search engine is available | Blog


Notable Package Updates:

  • PipeWire is now at 1.0-rc1
  • Mattermost got renewed to 9.0.1
  • Qt5 is now updated to 5.15.11
  • Usual Haskell and Python updates

Additional Info

Python 3.11 info

:information_source: You will need to rebuild any AUR Python packages that install files to site-packages or link to libpython3.10.so. :information_source:

Print a list of of packages that have files in /usr/lib/python3.10/ :

pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.10/

Rebuild them all at once:*

pamac build $(pacman -Qoq /usr/lib/python3.10)

* Note that if any fail to build, you’ll have to rebuild what’s remaining one or a few at a time.

Use rebuild-detector to see if anything else needs to be rebuilt:

Info about AUR packages

:warning: AUR (Arch User Repository) packages are neither supported by Arch nor Manjaro. Posts about them in Announcement topics are off-topic and will be flagged, moved or removed without warning.

Get our latest daily developer images now from Github: Plasma, GNOME, XFCE. You can get the latest stable releases of Manjaro from CDN77.

Our current supported kernels

  • linux419 4.19.295
  • linux54 5.4.257
  • linux510 5.10.197
  • linux515 5.15.133
  • linux61 6.1.55
  • linux64 6.4.16 [EOL]
  • linux65 6.5.5
  • linux66 6.6.0rc4
  • linux61-rt 6.1.54_rt15
  • linux64-rt 6.4.6_rt8
  • linux65-rt 6.5.2_rt8

Package Changes (Tue Oct 10 03:53:50 CEST 2023)

  • testing core x86_64: 6 new and 6 removed package(s)
  • testing extra x86_64: 1591 new and 1585 removed package(s)
  • testing multilib x86_64: 7 new and 7 removed package(s)

All changes can be found here.

  • No issue, everything went smoothly
  • Yes there was an issue. I was able to resolve it myself.(Please post your solution)
  • Yes i am currently experiencing an issue due to the update. (Please post about it)
0 voters

Check if your mirror has already synced:


Known issues and solutions

This is a wiki post; please edit as necessary.
Please, consider subscribing to the Testing Updates Announcements RSS feed

Please RTFT (Read This Fine Thread) first before reporting the same issues over and over again!

:arrow_right: 2023-10-05

glibc-locales update requires manual intervention

If you had the old glibc-locales package from the extra repo installed, the update to the new core package will need manual intervention:

 sudo pacman -Syu glibc-locales --overwrite /usr/lib/locale/\*/\*


Changes to default password hashing algorithm and umask settings

2023-09-22 - David Runge

With shadow >= 4.14.0, Arch Linux’s default password hashing algorithm changed from SHA512 to yescrypt [1].

Furthermore, the umask [2] settings are now configured in /etc/login.defs instead of /etc/profile.

This should not require any manual intervention.

Reasons for Yescrypt

The password-based key derivation function (KDF) and password hashing scheme yescrypt has been chosen due to its adoption (readily available in libxcrypt, which is used by pam [3]) and its stronger resilience towards password cracking attempts over SHA512.

Although the winner of the Password Hashing Competition [4] has been argon2, this even more resilient algorithm is not yet available in libxcrypt [5][6].

Configuring yescrypt

The YESCRYPT_COST_FACTOR setting in /etc/login.defs is currently without effect, until pam implements reading its value [7]. If a YESCRYPT_COST_FACTOR higher (or lower) than the default (5) is needed, it can be set using the rounds option of the pam_unix [8] module (i.e. in /etc/pam.d/system-auth).

General list of changes

  • yescrypt is used as default password hashing algorithm, instead of SHA512
  • pam honors the chosen ENCRYPT_METHOD in /etc/login.defs and does not override the chosen method anymore
  • changes in the filesystem (>= 2023.09.18) and pambase (>= 20230918) packages ensure, that umask is set centrally in /etc/login.defs instead of /etc/profile

[1] yescrypt - scalable KDF and password hashing scheme

[2] umask(1p) — Arch manual pages

[3] PAM - ArchWiki

[4] https://www.password-hashing.net/

[5] [RFC] Add argon2 backend. by ferivoz · Pull Request #113 · besser82/libxcrypt · GitHub

[6] Add support for Argon2 by maandree · Pull Request #150 · besser82/libxcrypt · GitHub

[7] pam_unix: Support reading YESCRYPT_COST_FACTOR from /etc/login.defs · Issue #607 · linux-pam/linux-pam · GitHub

[8] pam_unix(8) — Arch manual pages

– Arch Linux - News: Changes to default password hashing algorithm and umask settings


filesystem and bashrc-manjaro pacnews

With the filesystem 2023.09.03-1 and bashrc-manjaro 5.1.016-3 updates there may be pacnews for the following files if you have local modifications:

  • /etc/shells
  • /etc/bash.bashrc

This would be a good time to test @Ste74’s new manjaro-pacnew-checker program. See Check and manage pacnew files for more info.


ansible-core >= 2.15.3-1 update may require manual intervention

2023-08-19 - Robin Candau

As of ansible-core 2.15.3, upstream moved documentation and examples to a separate dedicated repository (see the related changelogs).
This means that, starting from version 2.15.3 the ansible-core package will stop shipping documentation and a default configuration example under /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg.

Regarding the documentation, it is available online: https://docs.ansible.com/
As for the configuration file, as explained in the wiki, a base config can be generated with the following command:

ansible-config init --disabled > ansible.cfg

After updating from ansible-core <= 2.15.2-1 to >= 2.15.3-1, everyone using a custom global Ansible configuration file stored under /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg will have their configuration saved as a pacsave file.
To restore it, run the following command:

mv /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg.pacsave /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

– Arch Linux - News: ansible-core >= 2.15.3-1 update may require manual intervention


Possible glibc 2.38 posix_memalign regression

There seems a performance regression of posix_memalign in Glibc-2.38. More info here: 30723 – Poor posix_memalign performance with long free lists


You can try another malloc like mimalloc or jemalloc as workaround. Install mimalloc and start mpv with:

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libmimalloc.so mpv


LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libjemalloc.so mpv

For folks that dont want to change things too much … an apparent workaround is to set a lowish cache size:

mkdir -p ~/.config/mpv && printf '\ndemuxer-max-bytes=50MiB\ndemuxer-max-back-bytes=25MiB\n' | tee -a ~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf
budgie-desktop >= 10.7.2-6 update requires manual intervention

When upgrading from budgie-desktop 10.7.2-5 to 10.7.2-6, the package mutter43 must be replaced with magpie-wm, which currently depends on mutter. As mutter43 conflicts with mutter, manual intervention is required to complete the upgrade.

First remove mutter43, then immediately perform the upgrade. Do not relog or reboot between these steps.

pacman -Rdd mutter43
pacman -Syu


Grub conflicting files

Error: Failed to commit transaction:
conflicting files:
grub: /usr/bin/update-grub already exists in filesystem (owned by grub-update)

sudo pacman -Rdd grub-update
sudo pacman -Suu grub

[1] [2] [3]


One core of CPU has high IO-wait operation at 100%

[Unstable Update] 2023-05-21 - Repository changes - #199 by Zesko

Kernel 6.4.4, 6.4.5 and 6.1.39 LTS are affected:
The known issue and report:


Steam crashes on startup with lib32-libgudev installed

The latest lib32-libgudev update does not cooperate with the version of the same package provided by steam, and steam seems to attempt making calls to both leading to the crash.

Details: bug report, arch task, arch forum thread.

  • Workaround #1 (causes steam to avoid making any calls to lib32-libgudev by using a different library altogether)

    • sudo pacman -S lib32-libnm
  • Workaround #2 (forces steam and any other application to always use the new lib32-libgudev)

    • sudo pacman -S lib32-libudev0-shim
  • Workaround #3 (use steam-native-runtime, which doesn’t have the issue)

    • sudo pacman -S steam-native-runtime

Previous testing threads:

warning: dav1d: local (1.3.0-1) is newer than extra (1.2.1-1)

Pamac wants to downgrade this package and remove ffmpeg with it, resulting in failing to prepare and thus fail.

pamac upgrade                                                                                                              
==== AUTHENTICATING FOR org.manjaro.pamac.commit ====
Authentication is required to install, update, or remove packages
Authenticating as:
Synchronizing package databases...
Warning: installing dav1d (1.2.1-1) breaks dependency 'libdav1d.so=7-64' required by ffmpeg
Add ffmpeg to remove
Error: Failed to prepare transaction:
could not satisfy dependencies:
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'libavcodec.so=60-64' required by chromaprint
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'libavformat.so=60-64' required by chromaprint
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'libavutil.so=58-64' required by chromaprint
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'libswresample.so=4-64' required by chromaprint
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'ffmpeg' required by chromium
- installing dav1d (1.2.1-1) breaks dependency 'libdav1d.so=7-64' required by ffmpeg4.4
- if possible, remove ffmpeg4.4 and retry
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'libavdevice.so=60-64' required by mpv
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'libavfilter.so=9-64' required by mpv
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'libswscale.so=7-64' required by mpv
Warning: dav1d: downgrading from version 1.3.0-1 to version 1.2.1-1
Resolving dependencies...
Checking inter-conflicts...
Error: Failed to prepare transaction:
could not satisfy dependencies:
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'libavcodec.so=60-64' required by chromaprint
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'libavformat.so=60-64' required by chromaprint
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'libavutil.so=58-64' required by chromaprint
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'libswresample.so=4-64' required by chromaprint
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'ffmpeg' required by chromium
- installing dav1d (1.2.1-1) breaks dependency 'libdav1d.so=7-64' required by ffmpeg4.4
- if possible, remove ffmpeg4.4 and retry
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'libavdevice.so=60-64' required by mpv
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'libavfilter.so=9-64' required by mpv
- removing ffmpeg breaks dependency 'libswscale.so=7-64' required by mpv

grep 'dav1d' /var/log/pacman.log

[2023-06-15T20:47:43+0200] [ALPM] upgraded dav1d (1.2.0-1 -> 1.2.1-1)
[2023-10-11T18:16:23+0200] [ALPM] upgraded dav1d (1.2.1-1 -> 1.3.0-1)

Disable downgrade & upgrade : pamac upgrade --disable-downgrade

I just tried to update and got this:

:: Vollständige Systemaktualisierung wird gestartet …
:: plasma-framework durch extra/plasma-framework5 ersetzen? [J/n] j
Abhängigkeiten werden aufgelöst …
Warnung: Kann "libdav1d.so=7-64" nicht auflösen (eine Abhängigkeit von "ffmpeg")
Warnung: Kann "libdav1d.so=7-64" nicht auflösen (eine Abhängigkeit von "ffmpeg4.4")
Warnung: Kann "libdav1d.so=7-64" nicht auflösen (eine Abhängigkeit von "ffmpeg")
Warnung: Kann "libdav1d.so=7-64" nicht auflösen (eine Abhängigkeit von "ffmpeg4.4")
:: Die folgenden Pakete können aufgrund nicht auflösbarer Abhängigkeiten nicht aktualisiert werden:
      ffmpeg  ffmpeg4.4

:: Möchten Sie die oben genannten Pakete bei dieser Aktualisierung überspringen? [j/N] n
Fehler: Vorgang konnte nicht vorbereitet werden (Kann Abhängigkeiten nicht erfüllen)
:: Unerfüllbare Abhängigkeit »libdav1d.so=7-64«, benötigt von ffmpeg
:: Unerfüllbare Abhängigkeit »libdav1d.so=7-64«, benötigt von ffmpeg4.4
:: Unerfüllbare Abhängigkeit »libdav1d.so=7-64«, benötigt von ffmpeg
:: Unerfüllbare Abhängigkeit »libdav1d.so=7-64«, benötigt von ffmpeg4.4

ffmpeg is required by firefox, ffmeg4.4 is required by vlc.

dav1d version 1.2.1-1 is currently installed, so for @Hanzel’s proposal it’s too late already.

Have a look here as well:

After updating again, everything is fine now.

1 Like

I have the same problem, but I saw this: [Stable Update] 2023-10-13 - Pipewire, Mattermost, Qt5, Haskell, Python - #52 by owburp, so I think we need to wait for a fix.