Qt5 got updated to 5.15.4 incl. KDE patchsets. Report any breakage!
Usual Haskell and Python package updates
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New warnings when building the fallback initcpio - Possibly missing firmware for module: bfa, qed, qla1280, qla2xxx
That’s due to the recent changes to the linux-firmware package. Note these are warnings, not errors. You only need those firmwares if you have Mellanox Spectrum switches, Marvell devices, Qualcomm SoCs, Cavium LiquidIO server adapters, QLogic devices and Broadcom NetXtreme II 10Gb ethernet adapters. if you have that hardware you can install linux-firmware-qlogic to get rid of those warnings. If you do not have that hardware you can safely ignore those warnings.
pamac install linux-firmware-qlogic
Python packages from PIP and AUR - how to upgrade them - detailed instructions
No Brave browser updates for awhile, and the stable branch Release v1.38.119 released today, compare to my Brave-betaRelease v1.38.75, from nearly two months, what I want to ask why is it so behind mainstream.
System tray appears to be broken on KDE plasma. After launch, no new applications are added to it. linux517 + nvidia. KDE itself is hanging randomly, with taskbar staying stuck.
EDIT: From what I have gathered, the issue appears to be with plasmashell itself. Have had to restart it several times already. A fix/workaround would be appreciated
Just did the update. Cannot confirm the bug on AMD/Wayland. Maybe it is a bug related with Kwin? You seem to have a Nvidia Card so you probably still use Xorg.
Didn’t notice issue yet. Try to login to a new user and see if you have the same issue, if a new user doesn’t have the issue then it is maybe on your local current user that there is an issue.