[Testing Update] 2020-12-07 - BREAKAGE EXPECTED - Kernels, Mesa 20.3, Python 3.9, Pamac 10

Flatpak creates some issues in pamac. Will this be fixed in next stable update?

All good here. From the repos, libpurple, pidgin and python-tesserwarp need to be rebuilded.

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So I updated and rebooted. Now nvidia isnt working.

The GUI says that nvidia driver is not installed, so I tried to instal it. but then this message shows up:

" Waiting for user input...


Error: config 'video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-prime' conflicts with config(s): video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-455xx-prime


so I try this to remove the old driver
sudo mhwd -r pci video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-455xx-prime

but it complains that removing nvidia-455xx-utils breaks dependency with «nvidia-utils», needed for the package lib32-nvidia-utils

So what now? because it seems Im in a dead end here


I was able to yay -R mhwd-nvidia-455xx

but the error is still here when installing from the driver GUI

Waiting for user input...
Warning: config '/var/lib/mhwd/local/pci/video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-455xx-prime/MHWDCONFIG' is invalid!
 Installing video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-prime...
Sourcing /etc/mhwd-x86_64.conf
Has lib32 support: true
Sourcing /var/lib/mhwd/db/pci/graphic_drivers/hybrid-intel-nvidia-prime/MHWDCONFIG
Processing classid: 0300
Sourcing /var/lib/mhwd/scripts/include/0300
:: Synchronizing package databases...
warning: nvidia-prime-1.0-4 is up to date -- skipping
warning: lib32-nvidia-utils-455.45.01-3 is up to date -- skipping
warning: linux510-nvidia-455.45.01-0.7 is up to date -- skipping
warning: linux59-nvidia-455.45.01-2 is up to date -- skipping
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 multilib is up to date
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
:: nvidia-utils and nvidia-455xx-utils are in conflict (nvidia-libgl). Remove nvidia-455xx-utils? [y/N] error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)

nvidia-utils and nvidia-455xx-utils are in conflict
Error: pacman failed!
Error: script failed!


Edit 2: uninstalling optimus manager fixed the nvidia card not working at all, but the problem above still remains, I cant install the driver that shows up in the driver GUI utility. Would be nice to have instructions about how to fix it since you already knew that were going to break.

Replace issues were solved with nvidia-utils already. I only have to fix mhwd-profiles similar like this. However I’m more occupied in ARM part of Manjaro, so I’ve less time to do x86_64 stuff.

The Nvidia drivers switch will mess up a lot of systems, so we have to figure out on how to switch the drivers best. Especially those systems with Hybrid drivers …


The first two are imported directly from Arch and are not related to migrating to Python 3.9. Does Pidgin still work? If not, create a new thread in Software & Applications.

As far as python-tesserwrap, it hasn’t been updated since 2014. The only thing that requires it is ocrdesktop. The project webpage is dead, can’t find anything about it.

I’m removing them from our repos, you’re on you’re own. Looks like they’re in the AUR.

“You are the weakest link. Goodbye”

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Seems the small icons in KDE audio widget, mentioned by omano, is still present.
I tried different Plasma Styles, and narrowed it to the colour-scheme-respecting Breath2.

I’ll test it with systemd 247.1-3 as well when the time comes, soon I presume. May be useful for some that would want to use DNS over TLS, instead of dnscrypt or DoH.

my CUPS service failed to start after the update.

Ran systemctl start cups.service to fix.

And I thought it was my fault, when cups.service disappeared the same day on my thinkpad…

Always read pacman / pamac output during the update process and you’ll be fine.


systemctl enable cups.service ?!

Maybe you missed previous updates notes about cupsd service being renamed to cups?

It does.


Fine. Was merely reporting packages flagged by checkrebuild as needing to be rebuilt, as per @philm request. Granted, libpurple and pidgin have been mentioned by others.


No worries. Thanks for reporting them, otherwise old, broken packages would have still been in the repos needlessly. :wink:


Hello, is there any chance to support video-hybrid-intel-nvidia-390xx-bumblebee in future 20.2 releases with 5.4 LTS kernel?

A post was split to a new topic: Issue with nvfancurve dependencies

If the packages are switched correctly (which they are not, check my post), then it will work just fine :man_shrugging:

Those have not actually been dropped, check the relevant post.

Poedit is broken since this update:

poedit: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/liblucene++.so.0: undefined symbol: _ZN5boost16re_detail_10720019raise_runtime_errorERKSt13runtime_error

Had problems with Libreoffice too, but fixed those

With this “testing” update had problems with “Catfish” and “zeitgeist” as being in conflict …
Bluntly solved by removing " Catfish" for the time being …