Terminal won't load

… but he (probably/likely) didn’t edit
as he said it was new install and he hadn’t touched anything there

All he did was to edit

@bkarlan If I where you, I’d check that file
and enable/uncomment/remove the hash mark in front of any locale you want to have, including en_US.UTF-8
and then run
to generate those

It is strange, though, that a fresh installation would contain a wrongly spelled locale setting in /etc/locale.conf

That is probably true. However there was an update about two weeks ago which messed up my locale settings. I’m 100% sure I did not mess that up myself.
All of a sudden Gnome Terminal was not starting anymore. After installing Deepin Terminal it showed me the same error message “_p9k_init_params:72: character not in range”
as @bkarlan got.

This specific error can be fixed by selecting the correct locale /etc/locale.gen and running locale-gen. See also: Terminal stopped working: _p9k_init_params:72: character not in range manjaro%

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Ok, it was probably related to that font correction I mentioned at the top. The first thing it had me do was create the local.conf. But either way, yesterday night I was trying to add in a swap and I formatted over my efi instead of my swap partition. That led down a rabbit hole of having to reinstall my Mac OS and then Manjaro again. 6 hours and a mostly sleepless night later, terminal is working as is my swap file. But now my bluetooth won’t connect to an audio device, only to my cell phone for file transfers. So I’ll have to work on that. But thank you for your help on this. I’ll post for the bluetooth issue separately.