Gnome-terminal won't run after update

this is the output for removing orphaned packages (i haven’t run it yet)

# pacman -Qtdq | pacman -Rns -
checking dependencies...
:: asciidoc optionally requires source-highlight: source-highlight-filter
:: glusterfs optionally requires python-prettytable: gluster-georep-sshkey
:: graphviz optionally requires mono: sharp bindings
:: python-twisted optionally requires python-bcrypt: for using conch
:: python2-beautifulsoup4 optionally requires python2-html5lib: alternative HTML parser
:: python2-lxml optionally requires python2-html5lib: support for html5lib parser

Packages (131) augeas-1.12.0-2  cmake-3.19.3-1  dee-1.2.7-10  fpc-3.2.0-2
               fpc-src-3.2.0-1  gdb-10.1-4  gdb-common-10.1-4  gjs-2:1.66.2-1
               gnome-autoar-0.2.4-2  gnome-bluetooth-3.34.3-1
               gnome-session-3.38.0+14+g87d92fec-1.0  gnome-settings-daemon-3.38.1-1
               gperftools-2.8.1-1  gst-plugin-pipewire-0.3.19-1  itstool-1:2.0.6-2
               kjs-5.78.0-1  leveldb-1.22-2  libgdiplus-5.6.1-3  libgdm-
               libgweather-3.36.1-1  libixion-0.16.1-5  librdkafka-1.5.3-1
               libxres-1.2.0-2  mallard-ducktype-1.0.2-6  mono-
               mutter-3.38.3-1  ninja-1.10.2-1  nvidia-cg-toolkit-3.1-6
               python-bcrypt-3.2.0-3  python-cmd2-1.4.0-1  python-logutils-0.3.5-8
               python-pecan-1.4.0-3  python-prettytable-0.7.2-14
               python-pyperclip-1.8.1-3  python-wcwidth-0.2.5-3  python-webob-1.8.6-3
               python-webtest-2.0.35-4  python2-html5lib-1.1-5
               python2-webencodings-0.5.1-6  rhash-1.4.1-1  source-highlight-3.1.9-4
               xorg-bdftopcf-1.1-2  xorg-font-util-1.3.2-2  xorg-mkfontscale-1.2.1-2
               xorg-xwayland-1.20.0.r800.ge4a9f0bb4-1  amdgpu-core-meta-20.45_1188099-3
               appstream-0.13.1-1  celt0.5.1-  ceph-15.2.6-4  corectrl-1.1.1-5
               cppunit-1.15.1-2  dxvk-bin-1.7.3-1  extra-cmake-modules-5.78.0-1
               gcc-objc-10.2.0-4  gn-0.1831.e002e68a-1  gnome-shell-1:3.38.3-1
               gnustep-make-2.8.0-1  go-2:1.15.6-1  gobject-introspection-1.66.1-3
               gperf-3.1-3  gtk2-perl-1.24993-2  guile2.0-2.0.14-4  help2man-1.47.16-1
               iso-flag-png-1.0.1-1  js52-52.9.0-4  js60-60.9.0-2  js68-68.12.0-1
               khtml-5.78.0-1  lazarus-2.0.10-2  lib32-alsa-oss-1.1.8-2
               lib32-libaio-0.3.112-1  lib32-libidn-1.36-1  lib32-lz4-1.9.3-1
               lib32-mangohud-0.6.1-2  lib32-nvidia-cg-toolkit-3.1-7
               lib32-soundtouch-2.2-1  lib32-wxgtk2-
               libhandy0-0.0.13+12+gaa6b6f4-2  libicns-0.8.1-7  liborcus-0.16.1-5
               libunity-7.1.4-9  libwnck-2.31.0-3  linux-latest-vhba-module-5.10-1
               lld-11.0.1-1  meson-0.56.2-1  mhwd-nvidia-340xx-340.108-1
               mozilla-common-1.4-6  netcf-0.2.8-8  nodejs-15.6.0-1
               opencl-headers-2:2020.12.18-1  openjpeg-1.5.2-3  python-coverage-5.3.1-1
               python-mock-3.0.5-5  python-pytoml-0.1.21-6
               python-setuptools-scm-5.0.1-1  python-sip4-4.19.24-1
               python-tinycss-0.4-5  python2-apsw-3.33.0-3  python2-css-parser-1.0.4-3
               python2-dateutil-2.8.1-5  python2-dbus-1.2.16-3
               python2-dnspython-1.16.0-3  python2-feedparser-5.2.1-9
               python2-gobject-3.36.1-3  python2-html2text-2019.8.11-4
               python2-ipaddress-1.0.23-2  python2-markdown-3.1.1-5
               python2-mechanize-1:0.4.5-1  python2-msgpack-0.6.2-4
               python2-netifaces-0.10.9-3  python2-opengl-3.1.5-1
               python2-pillow-6.2.1-3  python2-psutil-5.8.0-1  python2-pychm-0.8.6-1
               python2-pygments-2.5.2-2  python2-regex-2020.11.13-1
               python2-unrardll-0.1.4-2  qtutilities-6.3.3-1  rust-1:1.49.0-1
               scons-3.1.2-4  setconf-0.7.7-2  software-center-web-jak-1.0.2-1
               spirv-headers-1.5.4-1  subtitleedit-3.5.18-1  transgui-qt-5.18.0-2
               vulkan-headers-1:1.2.166-1  xmlto-0.0.28-4  xorg-font-utils-7.6-6
               xorg-fonts-alias-1.0.3-3  yasm-1.3.0-4  yelp-tools-3.38.0-1

Total Removed Size:  3855.22 MiB

:: Do you want to remove these packages? [Y/n]

Whoah there. Some of those packages should not be orphans and were explicitly installed to begin with.

:warning: DO NOT REMOVE THEM :warning:

Put these back the way they should be:

sudo pacman -D --asexplicit gnome-session gnome-settings-daemon libgdm mutter gnome-shell

I have the same issue after updating sudo + firefox today.
Did the aforementioned procedures but the problem persists. Interesting problem as I have not touched any settings today other than running sudo pacman -Syu after coming home from work.

Gnome-terminal is looking for the version 67 of the shared object. You have version 68. This seems like partial upgrade, gnome-terminal version is not in sync with it’s dependencies. Switch mirrors and update enabling downgrades:

sudo pacman-mirrors -f 5
sudo pacman -Syyuu

using this :
sudo pacman-mirrors -f 5 sudo pacman -Syyuu
did not help. it says synchronising packages and then there is nothing to do
i have the same output after entering pacman -Qi gnome-terminal icu lib32-icu | grep Version

Version : 3.38.2-1
Version : 68.2-1
Version : 68.2-1

and gnome terminal still wont launch any idea on what to do ?

Perhaps see:


yeah that seems to solve the problem. Also i dont know if it is case sensitive but it seems that the loacle conf had en_us.utf8 instead of en_US.UTF-8

This solved it for me.

Hi team -
I also lost access to gnome-terminal. I’ve read through the above. Not sure what to make of it. I’m only kinda-sorta technical, but there’s the output from my system of all the requested info. Your thoughts welcome. BTW…I installed a different terminal program to generate this output.



manjaro% gnome-terminal

Locale not supported by C library.

Using the fallback ‘C’ locale.

Error constructing proxy for org.gnome.Terminal:/org/gnome/Terminal/Factory0: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.gnome.Terminal: Timeout was reached

manjaro% pacman -Qi gnome-terminal icu lib32-icu | grep Version
Version : 3.38.2-1
Version : 68.2-1
Version : 68.2-1

manjaro% locale
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory

manjaro% bashtop
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
ERROR: No UTF-8 locale found!

anjaro% ls -l /etc/locale*
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 29 Jan 20 11:33 /etc/locale.conf
-rw-r–r-- 1 root root 9984 Feb 5 19:09 /etc/locale.gen
manjaro% sudo edit /etc/locale.gen
[sudo] password for rsv2:
manjaro% more /etc/local.gen
more: cannot open /etc/local.gen: No such file or directory

manjaro% pacman -Qm
icu67 67.1-1
iscan-plugin-gt-f720 2.30.4-2
system76-driver 20.04.24-1
system76-firmware-daemon 1.0.21-1

I had the same problem today. I’m just starting at linux, don’t mess around very much. I’ve been using Ubuntu for the last 2 years and switched to Manjaro 2 weeks ago, everything was working fine. Today I updated (pacman -Syu) and my gnome terminal broke. Fortunately, this thread was already around and the solution was already shown above: update the “locale.gen”

Maybe this has been happening to other people?

Thanks to everyone who replied this and the other topic!
Hopefully if anybody else is effected, they will see this post.

OK, that’s got it. I had a weird response to running sudo edit /etc/locale.gen (blank file), so I did it with sudo vim and it’s fixed and works.


I just did a massive update and now when I click on Gnome Terminal, it just spins but won’t open. I’ve had to install Pantheon terminal to have access. I have tried to reinstall it in Pamac.
BTW, I have edited the locale.gen file to not have a “#” in from of en_US.UTF-8 and restarted. Still no joy. BTW, the ‘solution’ listed above was from a previous forum that I had started and it didn’t help me. I had ended up reinstalling my OS that night instead, due to other complications unrelated to this. That reinstall solved my problem not the locale.gen correction mentioned above.

P.S. When I type in locale into Pantheon terminal I get the following errors:
manjaro% locale
locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory

I’m sorry for being overcareful, but when you say “restarted” you mean running, with sudo, the command “locale-gen” after altering the “/etc/locale.gen” file, correct? Again, I apologize if I’m being annoying but sometimes we miss obvious things.

Not obvious to me. So I appreciate you telling me. I was unaware of this need to type in locale-gen in sudo. I did this and it fixed it.

Thanks for the tip guys! This also fixed my problem. I edited “/etc/locale.gen” and run the command ‘locale-gen’ after that and all is good now!

I had the same problem on a completely fresh install of Manjaro yesterday.
No Gnome terminal right out of the box

All I’ve got in locale.conf is:


I tried changing it to UTF8, but it doesn;t make a difference.
Seriously, this stuff shouln’t happen on a fresh install

I’ve had this issue as well. I’ve opened a TTY, uncommented the locales I needed on /etc/locale.gen and then generated the locales with sudo locale-gen. All I had was C and POSIX on locale -a.

What @neilvilela said is the way to do it.
If you have no working terminal - go to a TTY
and edit /etc/locale.gen - remove the # in front of the locales you want to have.
for example:
sudo nano /etc/locale.gen

Save the file and run sudo locale-gen

Alternatively, you could use this command to append the locale to the end of the file without needing to edit it:
sudo echo "en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen
then, in both cases:
sudo locale-gen
to actually generate the locales

How this could have happened to so many people (the forum is full with this issue) is a mystery to me.
The locales where already set and generated - but somehow they got removed during that update.
It did not happen to everyone - just to some, Gnome and KDE users, as far as I could see.

I’m a MacBook Pro user, so using UK Macintosh
Maybe it’s just an issue for certain languages/locales like that

There usually is a quick fix but is it any wonder why Linux is not adopted widely? It’s not just about available software… it’s about shit like this happening to noobs who then get a sour taste about Linux in their mouth that possibly never goes away

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THANK YOU!! I didn’t know I had to run the locale-gen command. Thanks everyone :slight_smile: