Switch install from RPI4 to RPI5

The ksystemlog issue is wayland related for sure, it works fine on x11. I wonder if it is an app issue. I’ve been watching via journalctl -f and see nothing special when I fire it up - yet I see other wayland chatter in there. I’ll keep pushing along on wayland for now.

Mouse pointer: I’m not sure it is Wayland-specific. Pointer was flashing on X11 too. I remembered a skittish mouse issue from a couple of years ago. I changed a line in /boot/config.txt to fix it. May be a red herring.

My RPI5 is running a bit hotter than my overclocked RPI4. Maybe 4-5C warmer. Do others use the RPI active cooler? I have the official case w/ fan and running with lid off. Seems to idle in high 40C temp range.