Unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has failed

Please assist in how to solve the below.

Thank you.

Please assist in how to solve the below.

Thank you.

Could you possibly be a little more vague? You’re giving away too much information. :roll_eyes: :facepalm:


I rather give too much info then too little :slight_smile:

How to fix below error, complaining about Virtual Console setup

systemd-vconsole-setup[382]: /usr/bin/loadkeys failed with exit status 1.

Failed to start Virtual Console Setup.
░░ Subject: A start job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has failed

A start job for unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished with a failure.

You did not give any information.

Look for the error message in the forum, there are a few solutions:


It’s telling you that your keyboard definition is wrong. /usr/bin/loadkeys is the utility that loads your keyboard layout, and apparently it fails to do so, which means that your locale isn’t properly configured.

See… :point_down:

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Sorry only noticed now that posted the info before the section.

Only my 2nd post :slight_smile:

In that case, let me welcome you officially:

Hi @HannesViviers, and welcome!

In order for us, or anyone for that matter, to be able to provide assistance, more information is necessary. To that end, please see:

Please also note and heed: Forum Rules - Manjaro

Hope you manage!

:bangbang: Tip: :bangbang:

To provide terminal output, copy the text you wish to share, and paste it here, surrounded by three (3) backticks, a.k.a grave accents. Like this:

pasted text

Or three (3) tilde signs, like this:

pasted text

This will just cause it to be rendered like this:

Portaest sed
cursus nisl nisi
hendrerit ac quis
tortor sit leo commodo.

Instead of like this:

Portaest sed elementum cursus nisl nisi hendrerit ac quis sit adipiscing tortor sit leo commodo.

Alternatively, paste the text you wish to format as terminal output, select all pasted text, and click the </> button on the taskbar. This will indent the whole pasted section with one TAB, causing it to render the same way as described above.

Thereby improving legibility and making it much easier for those trying to be of assistance.

:bangbang::bangbang: Additionally

If your language isn’t English, please prepend any and all terminal commands with LC_ALL=C. For example:

LC_ALL=C bluetoothctl

This will just cause the terminal output to be in English, making it easier to understand and debug.

Please edit your post accordingly.

Keep all the above in mind for the future as well. :wink:

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Thank you so much

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you may have something syntactically wrong in

cat /etc/vconsole.conf

or you have that as a FILES or HOOKS entry in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
when you don’t need to

grep ^HOOKS /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
grep ^FILES /etc/mkinitcpio.conf