[Stable Update] 2024-10-01 - Kernels, Plasma 6.1.5, KDE Gear 24.08.1, LibreOffice, Virtualbox 7.1

Hello everyone! After the update when I restarted the system:

  • It takes some time for my mouse (wireless, connected throught a dongle) to be recognized and start working
  • I can’t turn on bluetooth graphically and when I tried to use bluetoothctl list to list available controllers, nothing appears

I never had either problem, or similar, before and I’m not sure what happened. I’d appreciate some tips towards the right direction. Thanks in advance!

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Possibly Kernel related? Which one are you using and have you tried another? (mhwd-kernel -li)
… Probably best to start your own thread on this. :smiley:

3 posts were split to a new topic: Last update push me back to Zorin OS

Possibly Kernel related? Which one are you using and have you tried another? (mhwd-kernel -li )

I’m using 6.6 (LTS). I haven’t tried another but I will (tomorrow :sweat_smile:).

… Probably best to start your own thread on this. :smiley:

OK thanks, I’ll try another kernel and maybe I will.

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Manjaro used to have kernel metapackages like Arch, but this made a lot of users very angry when their systems were updated to a buggy new kernel version

We do again. linux-meta.
And it seems a good number of people got it without intentionally installing.

These users should be using the version specific kernel package and not the metapackage.

We are currently in discussion on how to do that. The current meta package for now handles both but when 4.19 LTS will get EOL we might rather update those systems to 5.4 LTS or not at all.

Basically the idea is to have some established to avoid systems become unbootable due to removed kernels from our repos. More here: Find a proper solution to automate EOL kernel removal via ALPM (#13) · Issues · Release plan / Packaging · GitLab


An interesting thought, thanks. I’ll try a different cursor set.

With this update Spyder dependency for ‘github’ module was broken. Temporary solution is to install PyGithub with pip. pip install --break-system-packages PyGithub

I suppose, logically, there’s no reason for a user not to create a systemd timer to do the job. That’s what I did for my backintime installation; for some silly reason that package still expects cronie as well.

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I hope you do understand that is a dangerous workaround and puts you in an unsupported state.


I’ve seen all sorts, but this one is out of my range of openly publishable words to describe! :man_facepalming: We should be getting paid for this!

You must have seen me driving. :racing_car:

Aside volume control in Plasma, this update also introduced a kwin_wayland bug:

kwin_wayland[1897]: kwin_scene_opengl: Invalid framebuffer status: "GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT"


This is the worst update since years!

You KDE bug report only mentions kernel 6.11? Or did I skip over something?
I’m still on 6.10 still and also got a full AMD system. But no mentions in my logs of this kwin issue.

Kernel these times are irrelevant. All get patches from current RC development applied when they apply. So what might be an issue with 6.11 can also be in older series.

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I switched to testing and did the upgrade to see if this fixed the issue. It didn’t. I also upgraded to kernel 6.11, but it didn’t help either. I also tried downgrading sound related packages without results.

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Before you post new issues, search for them. A quick search I did I found this: Kwin invalid framebuffer status full system freezes - Help - KDE Discuss. There were reasons that I originally wanted to skip the whole 6.1 series but we had discussions that 6.0.5 might have more issues than 6.1.5 might have, so we updated also stable branch.

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The bug stared with the update 6.1.4-1 → 6.1.5-1, so I’m not sure if that is the same problem. The result seems similar, but there are no crashes as it was reported on kde bugtracker:


You may not remember, but I got this issue at first on testing update from 14.09. Due to lack of time, I switched to stable branch, but unfortunately, it was shipped to stable as well. The initial downgrade to 6.1.4 removed the issue.

You could try to downgrade kwin to 6.1.4 to see if there was a regression in kwin introduced. it always depends if it is a small issue which can be ignored as a warning or some issue which takes down your system.