[Stable Update] 2024-10-01 - Kernels, Plasma 6.1.5, KDE Gear 24.08.1, LibreOffice, Virtualbox 7.1

Further to my above posts on VirtualBox, there is an issue with launching VMs. Trying to run a “saved” state VM results in this error:

VM Name: Manjaro-GNOME

GCM#0: Saved GCM fixer set 0X0 differs from the configured one (0X8). [ver=1 pass=final] (VERR_SSM_LOAD_CONFIG_MISMATCH).
Result Code:
NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)
IConsole {6ac83d89-6ee7-4e33-8ae6-b257b2e81be8}

… and discarding the saved session doesn’t help; none of the other VMs will start either.

I’m looking into this; may put it in a separate thread if one doesn’t exist already.

Config file issue, by the looks of it. When I’ve fixed it, I’ll report back.

so much various issues,what are the culprits?
although 80% voted for no issues.

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One nasty that is looking worryingly frequent.

After a few hours logged in (seemingly a random time, though it appears to coincide with launching an application from a panel icon), my desktop freezes, with the mouse pointer changed to what shows when hovering over a link in a browser. The mouse pointer will move, but clicking anywhere has no effect; everything displayed freezes (so for example, the clock stays where it is).
Switching to a TTY and running plasmashell --replace has no effect, but hammering [ctrl][alt][backspace] successfully kills the session and sends me back to the SDDM login screen.

This is on Xorg (as I still can’t make Wayland work the way I need it).

Not something bad enough to open a new thread for, but notable enough to mention here: Ever since this update, KDE Plasma has occasional issues with the mouse when starting up or waking up from suspend, where one of two things happen: Either mouse sensitivity suddenly increases and moving the mouse a little causes the pointer to appear in random directions, and / or the pointer size becomes huge. Thankfully it’s easy to solve by reconnecting the mouse or goes away after writing your password, though this also happens in the login screen before logging in so the problem isn’t Wayland specific as I initially thought.

Related to that or not, waking up from standby is also a bit slower sometimes. Typically there used to be a black screen for some 5 seconds… now it can be a few seconds longer which I can live with, but once it was stuck for over half a minute and I was ready to presume it froze and do a harmful hard restart.


Found another issue, using OBS to capture games using pipewire window capture, the game freezes when in focus. The game losing focus makes it work again until it is in focus and locks up again, and removing the window capture or turning off obs makes the game work normally again. Was able to reproduce in Team Fortress 2 and Lethal Company.

In case someone uses bluetooth headset and Songrec for song recognition from playing audio: the workaround for now is to disable the automatic headset profile switching as per arch wiki. Details in the issue - Recognising from Bluetooth headphones works once in a blue moon · Issue #184 · marin-m/SongRec · GitHub

In this latest update Manjaro introduced a meta package to deal with EOL kernels. Since the Linux kernel has two release versions (stable and lts) I was recommending that they create a meta package for the lts version as well.


Especially if from 2026 the “longterm” kernels will (maybe?) only have 2 year shelf life.

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Thanks for update. :coffee:

Well, I noticed some minor errors after updating – but I don’t know, if they are really related to it:

Pamac showed Updates for Flatpak which won’t update at all. A working solutions seems to be here – Package manager shows flatpak updates that don’t disappear

and …

Timeshift (again) stops working because Cronie Service got disabled (again). I remembered this post as a solution to reenable it – Timeshift-gtk not doing scheduled snapshots

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Screenshot tools stopped working with error, but iris driver is present in the system MESA: error: Failed to query drm device. glx: failed to create dri3 screen failed to load driver: iris failed to open /dev/dri/card1: No such file or directory failed to load driver: iris

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90% of the problems are the usual suspects. Nvidia and Plasma. I am not saying Plasma is an alpha quality software, no, it is beta quality. :sweat_smile: And as such it requires more manual work in a rolling release. Fortunately or not, it is very beautiful and trendy, so a great deal of newbie users start with it. The vast majority of which do not read announcements and wikis, so they have problems more often.


Can’t restart something that wasn’t even running in the first place. Just because it’s installed, doesn’t mean it’s actively used and always running.

While this is essentially true…

If something is not actively used, and running, there is unlikely to be an issue with it in the first place, is there? :wink:

In any case, if you don’t like the solution given, don’t shoot the messenger. :innocent:


Also I got this issue,

flatpak update

didn’t work on as normal user just worked when tried as a superuser
Thanks for info

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Timeshift gtk is working on both of my KDE System’s (with X11 & Wayland).

I just created Snapshots on both system’s 5min ago, no issue at all :man_shrugging:

I never experienced this problem on my system’s, maybe a issue with mouse cursor layout.

I just check that out on my AMD Laptop with KDE and Wayland and no problems with running Steam native and Video’s in Steam store are working flawless :man_shrugging:

You may still have a EOL Kernel 6.9?

My cronie service is also happily running. I suggest @Deeleres you think what package that is not part of the default installation is messing with your services. Maybe something from AUR, or some custom hook?

I think @Deeleres means that the automatic periodic backups/snapshots are no longer running.

For some reason, timeshift relies on cronie for that. I do not know why the developer does not offer systemd timer support. :man_shrugging:

79% no issues and another 10% with issues that was verified fixed already with workaround’s… that means 89% have now a working system.

And the last 11% has issues, which maybe resolve able with the help of known issue or other work around’s or hopefully just minor problem’s.

Not to mentioned the problem is most of the time, in front of the PC :sweat_smile:

I also was thinking about that… after i wrote my message and checked it with:

systemctl status cronie

It was active and loaded… but maybe it was active/loaded because i created few mins earlier the snapshot? :thinking:

No, cronie is not an on-demand service. It’s an old-fashioned daemon that runs from boot-up to shutdown.

Also, you can always create manual snapshots even when cronie is not running.

On my system, cronie is disabled because the only thing that depended on it is timeshift, and I don’t use timed backups. I always make manual backups, and I have just made three backups again in the last three days, all manually by way of the timeshift GUI.

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Ohh good to know, then i could deactivate cronie also… because i also create only manual snapshots. :vulcan_salute:

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