[Stable Update] 2024-06-10 - Kernels, Systemd, NVIDIA, Mesa, Qt5

Is there a problem with the repo servers? Apparently they are all offline except the United States and globally.


Update went fine, but i have now this 2 new errors in journal after boot:

Intel with Nvidia PC (X11 KDE):

pulseaudio[1453]: Failed to open connection to session manager: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported
pulseaudio[1453]: Failed to load module "module-x11-xsmp" (argument: "display=:0 xauthority=/tmp/xauth_XzFcHs session_manager=local/koboldx-z170:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/1297,unix/koboldx-z170:/tmp/.ICE-unix/1297"): initialization failed

im using in grub on my PC:

I have the almost same error message on my AMD Laptop also :face_with_spiral_eyes:

AMD CPU/GPU Laptop (Wayland KDE):

pulseaudio[1163]: Failed to open connection to session manager: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported
pulseaudio[1163]: Failed to load module "module-x11-xsmp" (argument: "display=:1 xauthority=/run/user/1000/xauth_zgLhhD session_manager=local/koboldx--tuxedopulse15:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/874,unix/koboldx-tuxedopulse15:/tmp/.ICE-unix/874"): initialization failed.

Both systems running on LTS 6.6

Someone else having this errors in journal now?
Gaming is still fine on my PC btw.

I would guess… yes: Manjaro Status

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No. I just pushed some new packages to all branches, so it will take awhile for all them to catch up. Red ≠ offline. :wink:


Indeed, there are issues with the website right now. I’m not sure what’s going on, but the team is aware.


We changed how Nvidia drivers use DRM by default. Hybrid systems however use simpledrm to display plymouth. Currently we revert changes made to the nvidia modules.

updated Nvidia drivers are now pushed to stable branch: [manjaro-packages] [BoxIt] Memo (x64)


13 posts were split to a new topic: No GRUB menu after failed update

Solved this issue by installing ly display manager ) also had issues ith anything like sdm, gdm…


Have you seen this?:

Known issues and solutions

No plasma interface with kernel 6.9 + Nvidia gpu + Wayland

If you encouter a black screen with no inteface after login in, it’s probably a problem with simpledrm loading.

To solve it add nvidia_drm.fbdev=1 to /etc/default/grub
in the line begining with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=" .
Verify that you also have nvidia_drm.modeset=1 in the same line.
Then exec sudo update-grub

Also, verify that you have nvidia_drm in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf in the MODULES= or HOOKS= line.
Exemple :

MODULES=(nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm)

If it was not present, then run sudo mkinitcpio -P after adding it.

I dont’t know if you’re on wayland. It maybe this (or something of this) works on X11 too.


I don’t think this update was a stable update. There should have been more testing before it was rolled out. Many Users then quickly become overwhelmed.


A quick and problem-free update. Thanks devs.

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Solved this issue by installing ly display manager

This along with plymouth.enable=0 disablehooks=plymouth is the best I’ve seen.

The only problem is that ly has no virtual keyboard.


systemd-analyze                                                                             ✔ 
Startup finished in 7.857s (firmware) + 1.503s (loader) + 2.292s (kernel) + 3.321s (userspace) = 14.974s 
graphical.target reached after 3.321s in userspace
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Not sure what was updated in the latest that just came last night (11 hours ago), but I still need fbdev and modeset = 0 in grub or I just get a blinking cursor (hybrid laptop)

khelpcenter orphan?

Nothing depends on it except for kde-system-meta (just a meta package), so it’s up to you if you want it or not. If so, mark it as explicitly installed:

sudo pacman -D --asexplicit khelpcenter
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Since Linux kernel 6.7 is at the end of life, will there be a newer kernel being released with RT (real-time) for us music producers?

ok, thanks
well. it was made explicitly installed by me before the update, but when it became orphan, if I try to remove with octopi it want to remove three or four more packets (xapian-core, kdoctools and others that now I don’t remember)
so I removed with pacman -R
kde-system-meta is not installed here

Sooo, 6.7 was a kernel release for music producers?

If not and you want newer you can get 6.9 from your systray,

for sure, there will be newer rt-kernel. nothing to hesitate, use your kernel it’s eol but it’s not dead.