[Stable Update] 2024-05-13 - Kernels, Plasma 6, Gnome 46, LxQT 2.0, Nvidia, Pacman

That just confirms what I’ve said: we have to reset everything to default before the update, because the KDE developers didn’t implement settings migration.

But thanks for the link, I didn’t notice this got added.


You might have some semblence of recovery from this by following directions in my post above (scroll up a little, or click the following link):

I hope this help. Cheers.

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Migration either happened or wasn’t needed for my system. The only problem was downloaded widgets that didn’t support Plasma-6, but that’s down to the widget developers rather than KDE.


Ok so the good news is I did the whole pacnew-checker thingy until there where no more pacnews left to check! and lo and behold my computer hath not yet exploded! So that’s a relief… :blush: (my common sense also told me to back up all the relevant config and .pacnew files in question juuust in case I mess something up)

The not so great news is that my TTY situation is still as bleak as the deepest depths of outer space… so I created a new topic here in case anyone can help: Switching to TTY from GUI yields a black screen without any text or login prompt

Thank you to everyone who replied and tried to help me. You guys are all great. :+1:


Another (painful) problem with Plasma 6. Window rules are no longer put into effect, so windows are being placed all over the screen rather than where I want them.

A particular pain for me as I rely on precise window locations for automated keypresses in my photo editing workflow. Looks like I’m going to have to implement something using wmctrl as a workaround :frowning_face:

[Edit 2]: OK, my first “fix” wasn’t after all correct. The answer seems to be that you have to add a rule “ignore requested geometry” and set it to “Force”. So far this seems to be working.


I have tested LibreOffice 24.2.3 on XFCE and there, copy and paste works well.

I create a post here: Gnome 46 update brings display problems

Almost everything good, but:

on Gnome 46, okular segfaults when the mouse is hovering on the three buttons (minimize-maximize-close) on the window top bar. This is mysterious: it happens by just hovering on the buttons, okular shouldn’t even notice that, no?

May 15 20:58:41 ramoth kernel: okular[37659]: segfault at 6 ip 0000000000000006 sp 00007ffe38cd4258 error 14 in okular[558c7940b00>
May 15 20:58:41 ramoth kernel: Code: Unable to access opcode bytes at 0xffffffffffffffdc.
May 15 20:58:41 ramoth systemd[1]: Started Process Core Dump (PID 37754/UID 0).
May 15 20:58:41 ramoth systemd-coredump[37755]: [🡕] Process 37659 (okular) of user 1153 dumped core.
                                                Stack trace of thread 37659:
                                                #0  0x0000000000000006 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                                                #1  0x6b73bcc13efd8900 n/a (n/a + 0x0)
                                                ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
May 15 20:58:41 ramoth systemd[1]: systemd-coredump@2-37754-0.service: Deactivated successfully.

inxi basic information:

CPU: 8-core AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX with Radeon Graphics (-MT MCP-)
speed/min/max: 552/400/4680 MHz Kernel: 6.6.30-2-MANJARO x86_64 Up: 1h 51m
Mem: 7.77/30.78 GiB (25.2%) Storage: 3.64 TiB (38.4% used) Procs: 484
Shell: Zsh inxi: 3.3.34
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Applied the upgrade on 3 computers now.

first one is laptop with not much installed and the upgrade went smoothly, did not even need to revert the floating taskbar.

second is everyday laptop filled to the brim with many softwares and custom AUR things. upgrade would not apply, had a few of the dependencies blocks with java and plasma theme, which I fixed by removing the stuff that was asking for those dependencies. Could not reboot after upgrade, has to force power off the computer with the power button.
on first boot sddm theme was a default filled with errors, and upon login I changed this theme to another default one. Had to redo the plasma desktop to fit my usage, not why so many arguably useless changes to the gui, kde being kde I suppose.
after this step it was good to go

now the third computer is a desktop and here the upgrade failed to a long list of “file already exists error”, which strangely belonged to an AUR package I never installed polkit-qt6-git, removing it would break a dependencies to another AUR package I had never installed: kauth-git
after checking that the repo version (non AUR) were part of the system, I removed them and now the upgrade applied. again impossible to reboot after the uprade or close the session. Had force power off.
but now on next reboot I cannot log in to desktop, I am served with a number of errors.

Activation request for 'org.freedesktop.home1' failed: The systemd unit 'dbus-org.freedesktop.home1.service' could not be found.
sddm-helper[713]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
systemd[719]: plasma-ksmserver.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
systemd[719]: Failed to start KDE Session Management Server.
systemd[719]: Dependency failed for KDE Plasma Workspace Core.
systemd[719]: Dependency failed for KDE Plasma Workspace.
systemd[719]: Dependency failed for plasma-workspace-x11.target.
systemd[719]: plasma-kwin_x11.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'
systemd[719]: Failed to start KDE Window Manager.
systemd[719]: plasma-xdg-desktop-portal-kde.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
systemd[719]: Failed to start Xdg Desktop Portal For KDE.
plasmashell[842]: /usr/bin/plasmashell: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libKF6KIOWidgets.so.6: undefined symbol: _ZN18KDesktopFileActionaSEOS_
polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1[843]: /usr/lib/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1: undefined symbol: _ZN13KWindowSystem13setMainWindowEP7QWindowRK7QString
systemd[719]: plasma-plasmashell.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
systemd[719]: Failed to start KDE Plasma Workspace.
systemd[719]: plasma-polkit-agent.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
systemd[719]: Failed to start KDE PolicyKit Authentication Agent

and the errors continue to pile up like that, not sure what went wrong and this time I have no clue what I should do to fix this.

And I will not apply this update to the other computer until it is fixed.

Both of these would appear to be packages pulled in while updating AUR packages, possibly replacing core ones, as kauth and polkit-qt6 are both in the repos and should both be installed (on kde).

There is no way of knowing really if this was done multiple times with multiple things.
(well, there probably is, in your logs at /var/log/pacman.log, but thats another topic)

But if you simply ‘removed’ those named packages without replacing them then that would also be a problem.

I might suggest trying to use mapare or some other way of making sure you have the default packages you should.

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thanks for the reply.

afaik pacman -Syu does not update AUR packages, and unless someone got their hand on the administrative rights and installed some AUR crap behind my back, these should not have been pulled by any other AUR packages.
Is it possible they came as part of this update process. I think that when a package is removed from the official repository it is moved to the AUR.

Looking into it, it seems to me that during the update process several other packages have had the same treatment as I have now several packages from plasma5 that are showing as installed from AUR and requesting an update. despite never having been installed from AUR.

aur/kconfig-git              5.240.0_r1217.g70cdd538-1 -> 6.0.0_r1291.gdba356d6-1
aur/kcrash-git               5.240.0_r484.g12ac73f-1   -> 6.0.0_r517.g90f800f-1
aur/kdbusaddons-git          6.0.0_r536.g32ca9d0-1     -> 6.0.0_r537.g66b69f5-1
aur/ki18n-git                5.240.0_r685.g0612e75-1   -> 6.0.0_r723.ga0839c4-2
aur/kitemviews-git           5.240.0_r467.ge5816ea-1   -> 6.0.0_r498.gb1b4a01-1
aur/krunner5                 5.115.0-1                 -> 5.115.0-4
aur/kwidgetsaddons-git       5.240.0_r1209.g7af3f02b-1 -> 6.0.0_r1303.g557e18ec-1
aur/kwindowsystem-git        5.240.0_r965.ge768f9d-1   -> 6.0.0_r1009.g827ff06-4

I would do that but I have no idea what mapare is, and neither pacman or the AUR, a quick web search returns no relevant results. can you provide additional pointer to what mapare is, how to get it and how to use it to check this box is missing any packages ?

It does not.

But pamac can.
Are you sure you never updated with pamac ?

You upgraded them from the AUR at some point.
You should also remove all of them.

Its in the quote and link in the message you responded to. Click it.
You can follow the link there to the project page to see more about it.

Icons are being handled differently now. Your icon theme is probably not up-to-date. I would suggest installing a new icon theme and/or manually selecting an icon for the application launcher and for dolphin by clickng the Browse button.

See my reply to @baeric higher up in this post. :wink:

It does work correctly — at least at my end, it does — but there’s a new feature in the Plasma 6 version of the clipboard, which is that the clipboard icon will disappear when the clipboard is empty. It will reappear as soon as you copy something, and this is true regardless of whether the icon is in the system tray or whether you have it as a separate applet on your panel.

See my reply to @baeric higher up in this post. :wink:

Yes, that is a pity, but maybe they will bring it back as an option in the future if enough people request it.

However, as an alternative, there is now the option of binding the desktop cube effect to one of the hot corners. :wink:

Or, you could just use the KDE Wallet instead. :man_shrugging:

They did, but it may not catch everything, and especially so if you have a lot of customizations and third-party add-ons. It is impossible to account for all of the third-party stuff out there.

:+1: :partying_face:

I myself use pacnew-chaser from the AUR. It automatically backs up the configuration file you’re about to edit to ~/.local/share/pacnew-chaser/etc/, and then it invokes diffuse, which is an excellent GUI tool for comparing the two files.

There’s also manjaro-pacnew-checker in the official repository, but I haven’t tried that one yet.

Yes, I’ve noticed that too. The rules do still apply on account of some properties, but not to most of them. So that’s obviously a window manager bug. Hopefully they’ll fix it soon. :frowning_man:

There are a few -git packages in the official Manjaro repo, and there have been more in the past, for Staging packages. It is possible that you installed that group (or parts of it) in the past — or maybe you installed from a Staging ISO — and that those you mention are now still the remnants of that.

Not necessarily, although the package manager makes no distinction between AUR packages and “alien” packages — i.e. packages which are no longer in the repositories.


Hadnt seen this. Is it a setting I am missing?

But yes the clipboard does also ‘work’ here.

Or rather … in most (all? cant think of it simply reverting on its own) cases it wont really do the changes for you.
But it is highly suggested you do the various desktop refresh steps.
Because, besides the possibility of using out of date or incompatible addons, there is also various crud that could cause problems. Empty application launcher fixed by clearing the ~/.cache is an example.
(it something or other in .cache, but who cares to look?)

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No, there’s no setting for it. If you empty the clipboard, it’ll vanish from view.

In a way it makes sense, I guess. :man_shrugging:

Cannot reproduce.

Something is off with one of us. :sweat_smile:

Well, I’ll empty ~/.cache/ again later, but you’re on Unstable, so it’s possible that this has changed again in the meantime.

Tue but I think I would have noticed.
But then again. Maybe I didnt. :older_adult:

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After this update the Osmo Organizer app from the official repository stopped working correctly.
It is always at 100% cpu usage when executed and doesn’t open the GUI.
Anyone with this issue?

Edit1: Deleting the config file at ~/.config/osmo/config.xml seems to have solved the problem.

Edit2: Seems the issue continues after some time. Switched to the flatpak version but it is a previous app version which misses some features.

never used pamac, I am not even sure it is installed on this machine.

I figured out that all those AUR package had nothing to do in the system so for each of them I installed the corresponding package from the official repository.

while doing this I found out there were similar package from AUR back from the update from kde 4 to plasma 5. so I got rid of phonon-qt4 nepomuk and all remants of previous kde upgrades.

after this cleanup and a reboot, now it possible to log into the desktop again.

in the meantime I found cscs / mapare · GitLab by myself, but I’d rather not install stuff outside of package managers on this machine.