[Stable Update] 2024-05-18 - Linux-Firmware, PHP, Gitlab, Qt6

@philm there are still serious problems with OEM type packages.

As reported here;


2 posts were split to a new topic: Plasma 6 update - how did it go for you?

Unfortunately, both previous (13-05) and this updates block me from logging in Gnome desktop. After entering the password there’s a tiny rotating icon on the right which then disappears. Input into the password field is locked, although I can still open up the main menu in the top right corner (the one with wifi, bluetooth, reboot, etc. Going to console with Alt+Ctrl+F3 and back to Alt+Ctrl+F1 resets the login screen to user choice again.
Got these suspicious lines in journal:

May 18 08:54:52 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (WW) AMDGPU(0): flip queue failed: Invalid argument
May 18 08:54:52 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (WW) AMDGPU(0): Page flip failed: Invalid argument
May 18 08:54:52 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) AIGLX: Suspending AIGLX clients for VT switch
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) AIGLX: Resuming AIGLX clients after VT switch
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) AMDGPU(0): EDID vendor "BOE", prod id 2455
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) AMDGPU(0): Using hsync ranges from config file
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) AMDGPU(0): Using vrefresh ranges from config file
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) AMDGPU(0): Printing DDC gathered Modelines:
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) AMDGPU(0): Modeline "2560x1600"x0.0  553.25  2560 2608 2640 2720  1600 1603 1609 1695 +hsync -vsync (203.4 kHz eP)
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) NVIDIA(G0): Setting mode "NULL"
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) NVIDIA(G0): ACPI: failed to connect to the ACPI event daemon; the daemon
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) NVIDIA(G0):     may not be running or the "AcpidSocketPath" X
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) NVIDIA(G0):     configuration option may not be set correctly.  When the
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) NVIDIA(G0):     ACPI event daemon is available, the NVIDIA X driver will
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) NVIDIA(G0):     try to use it to receive ACPI event notifications.  For
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) NVIDIA(G0):     details, please see the "ConnectToAcpid" and
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) NVIDIA(G0):     "AcpidSocketPath" X configuration options in Appendix B: X
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate /usr/lib/gdm-x-session[1375]: (II) NVIDIA(G0):     Config Options in the README.
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate systemd[1]: session-3.scope: Deactivated successfully.
May 18 08:54:53 hellsgate systemd-logind[1026]: Removed session 3.

Then it goes again with same messages (or maybe it’s my next attempt to log in).

The list is for 2024-05-13 update

This update appears to make my computer much calmer than the 5-13 update. MacBook Pro.


When used in a Gnome desktop, okular still crashes when hovering over the three “buttons” on the right of the window top bar, as explained in [Stable Update] 2024-05-13 - Kernels, Plasma 6, Gnome 46, LxQT 2.0, Nvidia, Pacman - #599 by Rmano (I hoped that the qt6-base update could fix it, but no).


  1. install okular from flatpack
  2. create a file ~/bin/okular with content
    #! /bin/bash
    exec flatpak run org.kde.okular "$@"

Now, it “works”, although it has a completely different look from the rest of the system (better than nothing).

I will try to keep this updated if a new update (!) fixes the issue. If I find instruction on how to do it, I could even try to report the problem to the KDE bugzilla…

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Since the May 13 update (thread is closed there) the auto-type option in KeePassXC doesn’t work anymore (Gnome). I have to manually copy and paste user names and passwords. Anyone else with this problem?

May be you have switched to Wayland? KeePassXC auto-type is not supported by default.



I could not reproduce … but then I realize you are using the flatpak okular?

I interpret his answer as:

  • This problem is in the native okular
  • for some or other reason, this problem is not in the flatpak okolar… (and why @rmano installed the flatpak as a workaround until the native one starts working again…


Yes, @Fabby is correct. It happens to me for the (repository) okular, and also if I compile the AUR git package. It does not happen with the flatpak one, so I am using it now.

Could be a problem with the theme? I am using the Adwaita icons, and when starting the flatpack okular, I have a warning Requested decoration "adwaita" not found, falling back to default

Puzzling, really. So @cscs , for you okular is running ok (no crashes) with Gnome 46 and wayland?

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I’m on KDE. But yes it does work and I never experienced crashes.

I dont know much about adwaita/gnome … but I’m pretty sure I recall gnome breaking their own things.

Yup, heres a link:

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Yes, there is no problem with KDE, I am sure. This thing started happening when I upgraded last week; I suppose it’s something related to the switch to gnome 46 and the last gtk4 release.

So to check if it’s reproducible, it should be done with a Gnome desktop…

If its believed to be a desktop specific bug then include that when reporting.
In your initial post the only DE you mention is KDE.

I included gnome specific remarks after you mentioned gnome.

With some images set I get a black screen when I lock my screen on KDE Plasma. They’re not showing up. The image of the day is working, some of the older preinstalled images too. What can I do to solve this?

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Telegram Desktop no longer works correctly on Pasma 6. The application loses focus and the mouse stops interacting.
In the terminal I get this error:
qt.svg: Error while inflating gzip file: SVG format check failed

I always have to restart Telegram every time I try to write and send a message!

Ah,yes, you are right. I’ll edit— I had “On gnome 46” as the first words on my original (linked) post, but failed to reproduce that vital information here - sorry.

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Telegram desktop works without a hitch here on Plasma 6 and this thread here has no solution, so sorry to ask, but have you tried:

  • removing Telegram, reinstall
  • removing Telegram and its config files, reinstall?

If yes, post a new issue here as the Telegram guys will be able to help you better than us…

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No issues here. Smooth update.

Which telegram package do you have installed? telegram-desktop from the repos is the one I’m using, with no issues. The AUR packages have issues sometimes.

qBittorrent from Official Repositories Extra stopped working after update.
I uninstalled it and installed the one from Flatpak. But I have to configure everything again, :unamused: